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Christmas Island Parish Pioneers

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  • Hugh Campbell, #299 & #300 (deceased)
    From page #085 "History of Christmas Island Parish": John R. married Bessie, daughter of Murdock McKenzie (Ban), of Christmas Island, and has a large family. Of these, Dan J. R., is married to Maggie...
  • Donald "Dan J.R." "Red Dan" MacNeil, #267 (1874 - 1958)
    From page #085 "History of Christmas Island Parish": John R. married Bessie, daughter of Murdock McKenzie (Ban), of Christmas Island, and has a large family. Of these, Dan J. R., is married to Maggie...
  • Mary Ann Farrell (Bryden) (1873 - 1969)
    From the Historical Sketch of Christmas Island Parish: page 18 John (Iain Eoghain) settled on a part of his father’s estate, and married Ann, daughter of Angus Gillis (Hugh), Christmas Island, ...
  • Michael James Farrell (1862 - 1926)
    From the Historical Sketch of Christmas Island Parish: page 18 John (Iain Eoghain) settled on a part of his father’s estate, and married Ann, daughter of Angus Gillis (Hugh), Christmas Island, Iss...
  • Roderick "Rory" MacLennan (c.1770 - 1855)
    From "Clan MacLennan": "(Roderick) Rory Maclennan was a native of Kintail, Scotland. He married Mary MacLellan of South Uist, Scotland. Rory, with his wife and family, emigrated to America in 1821. W...

Project is to capture all of the pioneers in the genealogy book "History of Christmas Island Parish". This will be helpful for anybody researching ancestors connected to Christmas Island Parish.