Google from time to time honor people or events with a customized version of their logo. This is a sub-project of Google Doodle Directory. There is a full list that can be searched and filtered at the Google Doodles Library.
The goal of this sub-project is to list and tag all of those honored by Google in the year 2011. Profiles will be tagged to the parent project. Linked names have Geni Profiles and tagged profiles are in bold.
This project is on History Link where you can discover which projects your ancestors are on.
Project Completion
87/109 Profiles on Geni
76/109 Profiles tagged to Google Doodle project
Month Shortcuts
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
January 06 - Kahlil Gibran - 128th Birthday
January 17 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Holiday
January 19 - Paul Cézanne - 172nd Birthday
January 20 - Takayanagi Kenjiro - 112th Birthday
January 20 - John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the USA - 50th Anniv of Inauguration
January 25 - Robert Burns - 252nd Birthday
January 25 - Tom Jobim - 84th Birthday
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February 04 - Almeida Garrett - 212th Birthday
February 06 - Jan Werich - 106th Birthday
February 08 - Jules Verne - 183rd Birthday
February 11 - Thomas Alva Edison - 164th Birthday
February 12 - Naomi Uemura - 70th Birthday
February 14 - Robert Indiana - Valentine's Day
February 15 - Sir Ernest Shackleton - 137th Birthday
February 16 - Miriam Anna Ivry - 101st Birthday
February 17 - Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena - 94th Birthday
February 19 - Constantin Brancusi - 135th Birthday
February 20 - Mihaly Munkacsy - 167th Birthday
February 26 - Taro Okamoto - 100th Birthday
February 27 - Joaquin Sorolla - 148th Birthday
February 28 - Li Bai 李白 - Birthday
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March 06 - Will Eisner (creator of “The Spirit”) - 94th Birthday
March 17 - Sayed Darwish - 119th Birthday
March 24 - Harry Houdini - 137th Birthday
March 25 - Evliya Çelebi - 400th Birthday
March 31 - Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen - 200th Birthday
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April 04 - Vaclav Ctvrtek - 100th Birthday
April 12 - Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin - 50th Anniversary of the First Man in Space
April 13 - Richard Trevithick - 240th Birthday
April 16 - Charlie Chaplin - 122nd Birthday
April 18 - Monteiro Lobato - 129th Birthday
April 23 - Sergey Prokofiev - 120th Birthday
April 25 - Karel Appel - 90th Birthday
April 26 - John James Audubon - 226th Birthday
April 29 - Catherine, Princess of Wales / William, Prince of Wales - Royal Wedding
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May 09 - Roger Hargreaves - 76th Birthday
May 10 - Zhang Daqian - 112th Birthday
May 11 - Martha Graham - 117th Birthday
May 15 - Mikhail Bulgakov - 120th Birthday
May 19 - Dame Nellie Melba - 150th Birthday
May 20 - Annie M.G. Schmidt - 100th Birthday
May 20 - Emile Berliner - 160th Birthday
May 27 - Ibn Khaldun (Abu Zaid Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldun al-Hadrami) - 679th Birthday
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June 05 - Richard McClure Scarry - 92nd Birthday
June 09 - Les Paul - 96th Birthday
June 13 - Fernando Pessoa - 123rd Birthday
June 21 - Abdel Halim Hafez - 82nd Birthday
June 30 - Czesław Miłosz - 100th Birthday
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July 01 - Dorothea MacKellar - 126th Birthday
July 02 - Pedro Eleodoro Paulet - 137th Birthday
July 07 - Miroslav Milan Krleža - 118th Birthday
July 08 - Jean de La Fontaine - 390th Birthday
July 13 - Sir George Gilbert Scott - 200th Birthday
July 19 - Xu Beihong - 116th Birthday
July 20 - Gregor Mendel - 189th Birthday
July 21 - Alexander Milne Calder - 113th Birthday
July 23 - Amália Rodrigues - 91st Birthday
July 26 - Muhammad Mahdi Al-Jawahiri - 112th Birthday
July 27 - Enrique Granados - 144th Birthday
July 30 - Giorgio Vasari - 500th Birthday
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August 04 - Burle Marx - 102nd Birthday
August 06 - Lucille Ball - 100th Birthday
August 17 - Pierre de Fermat - 410th Birthday
August 19 - George Enescu - 130th Birthday
August 23 - Nazik Al Malaika - 88th Birthday
August 23 - Alois Josef Jirásek - 160th Birthday
August 24 - Jorge Luis Borges - 112th Birthday
August 27 - USSR People's Artist Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya - 115th Birthday
August 28 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 262nd Birthday
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September 01 - Tarsila do Amaral - 125th Birthday
September 05 - Freddie Mercury - 65th Birthday
September 06 - Shinichi Hoshi - 85th Birthday
September 15 - Ismail Yasin - 96th Birthday
September 16 - Albert Imre Szent-Györgyi de Nagyrápolt, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1937 - 118th Birthday
September 17 - Anant Pai - 82nd Birthday
September 23 - Jaroslav Seifert, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1984 - 110th Birthday
September 24 - Jim Henson - 75th Birthday
September 25 - Lu Xun 魯迅 - 130th Birthday
September 28 - Narcis Monturiol - 192nd Birthday
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October 01 - Grete Waitz - 58th Birthday
October 04 - Mihajlo (Michael) Idvorski Pupin - 153th Birthday
October 10 - Fridtjof Nansen, Nobel Peace Prize, 1922 - 150th Birthday
October 12 - Arthur Charles Clokey - 90th Birthday
October 15 - Italo Calvino - 88th Birthday
October 20 - Park Wan-suh - 80th Birthday
October 21 - Mary Browne Blair - 100th Birthday
October 22 - Franz Liszt - 200th Birthday
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November 02 - Taikan Yokoyama - 143th Birthday
November 03 - Oodgeroo Noonuccal - 91st Birthday
November 03 - André Malraux - 110th Birthday
November 07 - Marie Curie - 144th Birthday
November 08 - Sir Edmond Halley II, FRS - 355th Birthday
November 09 - Hideyo Noguchi - 135th Birthday
November 11 - Fyodor Dostoyevsky - 190th Birthday
November 12 - Loo-keng Hua 華羅庚 - 101st Birthday
November 17 - Giò Pomodoro - 81st Birthday
November 17 - Lola Mora - 145th Birthday
November 18 - Louis Daguerre - 224th Birthday
November 19 - Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - 300th Birthday
November 23 - Stanisław Herman Lem - 60th Anniversary of First Publication
November 30 - Mark Twain - 176th Birthday
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December 03 - Nino Rota - 100th Birthday
December 08 - Diego Rivera - 125th Birthday
December 12 - Robert Noyce, "Mayor of Silicon Valley" - 84th Birthday
December 12 - Gustave Flaubert - 190th Birthday
December 15 - Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser - 83rd Birthday
December 17 - Josef Lada - 124th Birthday
December 18 - Yuriy Vladimirovich Nikulin - 90th Birthday
December 18 - Christopher Polhem - 350th Birthday
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