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Project Tags

The (David) BANNER project

for Geni’astics who are into Geni projects creating and designing.
Here is the How to PimP up your projects with a banner in 10 easy steps


10 steps of pasting a banner into your project:

1.// (create) pick your photo/image with these imagesize settings: Width max. 603 pixels, (fixed) 88 pixels
// (optional)
2.// to the top right of your project page in Geni and hit the Action button
3.// View Photos and Documents
4.// Add photos
5.// and drop any file from your personal image folder with the right sizes
6.// click on the photo/image (in full size) and choose Image URL copying
7.// go back to the main project page
8.// the Edit button

 9.{{//|5px}}'''Paste the URL''' and delete '''http:''' from the beginning of the URL and surround it with '''{{'''//URL'''}}'''

10. Save, and the job is done.


Note that the first picture you add to a project, always will be shown on a fixed spot in the top-right corner of your project page.

Note: This picture, including the first 5 lines of text will be shown on the Project Dashboard


Project title on top of your banner:

When using an online photo editors, you are able to put your project title on top of your banner.
example (created on


Other Free Online Photo/Image Editers are:

Besides creating banners, you can create your own separation lines as well:


Width: 603 pixels (fixed) x Height: 15 pixels (optional)


