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Battle of Aberdeen

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Date: 13 September 1644

Location: Aberdeen, Scotland


  • Royalist Irish and Highland Scots
  • Strength: 1,500 foot, 44 horse (cavalry)
  • Losses: Light
  • Parliamentarian Scots Covenanters
  • Strength: 2,500 foot, 500 horse
  • Losses: 160

Commanders and leaders

Royalist Irish and Highland Scots

  • Lord Montrose
  • Alasdair MacColla
  • James Hay
  • Sir Nathaniel Gordon
  • Sir William Rollock

Parliamentarian Scots Covenanters

  • Lord Burleigh
  • Lord Lewis Gordon
  • Forbes of Craigievar
  • Forbes of Boyndlie


From 1644 to 1651 a series of civil wars were fought in Scotland, England (English Civil War) and in Ireland (Irish Confederate Wars). These were called the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. They followed conflicts such as the Bishops Wars (between Scotland and England) and the Irish Rebellion of 1641.
Scotland had in 1638 risen in revolt against Charles I's religious policies. The National Covenant of Scotland was created to resist Charles I's ideas. It also expressed a wider Scottish dissatisfaction with Charles I's policies.



Lord Burleigh's 2,500 defenders were overwhelmed and forced to flee. 160 men were killed. The Irish and Highland troops then looted the town and neighbouring villages.


Casualties and losses

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