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--WORK-in-PROGRESS--col-legae WELKOM---to-add-a/o-col-laborate-co-operate-OR-learn-&-educate ! But medewerking & aanvulling eerst even vooral via profiel-e/o document-links please; info-attendering s.v.p. via 'discussies'

voorwoord, inleiding & toelichting

NL : Deze projectpagina -made for 'Dutch-like-linguists'- fungeert als portaal naar genealogie-bronnen buiten Nederland om te helpen zoeken naar de leukste & lekkerste wortelen van voorouders. Later volgen sub-project-pagina's per contingent, we starten met 'Bezoek Europa'. Overigens met de aantekening dat begrenzing betrekking heeft op contingentale en NIET op politieke afspraken. Zo weerhouden Schengen-verdragen e.d. ons er niet van digitale archieven te bezoeken.

EN : ....translations welcome....

FR : ...idem...

DEU : ....und so weiter, und so weiter....


Bezoek EUROPA met o.a.

  • BE-NE-LUX - BElgie: Vlaanderen-Wallonies: provincies + Bruxelles - - - ---NEderland---LUXemburg---
    • met ca. 75 departements ~ Arrondissement
    • no. 0 : 'Elysee ??>>?
    • 75 : PARIS avec des banlieux ...etc.
    • 57 : Moselle met o.a. Arrondissement METZ-cite
  • DUITSLAND Berlijn+Deelstaten: zie elders
  • UK~United Kingdom met England: Londen+Ipswich ---en Verenigd Koninkrijk ---Gemenbest-landen - UK & the Commonwealth- - -COLCHESTER--- Norwich --- Wight -- Schotland~Scotland --- Noord-Ierland---
  • IERLAND: bridge overseas to... your ancestors? - EIRE
  • Zwitserland--- -





  • Ager • Alm • Aschach • DONAU • Enns • Inn • Krems • Mattig • Große Mühl • Kleine Mühl • Naarn • Rodl • Salzach • Steyr • Traun • Aist • Antiesen • Trattnach • VÖCKLA •
  • LINZ : hauptstadt
  • zie ook : Oostenrijk
  • SKANDINAVIe: -Denemarken- -[ Noorwegen]---Zweden- -
  • BALT-isches States: - - -Finland- - - - - -Estland- - -Letland- - -Lithouwen- - - - - -
  • POLEN- - - - - -Hongarije- - -
  • Liechenstein- - - - - -Monaco- - - - - -Vaticaanstad- - - - - -
  • [ ITALIA] : -Genua- -Milaan- -Rome- -Napels- -Florence- -Venetia- -&-CeTeRa-Ra-
  • Siberisch schiereiland: [ PORTUGAL zoek via projecten, URL werkt niet goed! - SPANJE- - -SPANJE- - -CATALONIE-
  • - - -[ Griekenland]- - - -Bulgarije- - -Macedonie- - - - - -Servie- - - - - -Slowakije- - - - - -…aanvulling welkom.
In voorbereiding : gerelateerde e/o afgeleide project-pagina's

Attendering op toepasselijke portalen in geni of anderssoortige Bronnen in andere CONTINGENT's welkom! Ga ook 'ns Dutch in :

  • ASIA ~ AZIE ~ : - - Singaporte - Korea - Indonesie - Vietnam - China - INdia - etc. - 't Verre Oosten: - - Japan - etcetera- - -
  • Europe : nog meer landen dan genoemd ? -
  • NORTH America : • Mexico • Panama • -- etc. • CANADA emigratie-bestemming van veel Nederlanders in de vijftiger jaren, m.n. agrariers- - -
  • USA~Verenigde Staten van Amerika : -via-Ellis-Island- -s.v.p. names of STATES e/o COUNTY's voluit en geen afkortingen, for Europeans please...

—A-: Alabama —A.: Alaska —A-: Arizona —A-: Arkansas —C-: Californië —C-: Colorado —C-: Connecticut —D-: Delaware—F-: Florida —G-: Georgia —H-: Hawaii —[ I.: Idaho —I-: Illinois & Chicago —I-: Indiana —I-: Iowa —K-: Kansas —K-: Kentucky—L- : Louisiana —M-: Maine —M-: Maryland —[❜s/7625 M-: Massachusetts] —M-: Michigan —M-: Minnesota —M-: Mississippi —M-: Missouri —M-: Montana —N-: Nebraska —N-: Nevada —N-: New Hampshire —[❜s/11837 N-: New Jersey —N-: New Mexico —N-: New York —N-: North Carolina —N-: North Dakota —O-: Ohio —O-: Oklahoma —O-: Oregon —P-: Pennsylvania —R-: Rhode Island —S-: South Carolina —S-: South Dakota —T-: Tennessee —T-: Texas —U-: Utah —V-: Vermont —V-: VirginiaW-: Washington OR W-: Washington DC —W-: West Virginia —W-: Wisconsin —W-: Wyoming & Yellowstone —

  • OCEANIA : -
  • Zuid-AMERIKA : - - -Argentinie ('t land van Maxima)- - -Caribische eilanden- - -Chili- - -Peru- - -etc.- - -
  • AFRICA : - Marokko- - -Tunesie- - -Libie- - -Egypte- - -etc.- - - -Verre Oosten- - -Somalie - - Zuid-Afrika - -
  • AUSTRALIE veel emigranten-met-Nederlandse-roots ! En natuurlijk ABORIGINALS
  • the RUSSIAN Federation : — — — — — — — — — — — —
  • OOST-Europa - - -Georgie (Dutch first lady!)- - -Rusland- - -Kazachstan- - etc.
  • Carribean : Surianame- - - -Frans Guinana: - - -oorsprong van onze toekomstige koningin-gemalin, bovendien voor VOC-vaarders (Maghelhaen) tussenstation op zoek naar Indie- - -
  • Nieuw-Zeeland: - -[ -disappeared?- New Zealand Coffee Corner]-
  • Midden-Oosten: - - -Turkije- - - -Armenie- - - - -Irak- - - - -Syrie- - - - -Israel- - - etc.
  • Verre-Oosten: - - - - Vietnam- - - Birma~Myanmar- - - -Thaliland- - - -India- - -
  • …en wie weet wanneer : BeZoek de MAAN~MOON~LUNE~LUNA~...


The phrase 'going Dutch' originates from the concept of a Dutch door. Previously on farmhouses this consisted of two equal parts (Sullivan. 2010). Another school of thought is that is may be related to Dutch etiquette. In the Netherlands, it was not unusual to pay separately when going out as a group. When dating in a one-on-one situation, however, the man will most commonly pay for meals and drinks. English rivalry with the Netherlands especially during the period of the Anglo-Dutch Wars gave rise to several phrases including Dutch that promote certain negative stereotypes. Examples include Dutch COURAGE, Dutch UNCLE and Dutch WIFE.

In some parts of ═══ITALY═══ (especially the south), the expression pagare alla romana can be translated as: To pay like people of Rome or to pay like they do in Rome. It has the same meaning as going Dutch. This can lead to misunderstanding, because in other parts of Italy pagare alla romana means to divide equally the total cost between all the commensals.

The corresponding phrase in ═══TURKISH═══ is hesabı Alman usulü ödemek, which can be translated into English as to pay the bill the German way. Alman usûlü = German style.

Some South ═══AMERICAN═══ countries use the Spanish phrase pagar a la americana (literally "to pay American style") which refers to a trait attributed to people from the United States or Canada.

In ═══FRANCE═══ it is close to faire moitié-moitié or faire moite-moite, which means "each one pays half of the bill. But this usually does not include women, who according to the 'étiquette' should not pay when there are also men at the lunch/dinner. In a business meeting, the receiving party usually pays for all - it is considered poor not to do so.

In ═══EGYPT═══ it is called Englizy, which translates into "English style".

In ═══ARGENTINA═══ specifically, a la romana (exact translation of Italian's pagare alla romana) is widely used and pagar a la americana (pay American style) doesn't exist. [citation needed]

In ═══PANAMA═══ the phrase mita y mita (a colloquial contraction of mitad y mitad in this case with the stress on the first syllable mi) literally "half and half" refers to both "going Dutch" and to splitting the check equally.

In ═══GUATEMALA═══ the phrase is a la ley de Cristo... cada quien con su pisto which is used more as a rhyme with the word "Cristo" and "pisto" rather than having a religious connotation.

Almost the same in ═══HONDURAS═══ where the phrase is Como dijo Cristo... cada quien con su pisto.

In ═══El SALVADOR═══ the rhyming phrase Ley de Esparta... Cada quien paga lo que se harta, which means Spartan Law, each pays what he/she eats.

In South ═══KOREA═══ they usually call it as Dutch Pay, a konglish loan phrase.

In ═══INDIA═══ in Hindi, the practice is called as TTMM - Tu Tera Mein Mera Hindi (or Tujhe Tu Majhe Mi in Marathi) meaning You pay yours and I pay mine. Generally though, since the concept of dating is very new this act is not applied to dating. When the expression going Dutch is used, it often refers to splitting the bill equally.

In ═══PAKISTAN═══ similarly, Apna Apna is used to mean Each his own'. ---under construction---

In ═══THAILAND═══ the practice is referred to as อเมริกันแชร์ "American Share"

In the ═══PHILIPPINES═══, it is referred to as KKB, an acronym for "Kanya-Kanyang Bayad" which can be translated in English as "Pay for your own self"

In ═══JAPAN═══, the phrase 兵隊勘定 (へいたいかんじょう) (heitaikanjou) is used, which can translate loosely as 'soldier's calculation'. The terms 割り勘 (わりかん) (warikan) and ゴーダッチ (goodacchi) also exist

In Greater ═══CHINA═══, the appropriate term is "AA制 (AA dzɐi)," where zhì is the Chinese word for "system". Explanations vary: "AA" could stand for "Algebraic Average" or "Acting Appointment" or "About to Act".

The gambling term DUTCHING may follow this same route as it describes a system that shares stakes across a number of bets. It is commonly believed, however, that the Dutch reference here was in fact derived from a gangster (Dutch Schultz) who used this strategy to profit from racing.
