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County Kerry - Main Page

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County Kerry - Main Page

Republic of Ireland

This is the Umbrella Project Page for County Kerry - Ireland

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County Kerry Burials
County Kerry, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards
Historic Buildings of County Kerry
People Connected to County Kerry

Still to come

  • County Kerry Genealogical Resources
  • County Kerry - Famous People
  • Historical County Kerry

County Kerry

  • Irish: Contae Chiarraí
  • Administrative centre Tralee
  • Province munster
  • Area 4,746 km2 (1,832 sq mi)
  • People from County Kerry are called -
  • Motto Comhar, Cabhair, Cairdeas (Irish), "Co-operation, Help, Friendship"

County Kerry is a county in Ireland. It is located in the South-West Region and is also part of the province of Munster. It is named after the pre-Gaelic tribe who lived in part of the present county. Kerry County Council is the local authority for the county and Tralee serves as the county town.


There are nine historic baronies in the county. While baronies continue to be officially defined units, they are no longer used for many administrative purposes. Their official status is illustrated by Placenames Orders made since 2003, where official Irish names of baronies are listed under "Administrative units".

  • Clanmaurice – Clann Mhuiris
  • Corkaguiny – Corca Dhuibhne
  • Dunkerron North – Dún Ciaráin Thuaidh
  • Dunkerron South – Dún Ciaráin Theas
  • Glanarought – Gleann na Ruachtaí
  • Iraghticonnor – Oireacht Uí Chonchúir
  • Iveragh Peninsula – Uíbh Ráthach
  • Magunihy – Maigh gCoinchinn
  • Trughanacmy – Triúcha an Aicme

Towns and Parishes

See below and County Kerry, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards

See also WIKI - List of Townlands - County Kerry

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References and Sources

Parish Map


  1. Aghadoe
  2. Aghavallen
  3. Aglish
  4. Annagh
  5. Ardfert
  6. Ballincuslane
  7. Ballinvoher
  8. Ballyconry
  9. Ballyduff
  10. Ballyheigue
  11. Ballymacelligott
  12. Ballynacourty
  13. Ballynahaglish
  14. Ballyseedy
  15. Brosna
  16. Caher
  17. Castleisland
  18. Cloghane
  19. Clogherbrien
  20. Currans
  21. Dingle
  22. Dromod
  23. Duagh
  24. Dunquin
  25. Dunurlin
  26. Dysert
  27. Fenit
  28. Finuge
  29. Galey
  30. Garfinny
  31. Glanbehy
  32. Kenmare
  33. Kilbonane
  34. Kilcaragh
  35. Kilcaskan
  36. Kilcolman
  37. Kilconly
  38. Kilcredane
  39. Kilcrohane
  40. Kilcummin
  41. Kildrum
  42. Kilfeighny
  43. Kilflyn
  44. Kilgarrylander
  45. Kilgarvan
  46. Kilgobban
  47. Killaha
  48. Killahan
  49. Killarney
  50. Killeentierna
  51. Killehenny
  52. Killemlagh
  53. Killinane
  54. Killiney
  55. Killorglin
  56. Killury
  57. Kilmalkedar
  58. Kilmoyly
  59. Kilnanare
  60. Kilnaughtin
  61. Kilquane
  62. Kilshenane
  63. Kiltallagh
  64. Kiltomy
  65. Kinard
  66. Knockane
  67. Knockanure
  68. Lisselton
  69. Listowel
  70. Marhin
  71. Minard
  72. Molahiffe
  73. Murher
  74. Nohaval
  75. Nohavaldaly
  76. O'brennan
  77. O'dorney
  78. Prior
  79. Ratass
  80. Rattoo
  81. Stradbally
  82. Templenoe
  83. Tralee
  84. Tuosist
  85. Valencia
  86. Ventry
