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Early Settlers of Enkeldoorn - K

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Early Settlers of Enkeldoorn - K

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Extracted from Publication -


A history of the families of european descent who settled in the area of Enkeldoorn (renamed Chivu) Rhodesia. now Zimbabwe.

Author -- Sarel Van der Walt

Completed in approximately the year 2001


... and some GUTU RELATIVES 1880 TO 1980 All family details, dates, residences and occupations as far as could be ascertained. List not complete)




  • Willem Hendrik x Josephine Muriel Burton
    • Katrina 7-4-58


  • Johannes Mathysen x Alida Magrieta Theron
    • Catharina 26-10-66










  • Bert x Maria Magdalena (Marie) Odendaal 7-11-1931 (her 2x)


  • Deborrah Ann x Craig Darren Smith 4 children.



  • Morne x Nicolette Kok 1976




  • Andrew John Cecil x Sharon O'Neill
    • Kerry Jane 10-8-83


Johannes Jacobus born 1710 in Waldeck, Germany arrived at Cape of Good Hope in 1733 as a mercenary soldier. He x Johanna Jannetjie van Rooyen. Their Great-grandson Gideon Jacobus born 6-1-1782 in Swellendam, followed his fiance Jacomina Johanna Vermaak to the Gamtoos when her parents moved there. In 1802 they married and settled on Koksseplaas. Their son Gert Stephanus x Katarina Susanna Taute and grandson Hermanus Gerhardus x Martha Johanna Ferreira Hermanus Gerhardus 1855 / 1896 and. wife Martha Johanna Ferreira, (1860 / 1937) arrived 1895 with the Pieter Ferreira trek, Martha was a sister of trek leader Pieter. The Koks had with them, two sons and four daughters. A third son, Hendrik (Rex) followed later. The family group trekked from the Gamtoos valey in the Eastern Cape Colony. The move was by train as far as Mafeking and from there by ox-wagon averaging 15 miles a day in two shifts. The eldest son 14 year old, Gert Stephanus was the leader for the Kok wagon. When outspanned the oxen and other livestock had to be watered and constantly guarded against lions.

The children enjoyed the free outdoor life, not realising nor sharing the worries of the adults. They arrived at Vaalkop (later Enkeldoorn town) in 1895. Hermanus pegged Veeplaas, which adjoined the farms allocated to his Ferreira Brothers-n-law. Shortly after, he contracted malaria and died of black-water fever Their daughter Inez also died They were buried on Vaalkop and later re-interred at the Enkeldoorn cemetary. With the outbreak of Mashona hostilities the family moved to the lager, initially on Enkeldoorn then moved to Vaalkop

After her husband's death Mr Rhodes was helpful and offered Martha to send her and the children back to Gamtoos. She refused, saying that they had left an overcrowded Eastern Province looking for a better life for their children. She did however send her four daughters, travellimg with Mr. Rhodes, back for a few years

When the trek left Gamtoos Hermanus and Martha left their son Hendrik (Rex) with a brother and his wife, a childless couple. As the transport situation became easier, widow Martha wanted her child but the couple refused to send him making it nacessary for her to travel to Gamtoos to fetch him.

After the Mashona war, son, Gert Stephanus, having heard of mines being opened in Northern Rhodesia, left on foot to look for employment, he headed North. He walked along the Zambesi river to Kazangulu where he crossed. At one stage, a vast flat area, partly flooded, tested his endurance to the limits, walking mile after mile through the water he became exhausted The water was too deep to sit down for a rest and on the point of collapse, he had to keep walking. After trekking unsuccessfully to many distant places, he returned about eight months later, carrying, as his only reward a small pig he had been given. About 1908, he bought Glenconnor. His sister Eugenie joined him on Glenconnor and later, his mother, who had obtained some plots in Enkeldoorn, joined him.

A single man Willie Staines was employed on the farm and married Widow Martha Kok. A small distance separated the two homesteads.

A small stream, the Manese river, crossed the farm Helped by Willie Staines and using only a spirit level and length of string to determine the flow of water, a canal two and half miles long, was dug to provide irrigation water from the Manese river. The main crops being wheat, maize and citrus, three varieties of nartjies and one orange. The citrus trees were from seed brought from Gamtoos, all trees from seedlings as grafted trees were still unknown. Grapes from cuttings brought from Gamtoos were grown for home consumption and also prickly pears. Gert took 4 head of cattle to the farm, on the first night a lion killed the bull. He devised a trap gun that he used with success, eliminating leopards and lions.

Willie Staines died of Dropsy and was buried in the small farm cemetery. Following his death, Widow Martha continued to stay on Glenconnor till her death in 1937. Prior to her marriage, Gert's young sister Eugene stayed with him. The first school in the area was started and the children received a reasonable education.

In 1910 Gert x Elizabeth Mary Wheeler. He built a pole and dagga house for his bride. Later a trading store was established and Gert extended his operations by speculating very successfully with cattle which became the major operation on Glenconnor. He bought from individuals in the area and communal lands. He made a practice of always selling the best beasts and contrary to normal practice, with considerable success, keeping the poorer animals for breeding. Crops were conveyed to the market at Gatooma by oxwagon. On the return trip game was shot and the meat bartered with the indigenous people, for grain. On occasion a cattle desease, Foot and Mouth causing wide ranging quarantine, cought him at Gatooma and he was not permitted to return to the farm with his oxen. He bought donkeys to return to Glenconnor From the new owners, Gert bought both A and B of Manese Poort farm, initially owned by P.L. Ferreira who subdivided and sold, A and B, A being on the North bank of Manese river and B on the South, adjoining Glenconnor. He followed this by buying Vlakfontein and some years later, Perserverence which adjoined Vlakfontein. Gert died in 1956.

Gert's son, Hermanus Gerhardus (Baas) 1911 / 1980 and wife Rhoda Grace Pocock farmed on Manesepoort B where, in 1935 he built a home and moved from Glenconnor. Daniel and wife Maria (nee Jordaan) Grobler, with son Henry and daughter Christina lived in a brick house on Manesepoort B which they leased and farmed for 25 years till 1948 when he bought and moved to Mexico. Also, for a time, on B was the large Gerber family who lived in a pole and daga house.

Irrigation water for Manesepoort A and B was available from the Manese river. B was connected to the Glenconnor canal while A on the other side of the river was fed by its own canal. Commercial crops grown under irrigation were: Citrus, Wheat, Maize, Tomatoes, Onions, and Potatoes.

Schooling was a serious problem.

Rhoda Kok (wife of Baas) a qualified school teacher, tought their son [ Allan and children of the family and neighbours by correspondence. Allan b2c1d1 then went to Prince Edward Junior school but brother Gert and the Grobler daughter, Christina, attended Louwdia as week boarders. They had to walk the six miles from Manesepoort B, through the Poort every Monday morning and back home every Friday afternoon. Later a three ton lorry was bought and the children were taken to school with the produce being taken to market.

Allan Kok was tought by his mother to standard three, he then went to Prince Edward Junior, still a part of Prince Edward the name of the Junior section was changed to Allan Wilson and again to Selborn Rutlidge, he boarded at Selous House. He then went to Prince Edward senior and boarded at Rhodes House. b2c2 Gert to Louwdia then Liebenberg and then to Prince Edward senior. b2c4 James (Jim) tought by Rhoda Kok then to Liebenberg and to Allan Wilson senior

In 1946 b2c1 Baas, bought Leleza, named after an African Chief called Leleza who had previously lived there. His son Neville c1d2 x Algea Bartlett-Torr lived on Leleza . He farmed with his father on Manesepoort B. When Ralph c1d3 left school he also joined Baas and Neville on Manesepoort B. In 1970's after Baas had portioned off his farms to his sons, Neville bought Abercorn Extension, to the East of Abercorn which he named ABEX Estate, but continued to farm with Baas and Ralph till Baas died.

Transport to the Kok farms to the West of the Hills, was by ox-wagon and after negotiating the precarious path over the mountain, there followed about two and half miles of Vlei, which, prior to the construction of Road Council roads, in the wet season took an average two days to cross by wagon with overnight stays at the wagon, with Mosquitoes for company There were very few trips to civilisation and these were restricted to the three monthly trips to town for Nagmaal.

In 1948 Gert Stephanus Kok (b2c3) younger brother of Baas, x Christina Johanna (Poppie) de Klerk married and moved to Manese Poort A.

In 1948 tobacco barns were built on both Manesepoort A and B and also Glenconnor. Thereafter tobacco was the main crop. Low rainfall and consequent lack of irrigation water made it necessary to stop growing wheat. Citrus continued on Manesepoort B till the trees died about 1953. On A irrigation continued with the available water, till the trees died through lack of water.

When Gert Stephanus (b2) died in 1956 his son b2c4 James Wheeler (Jim) continued to farm on Glenconnor.

Other branches of the Kok group included.

Steven A, cousin of Gert (Dick) and several other cousins who found employment in the Rhodesian prison service. Steven Kok was Chief Jailer at Enkeldoorn about 1942 replacing Kerneels du Randt. 1n 1960 he was transferred to Gwelo. Also an Overseer working locally for Roads Department.