"Barwell" was a convict ship that left Portsmouth, England on 7/11/1797 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 18/5/1798 with 296 male convicts (9 died enroute). There was an attempted mutiny during the journey
- Abbott, James
- Abbott, William
- Allen, James
- Allum, William
- Andrews, William
- Appleton, Richard
- Ashfield, Henry
- Audsley, David
- Avery, William
- Bailey, William
- Baker, Philip
- Baker, Thomas
- Baker, William
- Ball, Thomas
- Bark, John
- Barker, William
- Barnard, Richard
- Barnes, James
- Barratt, William
- Barron, William
- Bartlett, Thomas
- Baylis, Richard
- Beachey, Margaret - Margaret Leviston - Beechey - Woodger, [Free Settler "Barwell" 1798]
- Beachy, Samuel - Samuel Beechey, Marine "Barwell" 1798
- Beazley, Charles - Charles William Beasley, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Bedford, William
- Beldham, William
- Bendall, John
- Bennison, William
- Bingham, John
- Bird, John
- Birt, Thomas
- Blandford, William
- Booth, Joseph
- Bowman, George - George Bowman, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Bowman, Honora - Honora Bowman, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Bowman, John - John Bowman, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Bowman, Mary - Mary Chisholm, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Bridgen, Roger
- Bristow, Thomas
- Broadbent, James
- Broughton, Richard
- Brown, John
- Brown, William
- Cadman, John
- Calf, William - William Cafe / Calf, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Carey, John
- Carlisle, William
- Carr, William
- Carter, William - William Carter [Convict "Barwell" 1798]
- Caton, John
- Chamberlaine, William
- Chandler, Anthony
- Chapman, Robert
- Clark, John
- Clarke, Jeremiah
- Clevir, Edmund
- Clewes, John
- Cliff, William
- Clower, Thomas
- Coleman, Henry
- Collins, William
- Collis, George - George Albert Joseph Colless, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Cook, William
- Cooke, John
- Cooper, Alice Catherine - Alice Catherine Cooper, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Cooper, Charles - Charles C Cooper, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Cooper, Robert
- Cooper, Thomas - Thomas Cecil Cooper, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Corduroy, George
- Cox, James
- Crofts, William
- Dagley, Robert
- Davis, Charles
- Davis, John
- Davis, John
- Davis, William
- Day, Thomas
- Dent, Samuel
- Dew, Alexander
- Deydale, William
- Donnelly, James
- Douglas, Peter
- Driver, John
- Dunn, Richard
- Evestaff, Thomas
- Fathy, Edmund
- Faucett, William
- Feffkins, John
- Fenwick, Thomas
- Fifield, Thomas
- Finch, George
- Flavell, James
- Fossett, James
- Francis, Joseph
- Furnell, Samuel
- Gambling, George - George (Gambling) Gamble [Convict "Barwell" 1798]
- Gardner, David
- Gardner, John
- Gilbert, Joseph
- Gorman, Patrick
- Grace, Israel
- Gray, John - John Gray, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Green, John
- Green, John
- Green, William
- Greenaway, James
- Griffin, Christopher
- Guilmore, Daniel
- Gurnsey, John
- Hackett, Thomas - Thomas Hackett [Convict "Barwell" 1798]
- Halls, William
- Hampson, Thomas
- Hanks, James - James William Hanks, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Harcourt, Samuel
- Hardwicke, James
- Harris, Edward
- Harrison, John
- Haslam, Samuel - Samuel Haslam, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Haxall, Edward
- Haycock, Richard
- Hayward, James
- Heath, Charles
- Heath, William
- Henderson, James
- Henderson, William
- Heron, Thomas
- Hickson, James - James Rixon, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Hill, James
- Hockman, William
- Hodges, John
- Hodges, Joseph
- Hodges, Thomas
- Holdsworth, Jonathan
- Holmes, William
- Holt, John
- Hopwood, James
- Houlden, Lawrence
- Howarth, William
- Howson, John
- Hudson, Jesse
- Hunt, John
- Hunt, Joseph
- Hutchinson, Abraham - Abraham Hutchinson, convict "Barwell" 1798
- Jackson, Richard
- Jackson, Thomas
- Jaques, John
- Johnson, John
- Johnson, John
- Jones, John
- Jones, John
- Jones, John
- Jones, Thomas - Thomas Miles [Convict "Barwell" 1798]
- Jones, Thomas
- Jones, William
- Jones, William
- Kemp, Abraham - Abraham Kemp [Convict "Barwell" 1798]
- Kinshott, William
- Knight, John
- Knight, Robert
- Knoll, James
- Knoll, Thomas
- Lancashire, William John
- Langley, William
- Lawrence, John
- Lay, John
- Layton, Jonathan
- Lee, John
- Levatt, George
- Levey, Henry
- Lewis, John - John Lewis, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Lindsay, Edward - Edward Lindsay, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Lindsay, William
- Liquorish, John
- Loader, Joseph
- Loraine, Alexander
- Lowe, James
- Lowe, William
- Lust, Andrew
- Lutherborrow, Paul - Paul Lutherborrow [Convict Barwell 1798]
- Marsh, Henry
- Mason, George
- Mathews, John
- Matthews, George
- Mayberry, Joseph
- Maybery, John
- Mc Dermot, Bartholomew
- Mc Ginnis, William
- Mein, James
- Miller, William
- Millington, Edward
- Mobbs, William - William Mobbs, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Moore, Abraham
- Morgan, George
- Morgan, Thomas
- Morris, Edward
- Morris, Richard
- Mortimer, William
- Morton, Edward
- Morton, Joseph
- Moulds, Simon - Simon Moulds, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Murray, Michael
- Murray, Owen
- Murray, William
- Nash, William
- Nathan, Elias
- North, Andrew
- North, Thomas
- Oldnall, Thomas
- Orrin, James
- Oyens, James
- Parkins, James
- Parks, John
- Partridge, James
- Payton, Thomas
- Perry, Edward
- Petty, James
- Peyton, Isaac - Isaac Payten, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Phillips, Richard
- Pierce, William
- Platt, James
- Poach, George
- Pooley, Samuel
- Potter, Samuel
- Povey, John
- Presnell, William
- Purver, Abel
- Quinn, James
- Race, James
- Ridley, James - James Ridley, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Roberts, John
- Robinson, Michael
- Robinson, William
- Rock, Michael
- Rose, Jeremiah
- Rose, Thomas - Thomas Rose, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Rowland, Benjamin
- Rowley, Samuel
- Rowson, Anthony
- Salmon, Joseph
- Sandall, Samuel - Samuel Sandall, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Scoldwell, Charles
- Sealey, Thomas
- Seaton, Charles
- Sevell, Edward
- Shepherd, John
- Sherburn, David
- Shergold, John
- Simmons, Robert
- Simpkins, Charles
- Smith, James - James Smith, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Smith, John Snr - John Smith, Snr, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Smith, John Jnr - John Smith, Jnr, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Smith, Joseph
- Smith, Mary - Mary Elder, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Smith, Mary - Mary Smith, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Smith, Miles Andrew
- Smith, Robert - Robert Smith, Free Settler "Barwell" 1798
- Smith, Thomas
- Smith, William
- Smith, William
- Soulflatt, Joseph
- Sowerber, John
- Standen, Daniel
- Staning, Abraham
- Sutton, William
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, Thomas
- Thomas, John
- Thompson, William
- Thorogood, John
- Tiney, William
- Trindall, James
- Tutwell, Thomas
- Tyso, John
- Vandercomb, James - James Vandercom, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Vaughan, Joseph
- Vaux, Benjamin
- Waddington, John
- Ward, George
- Ward, William
- Ware, Joseph
- Warren, John
- Webb, John
- Welch, John
- Wells, William
- West, Absalom
- West, William
- Weston, Richard
- White, John
- Widowson, Samuel
- Wigan, Ralph
- Wild, James
- William, John
- Williams, Job
- Williams, John
- Williams, John
- Williams, John
- Williams, John
- Williams, Thomas
- Williams, William
- Willis, William
- Willmott, George
- Wilson, William
- Wolfe, George
- Wood, Charles - Charles Robert Wood, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Wood, William
- Wood, William Jesterman
- Woodward, John - John Woodward, Convict "Barwell" 1798
- Wright, James
- York, Thomas
- Young, John
- Young, John
- Young, William