Notable Croatian Argentines
- Daniel Bilos - Footballer
- José María Buljubasich - Footballer
- Ivan Buratovic - hrvatski iseljenik u Argentini
- Jakov "Santiago" Buratovich - hrvatski iseljenik u Argentini
- Darío Cvitanich - Footballer
- Javier Frana - Tennis player
- Estanislao Esteban Karlic - Argentine prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
- Alicia Kirchner de Mercado - Argentine Justicialist Party politician
- Néstor Kirchner Ostoic - Former President of Argentina
- Nicolás Mihanovich - Shipping magnate
- Sandra Mihanovich - Singer/songwriter
- Marcos Milinkovic - Volleyball player
- Daniel Orsanic - Tennis player
- Leonardo Pisculichi - Footballer
- Martin Šarić - Footballer
- Fernando Siro - born Francisco Luksich, actor
- Alejandro Spajic - Volleyball player
- Lita Stantic - Filmmaker
- Juan Vucetich - Anthropologist and police official who pioneered the use of fingerprinting
We could start by listing families which migrated to Argentina
Ostoich, Ostojich
Bosicovich, Bratanich, Buratovich, Justianovich, Justinijanovich, Lusich, Lussich, Pavicic, Pavicich, Vucetich
Makarsko Primorje (Baska Voda, Podgora, Tucepi)
Covic, Juretich, Jurisic, Sunde
Peljesac (Orebic) i Korcula
Bosnic, Foretic, Piantanida
- Splićani izvan Splita
- Mimica, Jelačić
Grbac, Clarich, Poropat, Sincich, Sferco, Penco, Mejak, Medizza
Useful links
- http://www.croaciaviva.com/centroscroatas.htm
- http://genargentina.com.ar/genealogia/colectividades/ex-yugoslavia....
- http://www.croacia.com.ar/Principal/
- http://blogs.monografias.com/maria-gonzalez-rouco/tag/inmigracion-c...
- http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrvati_u_Argentini
- http://www.likaworld.net/forum/index.php?topic=488.0
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croats_in_Argentina
- http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Povijest_hrvatskog_iseljeni%C5%A1tva_u...
- http://www.hic.hr/hrvatski/hid/hid6.htm
- Croatian Memorial
- http://genealogiacroata.blogspot.com.ar/
- Registar Hrvata izvan Hrvatske, Hr, En, De, Es - About Registry: The Central State Office for Croats Abroad has launched a pilot project for the creation of a Registry of Croats Abroad through which it fosters the connection of Croats all over the world as well as their connection to the homeland. The pilot phase of the project will be carried out from September to December 2018 and it will be primarily addressed to Croats from Argentina, Germany and the United States. Where you can use a search field here (for persons) and here (for subjects)
- Arribo de Inmigrantes Acceda a consultar on-line la base de datos más completa sobre arribos de inmigrantes a la Argentina
Notable Croatian Argentines
- Daniel Bilos - Footballer
- José María Buljubasich - Footballer
- Ivan Buratovic - hrvatski iseljenik u Argentini
- Jakov "Santiago" Buratovich - hrvatski iseljenik u Argentini
- Darío Cvitanich - Footballer
- Javier Frana - Tennis player
- Estanislao Esteban Karlic - Argentine prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
- Alicia Kirchner de Mercado - Argentine Justicialist Party politician
- Néstor Kirchner Ostoic - Former President of Argentina
- Nicolás Mihanovich - Shipping magnate
- Sandra Mihanovich - Singer/songwriter
- Marcos Milinkovic - Volleyball player
- Daniel Orsanic - Tennis player
- Leonardo Pisculichi - Footballer
- Martin Šarić - Footballer
- Fernando Siro - born Francisco Luksich, actor
- Alejandro Spajic - Volleyball player
- Lita Stantic - Filmmaker
- Juan Vucetich - Anthropologist and police official who pioneered the use of fingerprinting
We could start by listing families which migrated to Argentina
Ostoich, Ostojich
Bosicovich, Bratanich, Buratovich, Justianovich, Justinijanovich, Lusich, Lussich, Pavicic, Pavicich, Vucetich
Makarsko Primorje (Baska Voda, Podgora, Tucepi)
Covic, Juretich, Jurisic, Sunde
Peljesac (Orebic) i Korcula
Bosnic, Foretic, Piantanida
- Splićani izvan Splita
- Mimica, Jelačić
Useful links
- http://www.croaciaviva.com/centroscroatas.htm
- http://genargentina.com.ar/genealogia/colectividades/ex-yugoslavia....
- http://www.croacia.com.ar/Principal/
- http://blogs.monografias.com/maria-gonzalez-rouco/tag/inmigracion-c...
- http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrvati_u_Argentini
- http://www.likaworld.net/forum/index.php?topic=488.0
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croats_in_Argentina
- http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Povijest_hrvatskog_iseljeni%C5%A1tva_u...
- http://www.hic.hr/hrvatski/hid/hid6.htm
- Croatian Memorial
- http://genealogiacroata.blogspot.com.ar/
- Registar Hrvata izvan Hrvatske, Hr, En, De, Es - About Registry: The Central State Office for Croats Abroad has launched a pilot project for the creation of a Registry of Croats Abroad through which it fosters the connection of Croats all over the world as well as their connection to the homeland. The pilot phase of the project will be carried out from September to December 2018 and it will be primarily addressed to Croats from Argentina, Germany and the United States. Where you can use a search field here (for persons) and here (for subjects)
- Arribo de Inmigrantes Acceda a consultar on-line la base de datos más completa sobre arribos de inmigrantes a la Argentina