There's a lot to clean up in this area, in part because parts obviously are confusing to many people, in part because some of the sequences have been revised recently by historians.
For this project we mostly care about the hereditary counts, mostly belonging to the House of Rouergue, not the previous counts appointed by the French kings.
From Wikipedia: The first Counts of Toulouse were the administrators of the city and its environs under the Merovingians. No succession of such royal appointees is known, though a few names survive to the present. With the Carolingians, the appointments of both counts and dukes become more regular and better-known, though the office soon fell out of the orbit of the royal court and became hereditary.
The hereditary Counts of Toulouse ruled the city of Toulouse and its surrounding county from the late 9th century until 1270. The counts and other family members were also at various times Counts of Quercy, Rouergue, Albi, and Nîmes, and Margraves of Gothia and Provence. Also, Raymond IV de St. Gilles founded the Crusader state of Tripoli, and his descendants were counts there...
Naming Conventions
See: Provinces of Occitania.
List of Counts
Links to profiles to be added as they're identified. Plus, the sequence might change, based on better sources.
- 844–852 Fredelon
- 844–849 William II, successfully opposed Fredelon
- 852–863 Raymond I, Fredelon's brother
- 863–865 Humfrid, deposed Raymond
- 863–865 Sunifred, appointed to oppose Humfrid
- 865–877 Bernard II
- son of Raymond I & Bertha de Remy?
- 877–886 Bernard III
- 886–918 Odo
- lived - 918
- son of Raymond I & Bertha de Remy?
- m: Gersinde d'Albi
- 918–924 Raymond II
- lived - 924
- son of Odo & Garsinde d'Albi?
- m: Guidenilda de Barcelone
- 924–950 Raymond III Pons, traditionally called Raymond III. It had long been thought that he was succeeded directly by William III. However, recent research suggests adding at least one and probably three previously overlooked counts. That two were named Raymond has resulted in conflicting numbering systems, but most historians continue to use the traditional numbering for later Raymonds.
- lived 900/10 - 944/69
- son of Guinidilda
- m: Gersende, (d. Garcia Sanchez "le Tors/el Curvo" Comte de Gascogne)
- 950–961 Raymond III (or IV), son of Raymond Pons
- lived 925/30 - 972
- son of Raymond Pons and Gersenda (d. García II of Gascony)
- m: Gundinildis
- 961–972 Hugh
- son of Gundinildis
- 972–978 Raymond IV (or V)
- lived 945/55 - 972/79
- son of Gundinildis
- m: 1. ? 2. Adélaïde d'Anjou (d. Foulques II "le Bon" Comte d’Anjou)
- 978–1037 William III Taillefer
- lived 970/75 - 1037
- son of Raymond IV (probably)
- m: 1. Arsende, 2. Emma de Provence (d. of Rotbold [II] Comte de Provence)
- 1037–1061 Pons
- lived 995/97 - 1060
- son of Emma de Provence
- m: 1. Mayor, 2. Almodis de la Marche, 3. Sancha de Aragon.
- 1061–1094 William IV
- lived - 1094, killed in battle of Huesca, left no male heir
- son of Almodis de la Marche
- m: 1. Mathilde, 2. Emma de Mortain,
- 1094–1098 Raymond IV de Saint Gilles, takes over the County of Toulouse on the death of his brother William IV. A leader of the first crusade.
- lived ~1042 – 1105, died in Tripoli, Lebanon
- son of Almodis de la Marche
- m: 1. Unknown 1st cousin, 2. Mathilde of Sicily, 3. Elvira (d. of Alphonso VI of Castille)
- 1098–1105 Philippa Maude usurps Toulouse while Raymond IV is on crusade, aided by her husband
- daughter of Emma de Mortain
- m: William IX, Duke of Aquitaine.
- 1105–1112 Bertrand
- lived - 1112
- son of Raymond IV de Saint Gilles
- m: Helie of Burgundy (d. of Eudes I)
- 1112–1148 Alphonse Jourdain
- lived 1103 - 1148
- son of Elvira de Castille
- m: Faydive d’Uzès
- 1148–1194 Raymond V
- lived 1134 - 1194
- son of Alphonse Jourdain
- m: 1. Richeza of Poland
- 1194–1222 Raymond VI
- lived 1156 - 1222
- son of Constance Capet
- m: 1. Ermessende of Melgueil, 2. Beatrice of Béziers, 3. Bourgogne of Jerusalem, 4. Joan Plantagenet, 5. d. of Isaac Comnenus, 6. Leonor of Aragon (d. Alfonso II)
- 1222–1249 Raymond VII
- lived 1197 - 1249
- son of Joan Plantagenet
- m: 1. Sancha d'Aragon (d. of Alfonso II of Aragon), 2. Marguerite de Lusignan (d. of Hugh X of Lusignan)
- 1249–1271 Jeanne
- lived 1220 - 1261
- daughter of Sancha d'Aragon
- m: Alphonse Capet At that point Toulouse passed to the Crown of France, by the terms of the Treaty of Meaux, 1229.