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British Army - The Royal Sussex Regiment

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Left; Soldier of 35th regiment, 1742. Badges above from left - 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot; By Unknown - Public Domain, Wiki Commons: Badges - 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment of Foot: The Royal Sussex Regiment, Courtesy of British Military Badges

The Royal Sussex Regiment
British Army - Infantry

Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment

(Reflecting historic name changes)

3rd Bengal European Light Infantry

3rd Bengal Light Infantry

35th (The Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot

35th Foot (Royal Sussex)

35th Regiment of Foot

35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot

35th (The Sussex) Regiment of Foot

107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment of Foot

107th Foot (Bengal Infantry)

Belfast Regiment

Earl of Donegall's Regiment of Foot

Please link profiles of those who served in the The Royal Sussex Regiment (including those in the "included" list above), to this project regardless of rank, conflict or nationality. People of note can be individually listed in Alphabetical Order below.

Regiments and Corps of the British Army

The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment

The Royal Sussex Regiment - WW1


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The Royal Sussex Regiment

The Royal Sussex Regiment was a line infantry regiment of the British Army that was in existence from 1881 to 1966. The regiment was formed in The regiment saw service in the Second Boer War, and both World War I and World War II.

Active - 1881-1966

Motto - Honi soit qui mal y pense (unofficial) Nothing succeeds like Sussex

Uniform -

Corps March -

  • The Royal Sussex (unofficial) Sussex by the Sea

Nick-names -

  • The Prince of Orange's Own
  • The Orange Lilies
  • The Haddocks
  • The Iron Regiment



Formed in 1881 as part of the Childers Reforms by the amalgamation of the 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot and the 107th Regiment of Foot (Bengal Light Infantry).


The Royal Sussex Regiment

// Sussex Regiment - collar badge Courtesy of British Military Badges 1881 - amalgamation of the 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot and the 107th Regiment of Foot (Bengal Light Infantry) to form the 1st and 2nd Battalions of The Royal Sussex Regiment.

1881-1914 - The 1st Battalion was sent to Egypt as part of General Garnet Wolseley's expedition to crush the ‘Urabi Revolt and conquer Egypt in the name of the Khedive. The 1st battalion was also part of the Nile Expedition, an unsuccessful attempt to save General Charles Gordon and his garrison at Khartoum during the Mahdist War. Twenty men of the regiment, led by Lieutenant Lionel Trafford, constituted the advanced party which marched towards Khartoum.
1885 - January. The battalion took part in the Battle of Abu Klea when Muhammad Ahmad was defeated. The same year the 2nd Battalion moved to India and took part in the Hazara Expedition in 1888.
1899 - December. A 3rd Militia Battalion was formed of the Royal Sussex Light Infantry embarked for South Africa to take part in the Second Boer War in March 1901 1900 - The 1st Battalion fought at the Battle of Doornkop during the Second Boer War.

1914-1918 - see The Royal Sussex regiment - WW1

Second World War - see WIKI for activity

1966 - Amalgamated with ...

  • the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment,
  • the Queen's Own Buffs,
  • The Royal Kent Regiment and the
  • Middlesex Regiment to form the Queen's Regiment.

The Regimental Museum is at the Eastbourne Redoubt, Royal Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex

Battle Honours

  • From 35th Regiment of Foot: Maida
  • Gibraltar 1704-05, Louisburg, Quebec 1759, Martinique 1762, Havannah, St. Lucia 1778, Egypt 1882, Abu Klea, Nile 1884-85, South Africa 1900-02
  • The Great War (23 battalions): Mons, Retreat from Mons, Marne 1914 '18, Aisne 1914, Ypres 1914 '17 '18, Gheluvelt, Nonne Bosschen, Givenchy 1914, Aubers, Loos, Somme 1916 '18, Albert 1916 '18, Bazentin, Delville Wood, Pozières, Flers-Courcelette, Morval, Thiepval, Le Transloy, Ancre Heights, Ancre 1916 '18, Arras 1917 '18, Vimy 1917, Scarpe 1917, Arleux, Messines 1917, Pilckem, Langemarck 1917, Menin Road, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde, Poelcappelle, Passchendaele, Cambrai 1917 '18, St. Quentin, Bapaume 1918, Rosières, Avre, Lys, Kemmel, Scherpenberg, Soissonais-Ourcq, Amiens, Drocourt-Quéant, Hindenburg Line, Épéhy, St. Quentin Canal, Beaurevoir, Courtrai, Selle, Sambre, France and Flanders 1914-18, Piave, Vittorio Veneto, Italy 1917-18, Suvla, Landing at Suvla, Scimitar Hill, Gallipoli 1915, Rumani, Egypt 1915-17, Gaza, El Mughar, Jerusalem, Jericho, Tell 'Asur, Palestine 1917-18, N.W. Frontier India 1915 1916-17, Murman 1918-19
  • Afghanistan 1919
  • The Second World War: Defence of Escaut, Amiens 1940, St. Omer-La Bassée, Forêt de Nieppe, North-West Europe 1940, Karora-Marsa Taclai, Cub Cub, Mescelit Pass, Keren, Mt. Engiahat, Massawa, Abyssinia 1941, Omars, Benghazi, Alam el Halfa, El Alamein, Akarit, Djebel el Meida, Tunis, North Africa 1940-43, Cassino I, Monastery Hill, Gothic Line, Pian di Castello, Monte Reggiano, Italy 1944-45, North Arakan, Pinwe, Shweli, Burma 1943-45



35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot

Active - 1701-1881;
Nicknames "The Orange Lillies"; "The Prince of Orange's Own Regiment"
Motto Honi soit qui mal y pense

The 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot was an infantry regiment of the British Army raised in 1701. The regiment amalgamated with the 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment of Foot to form the Royal Sussex Regiment in 1881.

1701 - raised as Earl of Donegall's Regiment of Foot. Also called Belfast Regiment - Maj.-Gen. Arthur Chichester, 3rd Earl of Donegall

1701-1710 and 1717-1718 - Served as Marines

Known by colonel's names until 1751

1706 - Richard Gorges
1717 - Charles Otway

1747 - Ranked 35th Regiment of Foot

1751 - Formally named 35th regiment of Foot

1782 - Re-designated 35th (The Sussex) Regiment of Foot

1832 - Re-designated 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot

1881 - amalgamated with the 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment of Foot (see timeline below), to form 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Royal Sussex Regiment

Battle honours

  • Napoleonic Wars: Maida
  • Gibraltar 1704-05, Louisburg, Quebec 1759 (all three awarded to successor regiment, 1882)
  • Martinique 1762, Havannah, St. Lucia 1778 (all three awarded to successor regiment, 1909)

Regimental Colonels

Earl of Donegal's Regiment of Foot

  • 1701–1706: Col. Arthur Chichester, 3rd Earl of Donegall
  • 1706–1717: Lt-Gen. Richard Gorges
  • 1717–1764: Gen. Charles Otway

35th Regiment of Foot (The Prince of Orange's Own Regiment) - (1751)

  • 1764–1803: Gen. Henry Fletcher
  • 1803–1819: Gen. Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond, KG

35th (the Sussex) Regiment - (1805)

  • 1819–1840: Gen. Sir John Oswald, GCB, GCMG 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot - (1832)
  • 1840–1845: Lt-Gen. Sir Richard Downes Jackson, KCB
  • 1845–1857: Gen. Sir George Henry Frederick Berkeley, KCB
  • 1857–1861: Lt-Gen. John Leslie, KH
  • 1861–1863: Gen. Sir George Leigh Goldie, KCB
  • 1863–1875: Gen. Arthur Simcoe Baynes
  • 1875–1879: Gen. Henry Renny, CSI
  • 1879–1881: Gen. Sir Richard Thomas Farren, GCB


107th Regiment of Foot (Bengal Light Infantry)

The 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment of Foot was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1862 to 1881, when it was amalgamated into the Royal Sussex Regiment.

1748 - 2nd Battalion of 35th Foot raised; disbanded 1749
1799 - 2nd Battalion of 35th Foot raised; disbanded 1803
1805 - 2nd Battalion of 35th Foot raised; disbanded 1817
1853 - Honourable east India Company raised the 3rd Bengal European Light Infantry

1859 - the 3rd Bengal Light Infantry passed to Crown Control

1861 - entered the British Army as 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment of Foot

1881 - 107th Foot (Bengal Infantry) was amalgamated with 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot to form The Royal Sussex Regiment. (See below).

Regimental Colonels

3rd Bengal Light Infantry

  • <1862: Maj-Gen. George Huyshe, CB 107th Regiment of Foot (Bengal Light Infantry) (British Army)
  • 1862–1868: Gen. Sir George Petre Wymer, KCB
  • 1868–1873: Lt-Gen. William James D'Urban
  • 1873–1881: Gen. Hon. Arthur Upton


Notable Personnel

Names with Bold links are to Geni profiles. Other links take you to external biographical web pages.

Victoria Crosses during World War I

  • Sgt. Harry Wells - (Posthumous in the Battle of Loos 1915)
  • Lt. Eric Archibald McNair - (Hooge in Belgium 1916)
  • Company Sergeant Major Nelson Victor Carter, VC - (Posthumous at Richebourg-l'Avoué in France 1916)
  • Lieut. Col. Dudley Graham Johnson - (Crossing the Sambre Canal in November 1918)

Regimental Colonels

  • 1881 (1st Bn): Gen. Henry Renny, CSI WIKI
  • 1881–1883: (2nd Bn): Gen. Hon. Arthur Upton
  • 188n–1885: (1st Bn): Gen. Sir Richard Thomas Farren, GCB WIKI
  • 1885–1888: Lt-Gen. William Lenox Ingall, CB
  • 1888–1895: Lt-Gen. Robert Julian Baumgartner, CB
  • 1895–1898: Lt-Gen. John McNeill Walter, CB
  • 1898–1900: Lt-Gen. Sir George Samuel Young, KCB
  • 1900–1901: Gen. Sir John Davis, KCB WIKI
  • 1901–1903: Lt-Gen. Sir Henry Francis Williams, KCB
  • 1903–1914: Lt-Gen. Sir William Freeman Kelly, KCB
  • 1914–1926: Maj-Gen. James Charles Young, CB
  • 1926–1941: Brig-Gen. William Lushington Osborn, CB, CMG, DSO
  • 1941–1942: Brig. Richard Maule Birkett, DSO (1882-1942)
  • 1942–1953: Brig. Thomas Francis Vere Foster, CBE, MC
  • 1953–1963: Gen. Sir Lashmer Gordon Whistler, GCB, KBE, DSO
  • 1963–1966: Brig. John Blackwood Ashworth, CBE, DSO
























Sources, References and Further Reading

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