The goal of this project is to find the connections between the families which origins come from the Ottoman Empire (see map http://looklex.com/e.o/atlas/h-ottomans.htm), especially Turkey, most specifically from Edirne (Одрин or Andrinople), where several branches that are included here on Geni have started.
The Patriarchs
Elias Avram Canetti, born in 1850, Andrinople, Turkey, is the grandfather of Nobel Laureate Elias Canetti. The Bulgarian-born writer describes him in his book "The Tongue Set Free".
Elia Haim Canetti, born in 1856, Andrinople, Turkey, followed his son Josué Salvador to Brazil in the beginning of 20th, as his other children. Just one of them, Emil stayed in Turkey.
In his family, we find marriages to other different branches:
- Elias Simantov Canetti, born in 1879, Andrinople, Turkey, whose parents Simantov and Sol we don't have anymore information. Elias Simantov married a cousin, Elia Haim's daughter, Sarah Canetti.
- Joshua (Yechoua) Canetti was married to a Rodrig sister - Rachel Canetti (Rodrig), like Elia Haim Canetti to Bertha (Boulissou) Canetti (Rodrig). Her daughter Nehama Canetti married Mosse Canetti, Elia Haim Canetti's son.
- Nisim Kaneti born before 1910, is the father of Sara (Zali) Kaneti , married to Sadi Canetti, brother of Elias Simantov Canetti.
Eliakim Canetti, born in 1863, Andrinople, Turkey, son of Jontow Haim Canetti and Zunbul Eliakim (Laura/Oro) Behar.
Elie Canetti, born in 1881, Andrinople, Turkey, son of Raphael Canetti and Zimbul Jivre.