The Hermannsburg Mission, started by Louis Harms in the German village Hermannsburg, sent out missionaries to South Africa beginning in 1854. They worked especially in KwaZulu-Natal (the Midlands and KwaZulu) and in the Northwest, as well as Botswana.
See the book 'Hermannsburger Missionare in Südafrika' by Hinrich Pape, 1986, and Hermannsburg Missionaries on the web.
Mission organisation and historical chronology of stations
Natal South & Midlands
- 1854 Hermannsburg
- 1858 Neu-Hannover
- 1859 Opate
- 1868 Marburg
- 1869 Ifafa
Natal Zululand
- 1856 Ehlanzeni
- 1862 Edlomodlomo
- 1862 Ithaka
Western Transvaal Highveld
- 1857 Liteyane
- 1865 Bethanie
- 1865 Matlare
- 1865 Patelecope
- 1865 Schochong
- 1866 Saron
- 1867 Kana
- 1867 Phalane
- 1867 Rustenburg
- 1868 Pella
- 1868 Kolobeng
- 1870 Lüneburg
- 1870 Hebron
- 1872 Berseba (Lehrerseminar moved here from Bethanie in 1886)
- 1872 Zoar
- 1876-1902 Morgensonne Schule - razed by British Forces; not rebuilt; replaced by Kroondal Schule
- 1877 Polfontein
- 1879 Jericho
- 1881 Mahanaim
- 1882 Manuane
- 1883 Polonia
- 1886 Lehrerseminar moved from Bethanie to Berseba
Transvaal Lowveld
- 18?
Alphabetical Mission Station index and chronology of associated staff
(NS = Natal - South, NN = Natal North, NM = Natal Midlands, ZN = Zululand North, ZS = Zululand South, MP = Mpumalanga, NW = Northwest, BZ = Botswana)
Bergen (MP )
- 1885-1888 Weber, Johann FW
- 1888-1902 Johannes, H Christoph
- 1902-1911 Oltmann, David
- 1911-1929 Kehrhahn, Johannes AK
Berseba (NW )
- 1872 -1892 Christoph H Backeberg
- 1876 – 1877,1879-1890 Johann Heinrich Backeberg (1840-1918)
- 1886 Schepmann
- 1891–1895 Wurth, Heinrich
- 1894-1911 Schepmann J Heinrich FE
- 1898-1905 Meyer, P Heinrich C; 1908-1912 Wenhold,AF Hermann
- 1912-1920 Meyer, P Heinrich C; 1912-1918 Janssen, Luitjen
Bethanie (Lehrerseminar up to 1886)
- 1865-1900 H Wilhelm Behrens
- 1865 Christoph H Backeberg,
- 1873-1878 Müller, JH Christian
- 1878-1881 Wickert, Adam
- 1881- 1928 AH Wilhelm Behrens
- 1905-1912 Meyer, P Heinrich C
- 1928-1946 Buhr, GH Karl
- 1946-1958 Dohmeier H Konrad
- 1953-1972 Lütge, Heinrich EO
Bethanien (NS )
- 1891-1900 Schiering, KF Paul
- 1900-1947 Schulze, Wilhelm E
Bethel-Glückstadt (NN )
- 1873-1906 Stallbom, HC Friedrich
- 1907-1914 Schumann, Friedrich B
- 1913-1941 Junge, JW Detlef
- 1942-1961 Kaiser, JH Wilhelm
- 1962-1964 von Fintel, Johannes RTE
Bethel (NW )
- 1886- 1895 Cassier, Heinrich WC
- 1903-1913 Schulenburg Wilhelm H
- 1918-1922 Müller, E Christoph C
- 1922-1933 Garz, Friedrich F
- 1923-1934 Karberg, Ernst PF
- 1930-1937 Scriba, Carl FJ
- 1935-1942 Meyer, H Christoph W
- 1936-1945 Schlehmeyer, Heinrich HA
- 1945-1956 Greve, Hermann F
- 1955-1972 Dehnke Heinrich KG
- 1958-1962 Dehnke KW Gebhardt
Bethesda (NN )
- 1879-1888 Schmidt J Heinrich
Bishopstowe (NM )
- 1921-1923 Rohwer, Tim
- 1923-1937 Warber, JJ Friedrich
- 1937-1946 Hahne, LF Hermann
- 1946-1962 Pohle, Hans KE
- 1966-1973 Hahne, LF Hermann
Braunschweig (NN )
- 1893-1934 Schulenburg Heinrich Christoph
- 1934-1940 HW August Lüdemann
- 1941-1950 Hagedorn, Paul JG
- 1960-1970 Scriba, Carl FJ
Cuane (NW )
- 1866-1869 Christoph H Backeberg
- 1868-1870 Hasselblatt, Carl T
Dinokana (NW )
- 1859-1864 Zimmermann , 1859-1861 Schulenburg, H Christoph
- 1863-1908 Jensen, Thomas
- 1896-1899 Jensen, Ferdinand HW
- 1908-1941 Jensen, Ferdinand HW
- 1942-1964 Meyer, H Christoph W
Durban (NS )
- 1972-1982 Müller-Nedebock, Lothar TK
Eben-Ezer (ZN )
- 1872-1873 Jordt, H-P
Eben-Ezer (NS )
- 1872-1888 Lilje, Johannes HC
Eben-Ezer (NW )
- 1873-1909 Jordt, H-P
- 1907-1940 Heinrich Behrens
- 1936-1939 Greve, Hermann F
- 1939-1963 Weinhold, Georg R
- 1964-1974 Meyer, H Christoph W
Edlomodlomo (NZ )
- 1862 – 1869 Weber, Johann FW; 1864 – 1865 Tönsing, J Friedrich,
- 1869-1879 Dedekind, Christoph Wilhelm
- 1880-1884 Hörman, H Wilhelm; 1880 Stielau, Gustav-Adolph F
- 1885-1924 HC Conrad Bostelmann
- 1922-1934 HW August Lüdemann
- 1935-1939 von Fintel, Siegfried KO
- 1939-1952 von Fintel, Johannes RTE 1939- Voigt, Paula
- 1952-1958 Pape, August Hinrich
Ehlanzeni (NM )
- 1855-1859 Karl H Hohls
- 1856-1860 Müller, Heinrich W
- 1857-1860 Schütze, Heinrich H
- 1858-1862 H Wilhelm Behrens
- 1859-1862 Struve, Wilhelm
- 1862-1866 Penzhorn, JH Christoph
- 1866-1877 Moe, Johannes
- 1880-1911 Reibeling, Johannes
- 1894-1895 Gevers, Heinrich C
- 1911-1932 Reibeling, Louis JW
- 1914-1920 Keyser, Friedrich
- 1933-1954 Scriba, Friedrich HWE
- 1955-1962 Müller-Nedebock, Lothar TK
Ehlobane (NN )
- 1882-1883 Schröder, Heinrich
Ehlongana (NN )
- 1861-1863 Filter, J Heinrich J
- 1863-1881 Reinstorf, Heinrich
Ekhombela (MP )
- 1862-1866 Moe, Johannes
- 1867-1902 Engelbrecht, Joh Detlef
- 1902-1912 Dedekind, Karl GH
- 1914-1920 HF Otto Backeberg
- 1920-1944 Keyser, Friedrich
- 1945-1965 Henneke, Dietrich L
Ekuhlengeni (NZ )
- 1868-1873 Wagner, Christian
- 1872-1879 Schröder, Hans-Heinrich
- 1882-1893 Volker, H Friedrich K
- 1893-1900 Wolff, David
- 1905-1909 Köneke, Heinrich AW
- 1907-1914 Schumann, Friedrich B
- 1936-1941 Engelbrecht, Albert BK
Elim (NS )
- 1871-1876 Leisenberg, Heinrich F
- 1874-1920 Rößler, J Karl
- 1920 – 34 Brunkhorst, KO Friedrich
- 1922-1939 Pohle, Hans KE
- 1946-1960 Welke, Hans E
- 1960-1966 Schubert, Hans
Emakabeleni (NM )
- 1863- Jensen
- 1863-1874 P Christoph Bartels
- 1874-1882 HH Blomeyer
Emanjini (NM )
- 1870-1872 Brauel, Georg
Emfutyini (SZ )
Emhlangane (NM )
- 1866-1870 Schütze, Heinrich H
- 1870-1876 Reibeling, Johannes
- 1862-1864 H Wilhelm Behrens
- 1871-1873 Müller, Heinrich W
- 1874-1880 P Christoph Bartels
- 1882-1884 Deppe, F Heinrich
Emlalazi (SZ )
- 1858-1882 Volker, H Friedrich K
- 1858-1861 Meyer, Friedrich JJA
- 1858-1862 Prydtz, O. Chr. Thomas;
- 1858-1862 Ahrens, Casten H;
- 1860-1861 Wendlandt, H Wilhelm
- 1863-1864 Kück, Johannes
- 1868-1870 Brauel, Georg
- 1888-1903 Schumann, Friedrich B
Emmaus (NW )
- 1867-1874 Peter Heinrich Wilhelm Rabe
- 1874-1897 Lohann, K August
- 1898-1913 Hansen, Claus
- 1920-1955 Janssen, Engelbart H
Emnyathi (NZ )
- 1863- 1867 Engelbrecht, Johann Detlef; 1863-1866 Wagner, Christian
- 1864-1870 Filter, J Heinrich J
- 1869-1885 Weber, Johann FW
- 1870-1871 Schröder, Hans-Heinrich
- 1885-1888 Johannes, H Christoph
Empangweni (NM )
- 1863-1887 Hansen, Jes Nikolai
- 1866-1879 Jürgensen, Friedrich
- 1886-1900 Kück, Johannes
- 1899-1940 von Fintel, JP Wilhelm
- 1912-1941 Wiese, Heinrich WF
- 1920-1946 Bodenstein CW Ludwig
- 1941-1954 Junge, JW Detlef
- 1946-1966 Hahne, LF Hermann
- 1954-1970 Scriba, Friedrich HWE
- 1966-1974 Hagedorn, Paul JG
Emtandazweni (NS )
- 1867-1869 Flygare, C Ludwig
Emtombeni (NM )
- 1879-1885 Fröhling, J Friedrich T
- 1885-1897 Hörman, H Wilhelm
- 1900-1910 Hohls, Heinrich WH
- 1921-1934 Kaiser, JH Wilhelm
- 1935-1939 Wolff, Wilhelm
Emvujini (SZ )
- 1862-1872 Prigge, JC Heinrich 1862 P Christoph Bartels
- 1864-1867 Kück, Johannes
- 1872-1879 Schmidt J Heinrich
- 1892-1893 Wolff, David
Enhlangubo (SZ )
- 1872-1882 Brauel, Georg
Endlovini (SZ )
- 1867-1879 Kück, Johannes
- 1888-1894 Drewes, H Wilhelm
- 1907-1911 Ohlhoff Carl H
- 1939-1940 Ullrich, Wilhelm CH
Endumeni (NZ )
- 1870-1890 Schütze, Heinrich H
Enhlongane (NZ )
- 1866-1868 Wagner, Christian
Engome (ZS )
- 1874-1883 Flygare, C Ludwig
Entombe (MP )
- 1862-1863 Prydtz, O. Chr. Thomas
- 1863-1866 Nolte, Adolf
- 1867-1879 Meyer, Friedrich JJA
- 1879-1908 Wagner, Christian
1908-1913 Junge, JW Detlef
- 1912-1941 Dedekind, Karl GH
- 1941-1946 Engelbrecht, Albert BK
- 1946-1950 Filter, WC Heinrich
Enyezane (SZ )
- 1859-1861 Wiese, H August
- 1860-1871 Müller, Heinrich W 1861-1862 Prigge, JC Heinrich ; 1860-1861 Schütze, Heinrich H
- 1864-1878 Fröhling, J Friedrich T, 1869-1874 Rößler, J Karl
- 1895-1900 Hohls, Heinrich WH
- 1902-1905 Köneke, Heinrich AW
- 1904-1907 GH Gustav Asmus
- 1907-1912 Köhler, Ernst HW
- 1913-1924 Schiering, KF Paul
Eshowe (NN )
- 1965-1972 Müller-Nedebock, Lothar TK
Esibongweni (NZ )
- 1926-1929 Filter, WC Heinrich
- 1929-1935 Engelbrecht, Albert BK
- 1935-1946 Engelbrecht, Anton
Esihlengeni (NZ )
- 1867-1881 Reinstorf, Heinrich
- 1881-1886 Kück, Johannes
- 1922-1928 Johann Ahrens
- 1929-1937 Engelbrecht, HA Paul
- 1937-1945 Henneke, Dietrich Ludwig
Ethembeni (NM )
- 1856-1892 Kohrs, JH Wilhelm 1856-1858 Meyer, Friedrich JJA
- 1861-1862 Wiese, H August
- 1864-1871 Holst, J Heinrich C
- 1871-1874 HH Blomeyer
- 1900-1911 Schiering, KF Paul
- 1912-1944 Köhler, Ernst HW
- 1928-1929 Johann Ahrens
- 1925-1929 Engelbrecht, HA Paul
Georgenau (NM )
- 1912-1923 Küsel H Friedrich C
- 1923-1939 GH Gustav Asmus
- 1939-1948 Uken, Rohlf
- 1949-1958 Peters, Johannes WK
Gerdau (NW )
- 1905-1913 Schulenburg Heinrich W
- 1927-1936 Voges, EK Heinrich
- 1937-1942 Scriba, Carl FJ
- 1942-1946 Rathe, Otto FWA
Glückstadt (NM )
- 1905-1909 Köneke, Heinrich AW
- 1922-1948 Schirge, Oswald HE
- 1948-1952 Leuschke, EO Herbert
Goede-Hoop (MP )
- 1872-1893 Prigge, JC Heinrich
Harburg-Neuenkirchen (NM )
- 1892-1906 Wiese, Heinrich WF
- 1906-1909 Dehnke H Friedrich W
- 1910-1913 Rohwer, Johann
- 1920-1933 Rohwer, Johann
1933-1952 Garz, Friedrich F
- 1952-1968 Leuschke, EO Herbert
Hebron (NW )
- 1870-1912 Kaiser, Heinrich Ludwig (1829-1914)
- 1901-1907 Kaiser, Karl H
- 1912-1944 Dehnke H Friedrich W
- 1944-1955 Dehnke Heinrich KG
- 1956-1973 Dehnke H Friedhold CJ Lange, Ernst
Hebron (NN )
- 1882-1911 Brauel, Georg
- 1911-1926 Ohlhoff Carl H
- 1929-1933 Filter, WC Heinrich
- 1933-1953 Völker, JH Wilhelm
Hermannsburg (NM )
- 1854-1859 Struve, Wilhelm
- 1862-1872 Johann Heinrich Müller (1836-1898)
- 1863-1886 Otte, Karl FW
- 1867-1872 Jordt, H-P
- 1868-1870 Reibeling, Johannes Hansen, P -1868
- 1885-1887 Fröhling, J Friedrich T
- 1887-1893 Hansen, Jes Nikolai
- 1890-1895 Hohls, Heinrich WH
- 1901-1907 Gevers, Heinrich C
- 1910-1930 Hohls, Heinrich WH
- 1888-1906 Lilje, Johannes HC
- 1907-1913 GH Gustav Asmus
- 1913-1922 Pohle, Hans KE
- 1922-1954 Johann C Kistner
- 1929-1934 Wolff, Wilhelm
- 1930-1932 Gieselmann, KHW
- 1934-1942 Kaiser, JH Wilhelm
- 1943-1960 Scriba, Carl FJ
- 1935-1945 Brunkhorst KO Friedrich
- 1945-1982 Wolff, Wilhelm
- 1950-1969 Filter, WC Heinrich
- 1958-1969 von Fintel, Siegfried KO
- 1965-1973 Krüger, Gustav
- 1974-1986 Lange, Heinrich F
Ifafa (NS )
- 1869-1874 Flygare, C Ludwig
Ithaka (NZ )
- 1862-1863 Ahrens, Casten H
- 1862-1881 Reinstorf, Heinrich with Hambrock, Kramer
- 1863-1870 Schroeder
- 1864-1870 Schröder, Hans-Heinrich
- 1870-1873 Stallbom, HC Friedrich Transferred to Bethel
Jericho (NW )
- 1879-1906 Peters, J Heinrich
- 1906-1939 Siebelts, Albert I
- 1940-1946 Brümmerhoff, AF Otto
- 1946-1948 Buhr, GH Karl
- 1948-1957 Krüger, Gustav
Kana (NW )
- 1867-1912 Wenhold, PC Hermann
- 1912-1941 Wenhold,AF Hermann
- 1941-1959 Lypke, Wilhelm Georg Heinrich
Kirchdorf (NM )
- 1882 – 1892 Stielau, Gustav-Adolph F
Koburg (MP )
- 1927-1934 Koch, Otto
- 1934-1937 Gieselmann, KHW
- 1937-1949 Schröder, Ernst FJ
Kolobeng (BZ )
- 1868-1873 Hansen, Claus, 1868-1871 Röhrs, Hans-H
- 1904-1912 Janssen, Luitjen
Kroondal (NW )
- 1904-1916 Müller, JH Christian
- 1905-1950 Von Zwietring, Johannes HJ
- 1950-1966 Hagedorn, Paul JG
- 1966-1984 Pape, August Hinrich
Krügersdorp (GP )
- 1912-1932 Gevers, Heinrich C
- 1932-1953 Tönsing, Rudolf L
- 1932-1939 Brümmerhoff, AF Otto
- 1945-1963 Brümmerhoff, AF Otto
Langlaagte (GP )
- 1934-1938 Tönsing, Rudolf L
- 1939-1940 Rathe, Otto FWA
- 1946-1971 Pfitzinger, G Heinrich
Lemgo (NZ )
- 1910-1922 Bösser, Jorst
- 1918-1922 Ahrens, Johann
- 1924-1926 Filter, WC Heinrich
- 1926-1931 Uken, Rohlf
- 1930-1940 Peters, Johannes WK
Leporro (NW )
- 1867-1886 Fuls, Friedrich AH
Lilienthal (NM )
- 1899-1906 Ohlhoff Carl H
- 1908-1942 Deppe, KH Hermann
- 1942-1946 Welke, Hans E
- 1946-1951 Engelbrecht, Anton
- 1952-1964 Garz, Friedrich F
Limao (BZ )
- 1864-1865 Kaiser, Heinrich L
- 1865-1882Johann Friedrich Tönsing (1832-1882)
- 1866-1868 Wehrmann, Ernst F
- 1867-1874 Lohann, K August
- 1866-1870 Riechelmann, Friedrich
- 1883-1898 Müller, E Christoph C
- 1899-1904 Jensen, Ferdinand HW
- 1904-1912 Janssen, Luitjen
Liteyane (BZ )
- 1857-1862 Schröder, Jürgen H
- 1858-1864 Schulenburg Heinrich Christoph, Zimmermann, Christoph H Backeberg
Lüneburg (MP )
- 1883-1885 Johannes, H Christoph
- 1880-1885 P Christoph Bartels
- 1886-1909 Gevers, J Heinrich J
Mabotse (NW )
- 1872-1874 Riechelmann, Friedrich
Mahanaim (NW )
- 1881-1887 Wickert, Adam
- 1887-1890 Karl Gottlieb Schindler (1852-1922)
- 1889-1901 Wickert, Adam
- 1906-1920 Peters, J Heinrich
- 1927?-1936 Schlehmeyer, Heinrich HA
- 1936-1938 Rathe, Otto FWA
- 1939-1946 Lange, Ernst F
- 1946-1955 Dehnke KW Gebhardt
Manuane (NW )
- 1882-1882 Johann Friedrich Tönsing (1832-1882)
- 1883 – 1903 Wehrmann, Ernst F
- 1904-1954 Lange F Heinrich
Marang (NW )
- 1957-1970 Rathe, Otto FWA
- 1958-1970 Greve, Hermann F
Marburg (NS )
- 1867-1868 Flygare, C Ludwig; 1867-1884 Stoppel, Peter
- 1868-1872 Lilje, Johannes HC
- 1884-1909 Deppe, F Heinrich
- 1916-1944 Schmädeke HHF Wilhelm
Matau (NW )
- 1903-1947 Holdt, C Peter
Matebe (NW )
- 1868-1874 Köller, FH Wilhelm
Mathlolang (NW )
- 1873-1877 Hansen, Claus
Matlare (NW )
- 1866 -1869 Kaiser, Heinrich Ludwig (1829-1914)
- 1866-1869 Karsten Heinrich Wilhelm Drewes (1830-1869)
Matooster (NW )
- 1962-1969 Dehnke KW Gebhardt
Melorane (NW )
- 1873-1883 Wehrmann, Ernst F
- 1883-1898 Fitschen, Johann
- 1899-1908 Jensen, Ferdinand HW
- 1913-1920 Janssen, Engelbart H
- 1923-1927? Schlehmeyer, Heinrich HA
Molote (NW )
- 1895-1901 Gevers, Heinrich C
- 1928-1941 Lypke, Wilhelm Georg Heinrich
Morgensonne (Schule bei Saron) (NW )
- 1876-1887 Penzhorn, JH Christoph
1876 The school opens in January
- 1876-18?? Louis Schmidt
- 1877-1882 Heinrich Wilhelm Stumpf
- 1882-1887 Heinrich Wurth (1850-1937)
- 1887-1889 Wickert, Adam
- 1890-1891 Johann Heinrich Backeberg (1840-1918)
- 1890-1897 Karl Gottlieb Schindler (1852-1922)
- 189?-1895 Hermann August Wilhelm Hesse (1871-1958) - joined the government school service
- 1898-1901 Johann Fitschen (1851-1937) - considered a 'Boer spy' by British Authorities and sent to POW camp in India 1902 School razed and destroyed by British troops in February (Anglo Boer War 1899-1902). Decided not to rebuild the school, but to focus on the school at Kroondal. The farm Morgenzon was sold in 1921.
Mosethla (NW )
- 1870-1871 Christoph H Backeberg
- 1870-1882 Hasselblatt
- 1886-1897 Lüneburg, Hans-Heinrich
- 1886-1890 Grotherr, Claus
- 1898-1907 Heinrich Behrens
- 1909-1912 Dehnke H Friedrich W
- 1912-1928 Hacke, Albert HW
- 1930-1939 Weinhold, Georg R
- 1939-1945 Greve, Hermann F
- 1947-1956 Dehnke H Friedhold CJ
- 1956-1961 Lange, Heinrich F
Motswedi (NW )
- 1886-1900 Rodewald, H Wilhelm
- 1899-1908 Jensen, Ferdinand HW
- 1934-1963 Witthöft, August FDW
Mtunzini (NN )
- 1960-1962 von Fintel, Johannes RTE
- 1962-1965 Müller-Nedebock, Lothar TK
Mthombeni ( NN)
- 1939-1957 von Fintel, Siegfried KO
Müden (NM )
- 1876-1911 Röttcher, O Heinrich
- 1870 HH Blomeyer
- 1876-1880 Reibeling, Johannes
- 1897-1912 Dehning G Heinrich
- 1911-1913 Schiering, KF Paul
- 1912-1914 Keyser, Friedrich
- 1914-1923 GH Gustav Asmus
- 1923-1959 Küsel H Friedrich C
Nazareth (NN )
- 1880-1912 Dedekind, Christoph Wilhelm
- 1912-1932 Dedekind, HF Otto
- 1933-1945 Filter, WC Heinrich
- 1946-1955 Engelbrecht, Albert BK
Nazareth (NW )
- 1884-1886 Lüneburg, Hans-Heinrich
Neu-Hannover (NM )
- 1858-1862 Schütze, Heinrich
- 1862-1884 Struve, Wilhelm
- 1885-1891 Oltmann, J David
- 1891-1936 Drögemöller, Johann CT
- 1900-1906 Köhler, Ernst HW
- 1935-1953 Lütge, Heinrich EO
- 1953-1960 von Fintel, Johannes RTE
- 1971-1976 Scriba, Friedrich HWE
Noodsberg Road (NM )
- 1892-1904 P Christoph Bartels
Notoane (NW )
- 1868-1870 Wehrmann, Ernst F
Oebisfelde (NM )
- 1936-1942 Welke, Hans E
- 1953-1960 von Fintel, Johannes RTE
Opate (Alt-Müden) (NM )
- 1857-1860 Filter, J Heinrich J 1857-1861 Prigge, JC Heinrich ;
- 1860-1861 Brunkhorst, Johann
- 1861-1866 Schütze, Heinrich H; 1863-1876 Röttcher, O Heinrich
- 1871- 1896 Holst, J Heinrich C
- 1907-1912 Wiese, Heinrich WF
Palmietfontein (NW )
- 1895 – 1898 Cassier, Heinrich WC
Patelecope (NW )
- 1863-1875 Schulenburg, H Christoph
- 1867-1871 Röhrs, Hans-H Hansen, Schulenburg Heinrich W
Paulpietersburg (NN )
- 1964-1974 von Fintel, Johannes RTE
Pella (NW )
- 1869-1897 Springhorn, H Wilhelm
- 1897-1921 Schindler, Karl G
- 1921-1950 Rönnebeck, Diedrich
- 1952-1958 Lange, Ernst F
Piet Retief (MP )
- 1932-1934 Gieselmann, KHW
- 1934-1936 Koch, Otto
- 1945-1958 Ullrich, Wilhelm CH
- 1958-1966 Pape, August Hinrich
Phalane (NW )
- 1867-1874 Lohann, K August
- 1874-1877 Köller, FH Wilhelm
- 1878-1890 Müller, JH Christian
- 1897-1903 Bodenstab, BGH Theodor
- 1908-1928 Meyerhoff, Peter Gerdes 1909-1920 Rönnebeck, Diedrich
- 1923-1928 Buhr, GH Karl
Phorothlwane (NW )
- 1981 – 1985 Dehnke Heinrich KG
Polfontein (NW )
- 1877-1898 Hansen, Claus
- 1898-1918 Müller, E Christoph C
- 1918-1953 Janssen, Luitjen
Polonia (NW )
- 1884-1890 Teichmann, F Eugen
- 1890-1907 Grotherr, Claus
- 1910-1917 Niebuhr, Johann F
- 1913-1920 Mahnke, J Heinrich
- 1920-1938 Meyer, P Heinrich C
- 1938-1950 Müller, R Theodor RA
Potuane (NW )
- 1870-1873 Müller, JH Christian
- 1878-1879 J Heinrich Backeberg
- 1879-1886 Grotherr, Claus
- 1893-1897 Misselhorn, HC Friedrich
- 1899-1905 Niebuhr, Johann F
Pretoria (GP)
- 1939-1944 Dehnke Heinrich KG
- 1958-1976 Holsten, Heinrich
- 1963-1973 Brümmerhoff, AF Otto
Ramadiane (NW )
- 1871-1913 Schulenburg Heinrich W
- 1913-1931 Schulenburg Wilhelm H
- 1933-1945 Lüssmann, Heinrich H
- 1945-1957 Schlehmeyer, Heinrich HA
- 1957-1964 Krüger, Gustav
Ramoutsa = Harmshope (BZ )
- 1875-1891 Schulenburg, H Christoph
- 1893-1900 Georg Behrens
- 1899-1908 Jensen, Ferdinand HW
- 1903-1914 Richert, FA Heinrich
- 1931-1946 Pfitzinger, G Heinrich
- 1946-1952 Lange, Ernst F
- 1952-1958 Holsten, Heinrich
Rantimos (NS )
- 1869-1874 Flygare, C Ludwig
Riekertsdam (NW )
- 1912-1921 Schindler, Karl G
- 1921-1950 Rönnebeck, Diedrich
Rosenen (NM )
- 1879-1891 Schröder, Hans-Heinrich
Rustenburg (NW )
- 1867-1893 Zimmermann, FF Alex
- 1881-1886 Rodewald, H Wilhelm
- 1890-1904 Müller, JH Christian
- 1904-1949 Bodenstab, BGH Theodor
- 1949- 1958 Buhr, GH Karl
- 1959-1967 Lypke, Wilhelm Georg Heinrich
Salem (NW )
- 1905-1910 Niebuhr, Johann F
- 1910-1932 Lüssmann, Heinrich H
- 1947-1957 Dehnke H Friedhold CJ
Saron (NW )
- 1867-1895 Penzhorn, JH Christoph
- 1885-1893 Georg Behrens
- 1892-1940 Penzhorn, JC Ernst
- 1942- Brümmerhoff, AF Otto
- 1956-1958 Greve, Hermann F
- 1959-1964 Lange, Ernst F
- 1972-1980 Dehnke Heinrich KG
Schaumburg (NW )
- 1923-1946 Dohmeier H Konrad
Scheepersnek (NM )
- 1921-1923 Drews, Reinhard
Schochong (BZ )
- 1859-1863 Schulenburg, H Christoph
Sichar (NW )
- 1886-1907 Fuls, Friedrich AH
- 1908-1938 Müller, R Theodor RA
- 1938-1946 Dehnke H Friedhold CJ
Sutherland (NM )
- 1873-1872 Müller, Heinrich W
Thaba Lenong (NW )
- 1870-1872 Wehrmann, Ernst F
Verden (NN )
- 1880-1905 Müller, Heinrich W
- 1900-1908 Deppe, KH Hermann
- 1910-1912 Dedekind, HF Otto
- 1912-1927 Dehning G Heinrich
- 1928-1937 Schröder, Ernst FJ
- 1946-1955 Engelbrecht, Albert BK
Vryheid (NN )
- 1923-1961 Drews, Reinhard
- 1961-1974 Lange, Heinrich F
Wartburg (NM )
- 1893-1903 P Christoph Bartels
- 1904-1920 Fitschen, Johann
- 1920 – 1952 HF Otto Backeberg
Wolmaranstad (NW )
- 1907-1932 Tönsing, Rudolf L
- 1934-1947 Karberg, Ernst PF
Zoar (MP )
- 1874-1879 Wagner, Christian
Alphabetical List of Hermannsburg Missionaries
ADEN, Hermann Artur born 1936 Premnitz, DE arrived SA 1962 died - married HARMS, Helga whose birth 1943 Celle, DE and death -
AHRENS, Casten Heinrich born 24.10.1824 in Wohlde bei Bergen, DE arrived SA 1858 died 13.3.1863 in Ithaka, Natal married NN whose birth ? and death 12.3.1863 in Ithaka, Natal
AHRENS, Heinrich Wilhelm born 25.9.1850 in Bergen, DE arrived SA 1859 / 1873 died 27.6.1914 in Göttingen, DE married 1. SAHLBERGER, Luise Henriette whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 25.4.1902 Hermannsburg, Natal
married 2. SCHRAMM, Julie whose birth 2. ? and death 2. ?
AHRENS, Johann born 14.8.1885 in Selsingen, DE arrived SA 1921 died 25.11.1929 in Ethembeni, Natal married CORDES, Anna Margarethe whose birth Selsingen,D and death 28.7.1977 in Hermannsburg, ZA
ARENDT, Peter Michael born 1950 Gobabis, Namibia arrived SA 1980 / 1984 died - married KLINK, Susanne whose birth Omaruru and death -
ASMUS, Georg Heinrich Gustav born 31.5.1873 in Großenrodebei Northeim, DE arrived SA 1903 died 18.1.1939 in Georgenau bei Wartburg, Natal married CARSTENS, Dorothea Elisabeth Anna whose birth Bösen, DE and death 1940 in Wartburg, Natal
BACKEBERG, Christoph Heinrich born 8.9.1821 in Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1858 died 23.4.1900 in Polonia, ZA married 1. BAUKE, Marie whose birth 1. ? and death 1. ~1864 in Liteyane, ZA
married 2. WINTERHOFF, Marie whose birth 2. Willighausen, D and death 2. 22.2.1870 in Mosethla, ZA
married 3. NN whose birth 3. ? and death 3. ?
BACKEBERG, Conrad Christoph born 14.6.1914 Kroondal arrived SA 1958 died 13.2.1959 Kroondal married HESSE, Marie Dorothee Johanne whose birth ZA and death -
BACKEBERG, Johann Heinrich born 24.7.1840 in Backeberg bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1875 died 26.9.1918 in Kroondal, ZA married WIEGEL, Louise whose birth 11.9.1849 in Immensen, DE and death 11.12.1909 in Kroondal, ZA
BACKEBERG, Heinrich Friedrich Otto born 10.4.1882 in Niendorf, Bergen, DE arrived SA 1912 died 11.6.1874 in Wartburg, Natal married MEYERHOFF, Jantjen Hanne whose birth ? and death 16.7.1967 in Wartburg, Natal
BAMMANN, Heinrich Wilhelm born 1937 Jeersdorf, DE arrived SA 1971 died - married RÖHRS, Gisela whose birth Langeloh, DE and death -
BARTELS, Peter Christoph born 5.11.1828 in Zahrensen, Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1862 died 21.4.1913 Wartburg, Natal married SCHRÖNN, Auguste whose birth ? and death 10.1912 in Wartburg, Natal
BARTZSCH, Eva born 2.4.1907 arrived SA 1934 / 1950 died 22.7.1977 in Verden-Elandskraal, Natal
BAUMGARTEN, Johann Heinrich born 20.4.1844 in Oitzen, Hannover, DE arrived SA 1877 died 16.5.1929 in Philippi, ZA married SOHN, Lina whose birth ? and death 27.11.1920 in Philippi, ZA
BECKEN, Hans-Jürgen born 1926 in Ebergötzen, Göttingen, DE arrived SA 1951 died - married LANGHORST, Gerda whose birth 1927 in Hannover, DE and death -
BEHR, Walter born 1926 Kirchwärder, DE arrived SA 1952 died - married SCHOTTER, Anne-Marie whose birth ? and death -
BEHRENDS, Johann (Joke) Wilhelm Albertus born 1934 Leer, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1962 died - married HARMSEN, Roswitha whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death -
BEHRENS, Georg born 6.2.1852 in Eschede, DE arrived SA 1885 died 23.3.1900 in Ramoutsa, ZA married 1. WINKELMANN, Bertha whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 1888 in Saron, ZA
BEHRENS, Heinrich born 2.10.1866 in Sage, Großkneten, Oldenburg, DE arrived SA 1898 died 26.3.1940 in Eben-Ezer, Transvaal married JORDT, Marie Mathilde Sophie Anne whose birth ? and death 19.10.1969 in Dalton, Natal
BEHRENS, August Heinrich Wilhelm jun. born 16.5.1854 in Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1881 died 5.7.1948 in Kroondal married 1. MARTINS, Elisabeth whose birth 1. ? and death 1. ?
married 2. HESS, Bertha whose birth 2. ? and death 2. - in Kroondal
BEHRENS, Heinrich Wilhelm sen. born 13.2.1827 Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1858 died 22.4.1900 in Bethanie, ZA married ALBERS, Christine whose birth ? and death 11.2.1897 in Bethanie, ZA
BERGER, Hans-Joachim born 1930 in Barnewitz, Brandenburg, DE arrived SA 1959 died - married KÖLLER, Gisela whose birth 1938 in Berlin, DE and death -
BLOMEYER, Hermann Heinrich born 1.8.1830 in Groß-Aschen, DE arrived SA 1867 died 2.10.1882 in Emakabeleni, Natal married RUWE, Katharine Loiuse Wilhelmine whose birth Hoyel bei Osnabrück, DE and death 1911
BOCK, Fritz born 3.11.1902 in Lauenhagen, DE arrived SA 1937 died - married HARMENING, Marie whose birth ? and death -
BODENSTAB, Berthold Gerhard Heinrich Theodor born 20.11.1865 in Burgdorf, Hannover, DE arrived SA 1896 died 28.7.1949 in Kroondal married MÜLLER, Johanna whose birth Kroondal and death 4.1.1943 in Kroondal
BODENSTEIN, Christian Ludwig Wilhelm born 23.8.1885 in Upstedt bei Hildesheim, DE arrived SA 1912 died 22.7.1946 in Empangweni married PETERSEN, Elisabeth whose birth ? and death 28.9.1978
BODENSTEIN, Karl-Wilhelm born 11.12.1922 in Moorleigh, Natal, ZA arrived SA 1954 died 8.7.1988 in Kapstadt married MÜLLER-RENTZSCH, Ursula Ilse Eugenie Meta whose birth ? and death -
BÖHMKE, Claus born 6.8.1838 in Oppeln bei Neuhaus an der Oste, DE arrived SA 1875 died Frankfurt, Kap? married ENCKHAUSEN, Sophie whose birth ? and death ?
BÖSSER, Jost born 7.9.1878 in Buchenau an der Lahn, Hessen, DE arrived SA 1910 died 2.10.1922 auf Lemgo, ZA married ISERMANN, Luise whose birth Neuenkirchen, Melle, DE and death 9.3.1968 in Pretoria
BOSTELMANN, Heinrich Christian Conrad born 22.6.1851 in Wense, Dorfmark, DE arrived SA 1882 died 1.11.1939 auf Edlomodlomo, ZA married IMBROCK, MME whose birth Lüneburger Heide and death 31.8.1935 in Edlomodlomo
BRAUEL, Georg born 3.6.1838 in Hanstedt bei Pattensen, DE arrived SA 1867 died 3.7.1911 auf Hebron, Natal, ZA married LÜSSMANN, D.E.Catherine whose birth Römstedt, Hannover and death 30.5.1920
BRAUN, Paul-Gerhard born 1941 Stuttgart, DE arrived SA 1967 died - married GUNDERSEN, Jorunn Elise whose birth 1942 Norwegen and death -
BRÜMMERHOFF, August Friedrich Otto born 5.12.1906 in Winkelhausen, Dorfmark, DE arrived SA 1931 died 17.10.1984 in Pretoria married PAHLS, Martha Hermine Emma whose birth ? and death 9.12.1974
BRUNKHORST, Günther born 1965 Sittensen, DE arrived SA 1986 died - married MEYER, Gunda whose birth 1959 Zeven and death -
BRUNKHORST, Karl Otto Friedrich born 22.12.1881 in Groß-Hegesdorf bei Rinteln am Deister, DE arrived SA 1912 died 26.9.1974 married 1. POTTING, Marie whose birth 1. Osnabrückerland and death 1. 1920 in Elim, Natal
married 2. SCHRÖDER, Marie Adele Dora whose birth 2. Neu-Hannover, ZA and death 2. 1934 in Hermannsburg, Natal
married 3. RÖHRS, Marie whose birth 3. Empangweni, ZA and death 3. 21.2.1980
BRUNKHORST, Johann born 9.6.1824 in Vahlde bei Scheeßel, DE arrived SA 1858 died 31.7.1861 auf Alt-Müden, Natal
BUHR, Georg Heinrich Karl born 2.10.1887 in Messhausen, Kreis Soltau, DE arrived SA 1922 died 20.2.1974 in Rustenburg married 1. EBKER, Emma whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 1.8.1938 in Bethanie, ZA
married 2. BLATTMANN, Gertrud Emmy Maria whose birth 2. ? and death 2. -
BÜNJER, Karl born 1928 Büdelsdorf, DE arrived SA 1957 died - married DENECKE, Rosemarie whose birth ? and death -
BURCKHARDT, Klaus born 1955 Fulda, DE arrived SA 1984 died - married CLAUS, Catherine whose birth 1954 Freemont, OH, US and death -
CASSIER, Heinrich Wilhelm Carl born 28.4.1853 in Ahrensdorf, Brockhöfe, Hannover, DE arrived SA 1885 died 22.9.1898 in DE married LOHANN, Emilie Sophie whose birth - and death 19.5.1921
DALKA, Heinrich-Georg born 1953 in Legden, DE arrived SA 1985 died - married KLOPFENSTEIN, Monique whose birth Elsaß, FR and death -
DEDEKIND, Christoph Wilhelm born 20.4.1834 in Gilmerdingen bei Soltau, DE arrived SA 1866 died 13.12.1912 in Nazareth, Natal married DITTMER, Katharine Dorothea whose birth - and death auf Nazareth, Natal
DEDEKIND, Karl Gottlieb Heinrich born 16.11.1873 in Edlomodlomo, Natal arrived SA 1901 died 16.2.1941 in Entombe, Natal married DAGEFÖRDE, Johanna whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 1933 auf Entombe, Natal
DEDEKIND, Heinrich Friedrich Otto born 17.11.1882 in Nazareth, Natal arrived SA 1908 died 18.3.1932 in Nazareth, Natal married 1. EICKHOFF, Elisabeth whose birth 1. - and death 1. 9.11.1921 auf Nazareth, Natal
married 2. FILTER, Hedwig whose birth 2. - and death 2. -
DEDEKIND, Helmut born 1946 Paulpietersburg, Natal arrived SA 1976 died - married WEBER, Christa whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death -
DEHNING, Georg Heinrich born 4.8.1865 in Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1896 died 19.4.1949 in Empangweni, Natal married SCHÖNDUBE, Emma whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death Empangweni
DEHNKE, Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm born 3.9.1870 in Schwitschen bei Visselhövede, DE arrived SA 1904 died 6.12.1944 in Hebron, Tvl married OTTE, Clara Dorothea Luise whose birth Hermannsburg, Natal and death 15.8.1957 auf Hebron, Tvl
DEHNKE, Heinrich Friedhold Christoph Johannes born 11.8.1908 in Harburg, Natal arrived SA 1937 died - married OTTE, Martha Anna Minna Christine whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 14.6.1979 in Pretoria
DEHNKE, Karl Wilhelm Gerhardt born 27.3.1913 in Hebron, Tvl, ZA arrived SA 1938 died 25.7.1969 in Rustenburg married STAEGE, Margarethe whose birth Stuttgart, DE and death -
DEHNKE Heinrich (Heinz) Karl Georg born 14.9.1910 in Mosethla, Tvl, ZA arrived SA 1932 died 30.12.1983 in Pretoria married LASPE, Irmgard whose birth Goslar am Harz, DE and death 1.10.1968
DEPMEIER, Erhard born 1953 Rumbeck, DE arrived SA 1983 died -
DEPPE, Franz Heinrich born 19.5.1849 in Barntrup, Lippe-Detmold, DE arrived SA 1880 died 15.11.1910 in Marburg, Natal married DEHNING, Dorothea Magdalene Marie whose birth ? and death 21.2.1943
DEPPE, Karl Heinrich Hermann born 28.8.1872 in Dannenberg, DE arrived SA 1900 died 17.8.1942 in Pietermaritzburg married BISCHOFF, Margarethe Dorothea Louise whose birth 19.1.1886 ? in Dömitz, Mecklenburg, DE and death 8.3.1958 in Lilienthal, Natal
DIECKMANN, Wolfgang born 1944 Holten, NL arrived SA 1981 died - married RUSCHMEYER, Christa whose birth Fintel, DE and death -
DOHMEIER, Heinrich Konrad born 10.1.1892 in Hohnhorst, Schaumburg, DE arrived SA 1921 died 3.9.1964 in Pretoria married 1. TIELKING, Wilhelmine whose birth 1. Steinhude, D and death 1. ? in Schaumburg, ZA
married 2. KESSLER, Anna whose birth 2. Zürich, CH and death 2. 9.1.1951 in Schaumburg, ZA
DREWES, Karsten Heinrich Wilhelm born 26.11.1830 in Dorfmark, DE arrived SA 1866.7 died 29.12.1869 in Hermannsburg, ZA married MARWEDE, Marie Dorothea whose birth Winkelhausen, Dorfmark, DE and death 15.3.1935 ?
DREWES, Heinrich Wilhelm born 12.11.1854 in Meinholz bei Wietzendorf, DE arrived SA 1885 died 13.4.1894 in Endlovini, Natal married WROGEMANN, Marie whose birth ? and death 17.6.1905
DREWS, Reinhard born 28.7.1890 in Heimthal-Straeijabuda, Wolhynien, Russland arrived SA 1921 died 10.8.1969 in Pretoria married WINTERHOFF, Marie Magdalene Johanne whose birth Willighausen bei Müden, Celle and death -
DRÖGEMÖLLER, Johann Christian Theodor born 18.3.1865 in Techin, Lauenburg, DE arrived SA 1891 died 20.2.1936 in Neu-Hannover, Natal married KÖNIG, Maria whose birth Kirchwerder, Hamburg, DE and death 1.9.1960 in Neu-Hannover, Natal
DUMJAHN, Marianne born 1924 Pasewalk, Vorpommern arrived SA 1954 died -
EGGERS, Christoph Heinrich Wilhelm (Willi) born 29.6.1914 Harburg, Natal arrived SA 1936 died - married DRÖGEMÖLLER, Hildegard Anna Margarethe whose birth 18.6.1912 Neu Hannover, Natal and death -
ELGES, Heinrich (Heinz) born 17.8.1911 Göttingen, DE arrived SA 1938 died - married LÜNSMANN, Erna whose birth ? and death -
ENGELBRECHT, Albert Berhard Karl born 7.8.1892 Tafelberg, Piet Retief, ZA arrived SA 1923 died 6.6.1955 in Verden, Natal married ENIGLEIN, Anna Martha whose birth Öllnitz, Sachsen and death 6.3.1971 in Verden
ENGELBRECHT, Anton born 15.1.1905 in Lüneburg, ZA arrived SA 1934 died - married RIPKE, Martha whose birth ? and death ?
ENGELBRECHT, Johann Detlef born 23.3.1832 in Elmshorn, Holstein arrived SA 1862 died 9.8.1902 in Ekhombela, Natal married RÖSE, Anne Catharine whose birth Frankenberg, Kurhessen and death 10.7.1892 in Ekhombela
ENGELBRECHT, Heinrich August Paul born 6.4.1894 Tafelberg, Piet Retief, ZA arrived SA ~1923 died 11.7.1957 in Pretoria married BUNKE, Frieda whose birth ? and death 31.7.1978 in Empangweni
FEDDERKE, Heini Christian born 20.5.1912 in Hannover, DE arrived SA 1939 died - married DEDEKIND, Waltraut Lieselotte whose birth Verden, Natal and death -
FILTER, Hugo born 1956 Piet Retief, Natal arrived SA 1984 died - married van der NEUT, Lynette whose birth ? and death -
FILTER, Johann Heinrich Jakob born 24.1.1823 in Messhausen bei Soltau, DE arrived SA 1858 died 23.12.1879 in Lüneburg, Natal married DITTMER, Catharine Dorothea Elisabeth whose birth Raven, Lüneburger Heide and death 24.12.1902 in Nazareth, Natal
FILTER, Wilhelm Christian Heinrich born 6.6.1893 in Entombe, Tvl arrived SA 1923 died 31.8.1969 in Hermannsburg, Natal married 1. WOLFF, Marie whose birth 1. Hermannsburg, D? and death 1. 10.12.1924 in Lemgo, Natal
married 2. ROHWER, Anna whose birth 2. IN and death 2. 198? in Hermannsburg, Natal
von FINTEL, Friedrich born 1938 Bethel, Natal arrived SA 1970 died - married THEUERKORN, Ruth whose birth Chemnitz, DE and death -
von FINTEL, Johann Peter Wilhelm born 15.1.1873 in Neu-Hannover, Natal arrived SA 1898 died 14.8.1940 in Empangweni married GARBERS, Anna whose birth Vahlsen bei Schneverdingen, DE and death 21.4.1949
von FINTEL, Johannes Richard Theodor Ernst born 24.7.1909 Empangweni, Natal arrived SA 1937 died 15.7.1979 Pietermaritzburg married RÖHRS, Ilse whose birth Soltau, DE and death 7.8.1974 Piet Retief, Natal
von FINTEL, Martin born 1939 Bethel, Natal arrived SA 1966 died - married ULLRICH, Magrit whose birth Piet Retief? and death -
von FINTEL, Siegfried Karl Otto born 3.7.1907 Neu-Hannover, Natal arrived SA 1934 died married GÜMMER, Magdalene Therese whose birth 12.4.1909 in Frille bei Minden an der Weser, DE and death -
von FINTEL, Stillfried Heinrich August born 12.6.1914 Neu-Hannover, Natal arrived SA 1966 Moorleigh died - married 1. KÜSEL, Anna Katharina Marie whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 16.10.1980 Pietermaritzburg
married 2. RUST (verh. von WEBER), Agnes Bertha Helene whose birth 2. ? and death 2. -
von FINTEL, Werner Fortmann born 7.2.1934 Moorleigh, Natal arrived SA 1970 died 19.3.1998 married HELLBERG, Ingeburg Elisabeth whose birth ? and death -
FISCHER, Jan born 1940 Berlin, DE arrived SA 1962 Durban, Moorleigh, Rustenburg died - married MÖLLER, Freya whose birth ? and death -
FITSCHEN, Johann born 25.1.1851 in Hesedorf bei Neukloster, Stade, DE arrived SA 1882 died 2.10.1937 in Bishopstowe, Natal married LINDHOFF, Marie Sophie whose birth Hamerstorf and death 1.10.1946 in Bishopstowe
FITSCHEN, Wilhelm Heinrich Ernst born 13.5.1892 in Hermannskraal, Tvl arrived SA 1926 died - married KOTHE, Emma whose birth ? and death -
FLYGARE, Carl Ludwig born 7.10.1834 in Frorsdorp bei Skora, Schweden arrived SA 1866 died 25.2.1883 auf Engome, Natal married LÖWENTHAL, Ida whose birth ? and death ?
FRÖHLING, Edgar born 1940 Durban arrived SA 1970 died - married SCHRÖDER, Irma whose birth ? and death -
FRÖHLING, Johann Friedrich Theodor born 25.9.1834 in Lüneburg, DE arrived SA 1862 died 12.8.1887 in Hermannsburg, Natal married 1. BENTIM, Sophie Dorothea whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 24.11.1868 in Enyezane
married 2. ANDERSOHN, Johanna Henrica Dorothea whose birth 2. ? in Lübeck, DE and death 2. 17.5.1894 in Hermannsburg, Natal
FROMM, Jörg born 1953 Hamburg, DE arrived SA 1982 died - married GARMATTER, Elke whose birth 1956 Celle, DE and death -
FULS, Friedrich August Heinrich born 6.3.1836 in Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg, DE arrived SA 1866 died 6.8.1907 in Sichar, Tvl married REICHE, Karoline whose birth ? and death ?
GARZ, Friedrich (Fritz) Franz born 10.9.1892 in Pretzier, Altmark, DE arrived SA 1921 died 18.12.1967 in Dalton, Natal married PETERS, Dorothea (Dora) Magdalene Luise whose birth ? and death 14.6.1974 in Dalton, Natal
GEVERS, Heinrich Christoph born 11.6.1861 in Reimerdingen bei Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1880 died 17.8.1932 in Krugersdorp, Tvl married HAPKE, Elisabeth whose birth ? and death ?
GEVERS, Johann Heinrich Christoph born 22.7.1854 in Reimerdingen bei Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1892 died 10.12.1909 in Lüneburg, Natal married KOHLMEYER, Marie whose birth ? in Lührsbokel bei Soltau, DE and death 26.4.1951 in Lüneburg, Natal
GIESELMANN, Karl Heinrich Wilhelm born 28.10.1903 in Hannover, DE arrived SA 1930 died - married 1. GRABAU (verh. BACKEBERG), Helene Margarethe Dorothea whose birth 1. ? Salzhausen, D and death 1. 22.12.1961 in Wartburg, Natal
married 2. MEULKE, Johanna, Ida whose birth 2. ? Piet Retief, Natal and death 2. -
GOLDBACH, Dr. Johanna born 1934 in Schweidnitz, Schlesien arrived SA 1972 Botswana, 1980 Ramotswa died -
GREVE, Hermann Friedrich born 31.7.1905 in Vahlzen, Soltau, DE arrived SA 1934 died 3.12.1981 in Kroondal married 1. EGGERS, Engel Dorothea Elisabeth Helene whose birth 1. ? in Meinern, Soltau, D and death 1. 15.1.1973 in Rustenburg
married 2. WENHOLD (verh. PENZHORN), Emma Dorothea Ilse whose birth 2. ? and death 2. -
GROTHERR, Claus born 18.9.1847 in Rhadereistedt, Zeven DE arrived SA 1877 died 24.4.1907 in Polonia, Tvl married LOOSE, Sophie Marie Dorothea whose birth ? Lehe, Wesermünde, DE and death 17.2.1946
HACKE, Albert Heinrich Wilhelm born 22.12.1880 in Dalldorf, Leiferde, DE arrived SA 1910 died 24.6.1928 in Mosethla, Tvl married REHWINKEL, Anna whose birth ? in Barmbostel, Hermannsburg, DE and death 25.7.1957 in Pretoria
HAGEDORN, Paul Johannes Georg born 30.8.1907 in Flensburg, DE arrived SA 1938 died 22.3.1980 in Estcourt, Natal married WICKERT, Ragni whose birth ? and death 25.7.1979 in Estcourt, Natal
HAHNE, Ludwig Friedrich Hermann born 21.6.1908 in Hildesheim, DE arrived SA 1937 Durban, Bishopstowe died 30.4.1973 in Pietermaritzburg married SCRIBA, Hanna Louisa Engel whose birth ? and death 28.7.1981
HAHNE, Albrecht born 1948 in Pietermaritzburg, ZA arrived SA 1977 Eshowe & Hebron died - married ROOS, Karen whose birth ? and death -
HAMBROCK, Siegfried born 1949 in Pretoria, ZA arrived SA 1976 Vanderbijlpark, Vaaldreieck died - married GERNTHOLTZ, Astrid whose birth ? and death -
HANSEN, Claus born 25.11.1837 in Ausackerholz, Nord-Schleswig, DE arrived SA 1854 died 28.4.1913 in Emmaus, Tvl married 1. HANSEN, Christine whose birth 1. ? in Nord-Schleswig and death 1. 1870 in Kolobeng, Tvl
married 2. HÖVERMANN, Sophie whose birth 2. ? and death 2. 27.3.1898 in Emmaus, Tvl
HANSEN, Jes Nicolai born 23.1.1830 in Ausackerholz, Flensburg, Nord-Schleswig, DE arrived SA 1862 died 27.3.1893 in Hermannsburg, Natal married KOTHE, Sophie whose birth ? and death ?
HANSEN, Peter born 1.4.1841 in Ausackerholz, Flensburg, Nord-Schleswig, DE arrived SA 1868 died 11.3.1868 in Hermannsburg, Natal married - whose birth - and death -
HARDELAND, Dr. August born ? in Hannover, DE arrived SA 29.10.1891 died 27.6.1891 in Hannover, DE married ? whose birth ? and death ?
HARMS, Egmont Karl Edmund born 15.4.1859 in Müden/ Örtze, DE arrived SA 1896 died 4.12.1916 in Wartburg, Natal married BRÖMS, Karin whose birth ? in Schweden and death ?
HARMS, Dieter Robert born 1948 bei Kroondal, ZA arrived SA 1980 Wartburg, ZA died - married MEISLING, Karin whose birth DE and death -
HARMS, Werner Theodor born 1946 in Rustenburg, ZA arrived SA 1983 Augsburg & Braunschweig, ZA died - married BRAMMER, Ilse Margaretha whose birth Uelzen, ZA and death -
HASSELBLATT, Carl Theodor born 1838 in Makoler, EE arrived SA 1867 died ? married - whose birth - and death -
HASTEDT, Wilhelm born 18.3.1910 in Ehestorf bei Elsdorf, DE arrived SA 1938 Moorleigh died - married KLINDWORTH, Maria whose birth Wense bei Heeslingen and death -
HELWIG, Rolf born 1947 in Tostedt, Harburg, DE arrived SA 1979 Johannesburg & Brits died - married ERDMANN, Hanna whose birth DE and death -
HENNEKE, Dietrich Ludwig born 16.2.1904 in Dimhausen, Bassum, DE arrived SA 1934 died 3.11.1969 in Piet Retief married 1. van STADEN, Mathilde Elisabeth Laura Juliana whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 20.6.1966 Farm Haarlem, Piet Retief
married 2. SCRIBA verh. LANGE, Elisabeth whose birth 2. ? and death 2. -
HENSCHEL, Egon born 1920 Brieg, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1950 Moorleigh died - married STOLZ, Hanna whose birth 1923 Brieg, Schlesien, DE and death -
HERR, Ronald born 1934 Wesermünde, DE arrived SA 1973 Johannesburg & Hebron died - married MÜLLER, Frauke whose birth 1942 Spaden, Wesermünde, DE and death -
HERTEL, Erich born 1949 Niederjossa, Hessen, DE arrived SA 1986 Durban died - married TERLINDEN, Silke whose birth 1948 DE and death -
HINRICHS, Diedrich Heinrich born 1937 Spetzerfehn, DE arrived SA 1967 Westville died - married SCHALLEHN, Renate whose birth Vöhrum, Peine, DE and death -
HOHLS, Heinrich born Bergen bei Celle, DE arrived SA 1854 died 28.11.1876 Hermannsburg, Natal married HILMER, Dorothea whose birth Suderburg, DE and death 6.3.1898 Hermannsburg, Natal ?
HOHLS, Heinrich Wilhelm Hermann born 17.1.1863 in Hermannsburg, Natal arrived SA ~1888 died 22.8.1951 in Hermannsburg, Natal married LEISENBERG, Louise whose birth ? and death 1930 in Hermannsburg, Natal ?
HOHLS, Karl Heinrich born 22.6.1827 in Bergen, DE arrived SA 1854 died 20.2.1883 in Hermannsburg, Natal married 1. TEWES, Marie whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 31.1.1863
married 2. BEHRENS, Mathilde Marie Regine whose birth 2. Hamelspringe, DE and death 2. 30.6.1899
HOLDT, Christian Peter(sen) born 20.6.1866 in Skanderup, DK arrived SA 1898 died 6.6.1947 in Matau, Tvl married HANSEN, Christine Caroline whose birth Emmaus, Tvl and death ?
HOLST, Johann Heinrich Christoph born 24.1.1827 in Bokel bei Dorfmark, DE arrived SA 1862 died 23.12.1895 in Opate (Alt-Müden), Natal married RÖTTCHER, Marie whose birth ? in Stellichte and death 3.1.1894 in Opate, Natal
HOLSTE, Christoph born 9.11.1842 in Tostedt, DE arrived SA 1875 died 27.8.1876 in Hebron married - whose birth - and death -
HOLSTEN, Heinrich Wilhelm born 16.10.1912 in Elsdorf, Bremervörde, DE arrived SA 1949 died - married DREYER, Anne Katharina whose birth Oederquart, Stade, DE and death -
HOYER / HEUER, ? born US? arrived SA 1879 died ? married ? whose birth ? and death ?
HÖRMANN, Heinrich Wilhelm born 6.2.1849 in Döhren, Hoyel, Osnabrück, DE arrived SA 1877 died 15.2.1897 in Emtombeni, Natal married GUTMANN, Anna whose birth ? and death 3.9.1941
JACOBS, Bernd Hinrich Wilhelm born 1952 Osteholz-Scharmbeck, DE arrived SA 1984 Johannesburg died - married LEUZE, Christa whose birth DE and death -
JAEDICKE, Dietrich Richard Johannes born 1955 Hahnenklee-Bockswiese, DE arrived SA 1985 Windhoek died - married TEICKE, Andrea whose birth 1957 Münden, DE and death -
JANSSEN, Luitjen born 8.11.1874 in Upende, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1902 died 2.9.1960 in Pretoria married DEHNING, Marie whose birth ? Hermannsburg, DE and death 26.7.1962
JANSSEN, Engelbart Heeren born 11.3.1883 in Upende, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1910 died 30.1.1962 in Gerdau, Tvl married LANGE, Christine Mathilde Luise whose birth ? Oldendorf bei Hermannsburg, DE and death 13.1.1972 in Gerdau, Tvl
JANSSEN, Hermann Lütjens born 12.4.1887 in Upende, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1913 died 29.11.1918 P.O.W. camp, Catterick, UK married - whose birth - and death -
JENSEN, Ferdinand Heinrich Wilhelm born 20.2.1871 Rustenburg, Tvl arrived SA 1897 died 17.7.1941 Dinokana, Tvl married ACHILLES, Magdalene whose birth Wahrenholz, DE and death ?
JENSEN, Thomas born 24.4.1829 in Almstedt, Alsen, DK arrived SA 1862 died 9.2.1908 in Dinokana, Tvl married WITTE, Karoline whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 8.11.1905 in Dinokana, Tvl
JOHANNES, Heinrich Christoph born 16.8.1852 in Hohenzeithen, Himbergen, DE arrived SA 1882 died 13.9.1943 in Wittenberg, Tvl married 1. DREWES, Maria Margarethe Engel whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 24.4.1919 in Wittenberg, Tvl
married 2. HOHLS whose birth 2. ? and death 2. ?
JORDT, Hans-Peter born 2.3.1837 in Bönstrup, Flensburg, Holstein, DE arrived SA 1867 died 27.4.1909 in Eben-Ezer, Tvl married GERDAU, Magdalene Elisabeth Katharina whose birth Roydorf bei Winsen an der Luhe, DE and death 7.1.1925 in Lüneburg, Natal
JUNGE, Johann Wilhelm Detlef born 27.9.1877 im Außendorf Ohrel, Selsingen, DE arrived SA 1907 died 8.6.1954 in Estcourt, Natal married DREYER, Martha Magdalena whose birth Wichmannsburg and death 27.4.1955
JUNGE, Otto born 1932 Deinstedt, DE arrived SA 1962 Piet Retief died - married BADEN, Herma whose birth D and death -
JÜRGENSEN, Friedrich born 4.2.1830 in Voldewra, Hüsby, Schleswig, DE arrived SA 1866 died 1884 in D married GOSCH, Christine Dorothea whose birth D and death D
JÜRGENSEN, Johann Jakob Bernhard Christian born 10.4.1871, Empangweni, ZA arrived SA 1.4.1890 Neu-Hannover died 13.5.1950 Empangweni married
SCHRÖDER, Elisabeth Julie Friedericke whose birth 11.3.1885 Sandershausen, Thüringen, D and death 17.10.1975 Empangweni
KAISER, Heinrich Ludwig born 21.1.1829 in Gerdau, DE arrived SA 1862 died 7.10.1914 in Hebron, Tvl married MOORHOF, Dorothea Sophie Friederike whose birth Walsrode and death 1.3.1921 in Hebron, Tvl
KAISER, Karl Heinrich born 28.8.1876 Hebron, Tvl arrived SA 1899 died 29.7.1907 Hebron, Tvl (Malaria) married - whose birth - and death -
KAISER, Johannes Heinrich Wilhelm born 8.12.1892 in Baven, Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1921 died 14.10.1965 in Vryheid married OTTERMANN, Emma Maria Else whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 27.12.1980 in Vryheid
KARBERG, Ernst Philipp Friedrich born 19.8.1886 in Benthof bei Gadebusch, Mecklenburg, DE arrived SA 1922 died 24.12.1947 in Wolmaranstad married BÖLSING, Ida Louise Frieda Anna whose birth Oldendorf bei Melle, DE and death 4.11.1969
KEDING, Karsten Dietrich born 1949 Krautsand, DE arrived SA 1983 Pretoria, ZA died - married RÖHRS, Martina whose birth Langeloh/Schneeverdingen, DE and death -
KEDING, Reinhard Christian born 1948 Salzhausen, DE arrived SA 1977 Dundee, ZA died - married GREMELS, Frauke whose birth DE and death 2000
KEDING, Volker Michael born 1952 Krautsand, DE arrived SA 1980 Paulpietersburg, ZA died - married ?, Gesche whose birth DE and death -
KEHRHAHN, Johannes Adolf Karl born 18.2.1881 in Laerz, Mecklenburg, DE arrived SA 1911 Bergen, ZA died 15.7.1951 in Piet Retief married HILMER, Sophie Marie Magdalene whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 15.11.1965
KIEBELSTEIN, Christa born 1945 Bergen / Celle, DE arrived SA 1971 Ramotswa, Botswana died - married - whose birth - and death -
KEYSER, Friedrich born 19.3.1882 in Ebenheim, Elsaß, FR arrived SA 1910 died 26.12.1967 in Eston, Natal married 1. KNOOP, Mariechen whose birth 1. SA and death 1. 7.1.1944 in Ekhombela (?)
married 2. KÖNEKE, Johanne Luise Auguste whose birth 2. SA and death 2. 2.8.1969 im Elsaß, FR
KISTNER, Johann Christoph born 30.1.1884 in Herrnbechtheim, Franken, DE arrived SA 1913 died 20.1.1968 married 1. SCHRÖDER, Marie whose birth Jan 4 1892 – Magdeburg, DE and death Jan 22 1930 - Hermannsburg/Natal and 2. Margarethe (Grethe) née Harms
KISTNER, Dr. Wolfram born 1923 in Hermannsburg, Natal arrived SA 1954 died 12.2006 in Johannesburg married ELFERS, Adelheid whose birth ? and death -
von KLEIST-RETZOW, Konstantin Wilhelm Hans Robert born 3.10.1919 in Kieckow, Pommern, DE arrived SA 1951 died - married STEGEMANN, Anna Paula Elisabeth Erika whose birth 18.5.1919 in Hildesheim, DE and death -
KNOBLAUCH, Ruth born 1926 in Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1953 Edlomodlomo died - married - whose birth - and death -
KOCH, Otto born 9.8.1897 in Neuenkirchen, Soltau, DE arrived SA 1927 died ~1940-5 married BACKEBERG, Johanna whose birth ? and death ?
KOCHENDORF, Dr. Wilhelm born 10.1.1836 Grünwald, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1867 died 20.2.1876 Rustenburg married BRAND, Magdalene whose birth ? and death ?
KÖHLER, Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm born 27.11.1869 in Stapel bei Gifhorn, DE arrived SA 1898 died 20.11.1944 in Ethembeni, Natal married THIESSEN, Anna Marie Elisabeth whose birth ? and death 4.1.1948 in Hermannsburg, Natal
KOHN, Christian Kurt born 1938 in Branden, Ostpreußen, DE arrived SA 1963 Hermannsburg, ZA died - married WITZMANN, Heidelore whose birth ? and death -
KOHRS, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm born 7.3.1822 in Bollersen bei Wietzendorf, DE arrived SA 1854 died 3.9.1920 Ober-Umvoti, Hermannsburg, Natal married 1. HORNBOSTEL, Marie whose birth 1. Müden and death 1. 1875
married 2. BRINKMANN, Elisabeth whose birth 2. Braunschweig and death 2. 31.1.1890
married 3. SCHMIDT verh. BEEGER, Friederike whose birth 3. ? and death 3. 1890
married 4. RUWE verh. BLOMEYER, Katharina Luise whose birth 4. ? and death 4. 1911
KÖLLER, Franz Heinrich Wilhelm born 16.6.1823 in Homfeld, Lippe-Detmold, DE arrived SA 1866 died 1.4.1877 in Phalane, Tvl married ? whose birth ? and death ?
KÖNEKE, Heinrich August Wilhelm born 8.2.1871 in Uetze, DE arrived SA 1900 died 8.5.1909 in Ekuhlengeni, Natal married VÖLKER, Christine whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 8.5.1957 in Izotsha, Natal
KÖPPELMANN, Ulrich Hartmut born 1954 in Göttingen, DE arrived SA 1986 Kempton-Park, ZA died - married OTTO, Ulrike BeaTrice whose birth DE and death -
KÖRBEL, Helga born 1923 in Hannover, DE arrived SA 1953 Hebron, Tvl, ZA died - married - whose birth - and death -
KOSMALA, Martin Emil August born 31.3.1906 in Breslau, DE arrived SA 11.1935 Marangu, Ostafrika died - married BIRKHOLZ, Anna Lina whose birth 13.10.1912 Mockau bei Leipzig and death 18.10.1979 Braunschweig, DE
KRAUSE, Wolfgang Helmut Paul born 10.6.1925 in Stettin, DE arrived SA 1954 died - married GACKENHOLTZ, Magdalena whose birth ? and death -
von KRAUSE, Dr. Wolfram born 17.2.1914 in Karstemöis, Livland arrived SA 1957 died 24.8.1989 in Neuendettelsau, DE married EBERHARDT, Valentine whose birth ? and death -
KRÜGER geb. BERGMANN, Christa Bertha Marie born 13.2.1924 Köslin, Pommern arrived SA 1953 died - married KRÜGER, Gustav whose birth 3.4.1910 in der Ukraine and death 2.3.1979 in Pretoria
KRÜGER, Gustav born 3.4.1910 in der Ukraine arrived SA 1947 died 2.3.1979 in Pretoria married 1. UTERMÖHLEN, Magdalene whose birth 1. Hannover, D and death 1. 2.11.1958 in D
married 2. BERGMANN, Christa whose birth 2. 13.2.1924 Köslin, Pommern and death 2. -
KÜCK, Johannes born 17.6.1830 in Moorende, Grasberg bei Bremen, DE arrived SA 1862 died 15.10.1900 in Empangweni, Natal married SCHUMACHER, Wilhelmine whose birth ? and death 27.6.1898 in Empangweni
KÜSEL, Hans-Joachim Heinrich (Sohn von H.F.C. Küsel) born 12.8.1921 Georgenau, ZA arrived SA 1961 died 8.8.1980 in Müden, Natal married HOWDEN, Elizabeth Isabella whose birth ZA and death ?
KÜSEL, Heinrich Friedrich Christoph born 9.3.1882 in Wieckhorst-Dammhorst bei Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1910 died 25.3.1965 in Müden, Natal married SCRIBA, Auguste Pauline Adelheid Katharine whose birth IN and death ?
LANDMANN, Gert born 28.10.1939 in Chemnitz, Sachsen arrived SA 1970, 1980 died 23.1.1990 ZA married 1. ZIERKE, Edith whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 12.12.1975 ZA
married 2. FROMM, Leonore whose birth 2. Buchholz and death 2. -
LANGE, Ernst Friedrich born 17.10.1911 in Manuane, Tvl arrived SA 1937 died 17.5.1964 married SCRIBA, Elisabeth whose birth ? and death ?
LANGE, Ernst Friedrich (Sohn von E.F. Lange) born 1946 in Rustenburg, Tvl arrived SA 1973 died - married RASMUS, Ruthild Christiane whose birth 1962 Johannesburg and death -
LANGE, Franz-Michael born 1949 in Göttingen, DE arrived SA 31.8.1979 died - married SCHUHLER, Anette whose birth Elsass, FR and death -
LANGE, Friedrich Heinrich born 20.4.1875 in Verden an der Aller, DE arrived SA 1903 died 6.9.1961 in Braunschweig, Natal married DREYER, Alma Julie whose birth Selsingen, DE and death 6.12.1956 in Hermannsburg
LANGE, Heinrich (Heini) Friedrich born 1921 in Ostervesede, Scheeßel, Rotenburg an der Wümme, DE arrived SA 1954 died - married ACHENBACH, Annelore Brunhild whose birth 1932 in Reinkenwalde, Schloßberg, Ostpreussen and death -
LEISENBERG, Heinrich Friedrich born 26.6.1835 in Dedenhausen bei Eddesse, DE arrived SA 1867 died 2.2.1876 in Hermannsburg, Natal married ? whose birth ? and death ?
LEUSCHKE, Ernst Otto Herbert born 3.8.1905 arrived SA 1947 died 8.2.1969 in Pinetown, Natal married 1. ? whose birth 1. ? and death 1. ?
married 2. WEYLAND, Ernestine Getrude whose birth 2. Frankfurt am Main and death 2. 4.12.1965 in Harburg, Natal
LIEFELD, F. W. Albert born 14.3.1831 in Ludwigsfelde, Preußen arrived SA 1862 died 1904 in US married ? whose birth ? and death ?
LILJE, Dieter Reinhard born 1950 Vryheid, ZA arrived SA 1980 died - married VOLKER, Senta Mona whose birth Harburg, ZA and death -
LILJE, Johannes Heinrich Christoph born 13.9.1833 in Gerdau, DE arrived SA 1867 died 23.9.1920 in Ehlanzeni, Natal married BECKRÖGE, Karoline whose birth Langwedel, DE and death ?
LÖCHELT, Fritz Gerhard Hans born 1938 in Bernburg an der Saale, DE arrived SA 1967 died - married EBELING, Marie-Louise whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death -
LOHANN, Karl August born 28.1.1832 in Goldbach bei Sorau, Niederlausitz, DE arrived SA 1862 died 13.7.1897 in Rustenburg married HÖVERMANN, Katharina Marie Dorothea whose birth ? and death 2.4.1915
LÜDEMANN, Ernst-August born 1939 in Lüneburg, DE arrived SA 1967 died - married von FINTEL, Annemarie whose birth 1939 in Neu-Hannover, Natal and death -
LÜDEMANN, Heinrich Wilhelm August born 6.9.1887 in Breese, Kr Dannenberg, DE arrived SA 1921 died 10.5.1966 in Hermannsburg, Natal married AVENRIEP, Catharine Marie Elisabeth whose birth ? and death 18.4.1938 in Braunschweig, Natal
LÜDEMANN, Karl Detlef Wilhelm (Sohn von H.W.A. Lüdemann) born 24.10.1922 Bethel, Natal arrived SA 1966 died - married WICKERT, Barbara Maria whose birth ? and death -
LUETKENS, Dr. Karsten born 1939 in Celle, DE arrived SA 1969 Botswana died - married HARLIEF, Gesa whose birth 1939 Hamburg, DE and death -
LÜHNING, Hans-Gotthard Hermann born 19.3.1920 Lüneburg, DE arrived SA 1965 died 23.9.1981 Pretoria married ?, Marie-Luise whose birth ? and death -
LÜNEBURG, Hans-Heinrich born 1848 in Grosharie bei Neumünster, Holstein, DE arrived SA 1877 died 13.5.1897 in Mosethla, Tvl married SCHRAMM, Amanda Maria Katharina whose birth ? and death 4.11.1932 in Kroondal
LÜSSMANN, Heinrich Hermann born 18.9.1880 in Rieda bei Verden an der Aller, DE arrived SA 1908 died 29.6.1946 in Ramadiane, Tvl married EICKHOFF, Martha whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 22.3.1960
LÜTGE, Heinrich Ernst Otto born 12.12.1907 in Hamburg, DE arrived SA 1934 died ? married KÖNEKE, Margarethe Gretchen Melusine Mathilde whose birth 8.4.1908 inEkuhlengeni bei Glückstadt, Natal and death ?
LYPKE, Wilhelm (Willi) Georg Heinrich born 5.10.1902 in Langlingen, Kr Uelzen, DE arrived SA 1927 died 7.7.1967 in Rustenburg married EHLERS, Maria Magdalene whose birth ? and death ?
MAHNKE, Joachim Heinrich born 3.12.1879 in Sittensen, DE arrived SA 1910 died 16.9.1948 in Philippi, Kap married 1. LANGE, Friederike whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 1914
married 2. LANGE, Marie whose birth 2. ? and death 2. 6.6.1929
married 3. LANGE, Emma whose birth 3. ? and death 3. ? MALMSTRÖM, ? born ? in FI arrived SA 1866 died ? married ? whose birth ? and death ?
MANNEKE, Wilfried Karl-Heinz born 1953 in Delmenhorst, DE arrived SA 1.6.1983 Hebron & Eshowe, ZA died - married GÄRTNER, Annemarie whose birth Swakopmund and death -
MARWEDEL, Wolfgang Friedrich Hans Meno born 28.4.1927 in Hamburg-Altona, DE arrived SA 1954 died - married SCHOLVIN, Barbara Dorothea Elisabeth whose birth 15.10.1928 in Bremen, DE and death -
MEYBERG, Horst Friedrich Theodor born 10.1.1933 in Osnabrück, DE arrived SA 1958 died - married THIM, Hildegard Dorothea Elisabeth whose birth ? and death -
MEYER, Dieter E. born 1939 in Bremerhaven, DE arrived SA 9.1.1986 Marang died - married WORTMANN-BUCHHOLZ, Christa whose birth ? and death -
MEYER, Friedrich Johann Jürgen Friedrich Albrecht born 21.12.1822 in Langwedel bei Bremen, DE arrived SA 1854 died 16.6.1879 in Entombe, Tvl married DOLLENBERG, Amalie whose birth ? and death 25.12.1885 in Alt-Lüneburg, Tvl
MEYER, Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm born 8.6.1905 in Berseba, Tvl arrived SA 1931 died 11.7.1975 in Rustenburg married 1. KAISER, Marie whose birth 1. Hermannsburg, D and death 1. 17.8.1944 in Dinokana, Tvl
married 2. KAISER, Frida whose birth 2. Hermannsburg, DE and death 2. -
MEYER, Marie Dorothea Frieda born 1939 in Bethel bei Coligny, ZA arrived SA 1963 Ramotswa, BW died - married - whose birth - and death -
MEYER, Peter Heinrich Christoph born 17.5.1868 in Weesen bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1896 died 12.5.1950 in Kroondal married DEHNING, Katharine Dorothee Marie whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 19.7.1954 in Kroondal
MEYERHOFF, Peter Gerdes born 28.4.1879 in Münkenboe bei Engerhafe, DE arrived SA 1907 died 29.7.1947 in Boksburg, SA married de VRIES, Jette whose birth ? and death 1.10.1949
MISSELHORN, Heinrich Christoph Friedrich born 21.9.1859 in Pollhöfen, Hohne, DE arrived SA 1892 died 11.5.1897 in Potuane , Tvl married KESSELMANN, Friederike Johanne whose birth ? and death 31.1.1951 in Kroondal
MOE, Johannes born 6.12.1827 in Gulbrandson, NO arrived SA 1858 died ? am Blinkwaterfluß, Natal married SCHREIBER, Adelheid whose birth 5.4.1827 and death 24.2.1891 am Blinkwaterfluß
MORFELD, Detlev Reiner Willi born 1939 in Swinemünde, Pommern, DE arrived SA 1965 Gerdau, died - married KÖHLER, Renata Anna Dorothea whose birth 1936 Hützel, Kr. Soltau and death -1966 Kana bei Rustenburg
MÜLLER, Ernst Christoph Christian born 23.10.1850 in Wahrenholz, DE arrived SA 1882 died 20.8.1922 in Polfontein, Tvl married PRÜSER, Wilhelmine whose birth Eimke, DE and death 24.1.1941
MÜLLER geb. SCHWIETERING, Gertrud Ilse Olga born 1925 in Hannover, DE arrived SA 1954 Bethel bei Lichtenburg, Tvl died - married MÜLLER, Heinrich Hermann Ernst whose birth ? and death 21.2.1987 Marikana
MÜLLER, Heinrich Wilhelm born 30.12.1828 in Baven bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1854 died 29.6.1919 auf Sutherland bei Pomeroy, Natal married SCHONECKE, Dorothea Marie Katharine whose birth ? and death 14.4.1911 auf Sutherland bei Pomeroy, Natal
MÜLLER, Horst born 1958 in Pretoria, ZA arrived SA 1984 Piet Retief, ZA died - married DEDEKIND, Edna whose birth Hermannsburg, ZA and death -
MÜLLER, Johann Heinrich born 23.3.1836 in Almerode, Kurhessen, DE arrived SA 1861/2 died 31.8.1898 in East London married KROME, ? whose birth ? and death ?
MÜLLER, Johann Heinrich Christian born 17.3.1836 in Westerbeck bei Gifhorn, DE arrived SA 1866 died 15.6.1916 in Rustenburg married OTTEMANN, Luise whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 18.11.1930
MÜLLER, Rudolf Theodor Richard Adolf born 27.7.1879 in Accra, GH arrived SA 1907 died 25.5.1950 in Polonia, Tvl married PETERSEN, Ida whose birth 25.5.1886 in Madras, IN and death 11.10.1966 in Kroondal
MÜLLER-NEDEBOCK, Lothar Traugott Kurt born 2.7.1929 in Tirschtiegel, Kreis Meseritz, Westpreußen arrived SA 1954 died ~1990 married FILTER, Edith Maria Hilda whose birth Natal and death -
NIEBUHR, Johann Friedrich born 21.7.1868 in Edendorf bei Wiechmannsburg, DE arrived SA 1898 died 26.6.1917 in Polonia married BEHRENS, Wilhelmine whose birth Sage, Oldenburg, DE and death 5.2.1945
NOLTE, Adolf born 15.2.1834 in Sülze bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1861 died ? in US married ? whose birth ? and death ?
OHLHOFF, Carl Hinrich born 26.5.1868 in Beckedorf bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1898 died 22.7.1926 in Hebron, Natal married GROTE, Magdalene whose birth Ohlendorf bei Stelle, Hannover, DE and death 2.3.1961
OLTMANN, Johann David born 6.3.1847 in Hagel, Oldenburg, DE arrived SA 1882 died 11.11.1922 in Goede Hoop, Natal married PETERS, Magdalene Marie Dorothea whose birth Trauen, DE and death 22.2.1897 auf Farm Trauen, Noodsberg, Natal
OTTE, Friedrich (Fritz) Hermann Walter born 2.1.1920 in Offen, Kreis Celle, DE arrived SA 1954 Pella died - married TEßMER / TESSMER, Adelheid whose birth Bramsche bei Osnabrück, DE and death -
OTTE, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm born 17.2.1832 in Schnedinghausen bei Göttingen, DE arrived SA 1861 died 14.5.1903 auf Endumeni, Natal married 1. TÖNSING, Marie S. whose birth 1. Wimmer bei Lintorf, Osnabrück and death 1. 1872 in Hermannsburg, Natal ?
married 2. BUNKE, Engel Elisabeth whose birth 2. ? and death 2. 27.10.1903 auf Endumeni, Natal
OTTO, Friedrich Richard born 16.8.1877 in Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Sachsen, DE arrived SA 1907 Dundee, ZA died 11.4.1957 Pretoria married JOHL, Bertha Maria Dorothea whose birth ZA and death 3.8.1963 Pretoria
OTTO, Theodor Friedrich Richard born 24.10.1922 in Empangweni (Moorleigh), ZA arrived SA 1959 died - married HESSE verw. BACKEBERG, Marie Dorothee Johanne whose birth ZA and death -
PAPE, August Hinrich born 22.10.1918 in Huxfeld, Kr. Osterholz, Bremen, DE arrived SA 1951 died 17.05.2004 in DE married BARGSTEN, Margret Marie Sophie whose birth Hollenbeck, Kr. Stade, DE and death -
PENZHORN, Johann Heinrich Christoph born 19.6.1835 in Weesen bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1862 died 30.11.1895 auf Saron bei Rustenburg married WICHT, Johanna Catharina Henriette whose birth Cuxhaven, DE and death 15.6.1920 auf Saron
PENZHORN, Johann Christoph Ernst born 27.1.1866 auf Ehlanzeni, Natal arrived SA 1892 died 25.4.1940 auf Saron married KAISER, Johanna Marie whose birth Hebron, Tvl ? and death 13.5.1941 auf Saron
PETERS, Johann Heinrich born 1.11.1850 in Oerrel bei Munster-Lage, DE arrived SA 1877 died 13.7.1936 in Rustenburg married 1. JOHANNES, Marie whose birth 1. Hohenzethen, D and death 1. 1897 auf Jericho, Tvl
married 2. KÜHNE, M. Luise W. whose birth 2. Hildesheim, DE and death 2. ?
PETERS, Johannes (Hans) Werner Karl born 2.8.1900 in Dorfmark arrived SA 1927 died 17.8.1959 in Pietermaritzburg married HOOPS, Sieglinde whose birth Oeningen bei Soltau, DE and death 15.11.1974 in Pretoria
PFITZINGER, Emma born 7.6.1898 auf Gut Truttenhausen, Niedersulzbach, Elsaß, FR arrived SA 23.1.1934 Ramoutsa died 2.4.1986 in Neuenberg, FR married - whose birth - and death -
PFITZINGER, Georg Heinrich (Georges Henri) born 9.6.1901 auf Gut Truttenhausen, Niedersulzbach, Elsaß, FR arrived SA 1930 died 25.2.1979 in Johannesburg married LÜHRING, Marianne whose birth ? and death -
POHLE, Hans Karl Emil born 13.11.1886 in Reichenbach, Oberlausitz arrived SA 1912 died 6.10.1966 in Pietermaritzburg married KAISER, Dora Magdalene Elisabeth whose birth Molbath, Kr Uelzen and death 7.6.1953 in Pietermaritzburg
PRIGGE, Johann Christoph Heinrich born 9.6.1831 in Vierde, Fallingbostel, DE arrived SA 1858 died 20.1.1920 married ?, Maria whose birth ? and death 26.2.1863
PRYDTZ, O.Chr. Thomas born 24.7.1829 in Christiania, NO arrived SA 1858 died 28.2.1863 auf Entombe, Natal married Dorothea Schulze whose birth ? and death ?
RABE, Peter Heinrich Wilhelm born 5.11.1837 in Oldendorf bei Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1866 died 4.7.1914 in Piet Retief married WUNDRAM, Christiane Ida whose birth ? and death ?
RATHE, Otto Fritz Wilhelm August born 3.8.1906 in Marienwerder bei Hannover, DE arrived SA 1934 died 10.2.1975 in Rustenburg married JENSEN, Elisabeth whose birth Dinokana ? and death 22.7.1982 in Rustenburg
RATHJE, Hinrich Wilhelm born 20.8.1927 in Groß Meckelsen bei Sittensen, DE arrived SA 1958 died - married BADEN, Renate Hildegard Friede whose birth ? and death -
REEBER, Friedhelm born 1946 in Halsdorf bei Marburg, DE arrived SA 1982 died - married TÖNSING, Else Marie whose birth ZA and death -
REIBELING, Johannes born 23.4.1842 in Grebenau, Großherzogtum Hessen, DE arrived SA 1867 died 7.2.1911 in Ehlanzeni, Natal married DÖLL, Johanette whose birth Hessen, DE and death 25.12.1910 in Ehlanzeni
REIBELING, Louis Johannes Wilhelm born 22.6.1872 auf Emhlangane, Natal arrived SA 1900 died 28.10.1932 in Ehlanzeni married LILJE, Auguste whose birth Südafrika and death 3.4.1930 in Ehlanzeni
REINKE, Helmut Robert born 1934 in Hamburg, DE arrived SA 1962 died - married SCHIEBE, Christa whose birth IN and death -
REINSTORF, Heinrich born 12.2.1824 in St. Dionys, DE arrived SA 1861 died 6.2.1897 in Bergen, Tvl married HEINS, Marie Sophie whose birth Oldenburg bei Hermannsburg, DE and death ?
RICHERT, Friedrich August Heinrich born 19.9.1869 in Barum, Kr. Uelzen, DE arrived SA 1898 died 14.1.1936 in Hermannsburg, DE married KOTHE, Marie Friederike Johanne whose birth Hermannsburg, DE and death 18.12.1947 in Hermannsburg, DE
RICHTER, Eberhard Helmut born 1943 in Breslau, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1974 Rustenburg died - married LÄWEN, Gisela whose birth DE and death -
RIECHELMANN, Friedrich born 6.7.1835 in Moisburg, DE arrived SA 1866 died 6.4.1874 in Mabotse, Tvl married ? whose birth ? and death 4.1874 in Mabotse ?
RODEWALD, Heinrich Wilhelm born 6.2.1852 in Nordbostel bei Dorfmark, DE arrived SA 1879 died 3. oder 4.1900 married ?, M. whose birth Hansalen bei Schneverdingen, DE and death 14.7.1934 in Neu-Hannover
ROHLAND, Falk born 1937 in Hamm, Westfalen, DE arrived SA 1971 Rustenburg died - married ROSEBROCK, Annelies whose birth DE and death -
ROHWER, Johann born 17.9.1869 in Schülp, Holstein, DE arrived SA 1908 died 28.6.1963 in Harburg, Natal married SCRIBA, Anna Maria Katharina Magdalene whose birth ? and death 15.9.1965 in Harburg, Natal
ROHWER, Tim born 15.5.1864 in Schülp bei Rendsburg, Holstein, DE arrived SA 1921 died 29.5.1946 in Harburg ?, Natal married VÖLKER, Maria Dorothea Johanna whose birth ? and death ?
RÖHRS, Hans-Heinrich born 31.7.1831 in Langeloh bei Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1866/7 died ? married SCHULZE, Dorothea whose birth ? and death ?
RÖNNEBECK, Dietrich born 10.9.1880 in Lüninghausen, Worpswede bei Bremen, DE arrived SA 1908 died 12.8.1964 in Piet Retief married WENDEBOURG, Auguste Josephine Margarete whose birth ? and death 6.3.1971 in Piet Retief
RÖSSLER / RÖßLER, Johann Karl born 6.12.1841 in Wintersdorf bei Altenburg, Sachsen, DE arrived SA 1867 died 2.7.1923 bei Elim, Natal married 1. NIEMANN, Catharine Maria Dorothea whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 12.11.1877 auf Elim, Natal
married 2. SCHÜTTE, Marie Dorothea whose birth 2. Lüneburg, Natal and death 2. 5.4.1938 bei Elim
RÖTTCHER, Otto Heinrich born 7.11.1834 in Stellichte bei Walsrode, DE arrived SA 1862 died 27.12.1911 in Müden, Natal married HORST, Auguste whose birth Kassel, DE and death 30.5.1922 in Müden, Natal
RUTKIES, Bernhard born 16.9.1931 in Ostpreußen arrived SA 1958 died - married SENNE, Anneliese whose birth ? and death -
van SCHARREL, Bernhard Friedrich born 23.8.1928 in Wiesmoor, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1954 died 30.08.2004 in Coligny, ZA married PRIGGE, Käte whose birth 25.05.1931 in Bredenbeck, Landkreis Stade, DE and death -
SCHEPMANN, Heinrich Friedrich Eugen born 23.1.1852 in Schwagstorf bei Ostkapplen, Osnabrücker Land, DE arrived SA 1882 died 16.12.1911 in Berseba, Tvl married 1. LÜHRS, Christine whose birth 1. Bockel and death 1. 25.12.1900 in Berseba
married 2. LOHANN, Emma Dorothea whose birth 2. Emmaus, Tvl ? and death 2. 10.1.1951 in Kroondal
SCHIERING, Karl Friedrich Paul born 15.11.1857 in Potsdam, DE arrived SA 1887 died 6.4.1938 in Empangweni married 1. SCHULZE, Katharine Sophie whose birth 1. Clenze im Wendland, DE and death 1. 17.9.1916 auf Enyezane
married 2. JOHL, Elisabeth whose birth 2. Ostkap and death 2. ?
SCHINDLER, Karl Gottlieb born 4.6.1852 in Langenhennersdorf bei Königstein, Sachsen, DE arrived SA 1885 died 27.12.1921 in Rickertsdam ? married
IMBROCK, Louise Marie Katharina Wilhelmine whose birth Messhausen bei Soltau, DE and death 10.6.1946 in Rickertsdam ?
SCHIRGE, Oswald Heinrich Ernst born 27.1.1873 in Kunau, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1922 died 21.11.1949 in Glückstadt, Natal married 1. KIEHNE, Anna Magdalene whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 15.8.1926 in Glückstadt
married 2. PETERS, Auguste whose birth 2. ? and death 2. 29.5.1979 in Johannesburg
SCHLAG, Heinrich Johannes born 1935 in Bad Nauheim, DE arrived SA 18.8.1967 died - married COHRS, Martha Gertrud Irmgard whose birth ? and death -
SCHLEMEYER, Heinrich Hermann Adolf born 21.2.1889 in Groß-Glienicke bei Potsdam, DE arrived SA 1922 died 13.3.1971 in Vaalbank bei Gerdau, Tvl married
STUKENBROCK, Luise Anna Emilie whose birth ? and death 9.3.1966 in Rustenburg
SCHLÜTER, Richard Julius born 10.4.1929 in Viehsniae, LT arrived SA 1954 died - married BRETTSCHNEIDER, Elisabeth Christa whose birth 22.9.1936 in Demmin, Mecklenburg, DE and death -
SCHMÄDEKE, Hermann Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm born 8.9.1879 in Göttingen, DE arrived SA 1903 died 1961 in Neesen an der Porta Westfalica, DE married HARTUNG, Meta whose birth ? and death 4.4.1949 in Detmold, DE
SCHMEISSER, Manfred Gerhard Kurt born 1956 in Bad Salzuflen, DE arrived SA 1986 died - married LIGENDZA, Heidrun Ortrud whose birth 1959 Sarstedt and death -
SCHMID, Eugen Ulrich, Dr. med. born 1927 Swakopmund, NA arrived SA 1961 died - married STRAEULI, Marianne Elisabeth whose birth Wartburg, Natal (?) and death -
SCHMIDT, Georg born 26.12.1847 in Lohpetersbach, DE arrived SA 1877 died 9.5.1878 in Opate bei Müden, Natal married - whose birth - and death -
SCHMIDT, Johannes Heinrich born 15.12.1831 in Wriedel, Elsaß, FR arrived SA 1867 died 16.4.1906 in Bethesda bei Stanger, Natal married DREWES, Catharina Dorothea Magdalene whose birth Sodersdorf, DE and death 29.1.1934 in Bethesda, Natal
SCHÖNEMANN, Knut Otto Gerhard born 1936 Stettin, DE arrived SA - died - married 1. ALBRECHT, Roswitha whose birth 1. 1938 and death 1. 1987 in Augsburg, DE
married 2. THÜMEN, Karin whose birth 2. 1937 and death 2
SCHRÖDER, Ernst Fritz Johannes born 21.11.1897 in Breslau, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1927 died 10.2.1955 in Paulpietersburg, Natal married WIESE, Margarethe whose birth Natal and death 23.11.1980
SCHRÖDER, Hans-Heinrich born 3.1.1829 in Wardböhmen bei Bergen, DE arrived SA 1862 died 30.8.1891 auf Eben-Ezer bei Glencoe, Natal married BUTHMANN, Margarethe whose birth Fischerhude bei Bremen and death 16.4.1917 in Rosenen bei Glencoe, Natal
SCHRÖDER, Hans-Heinrich born 1.10.1850 in Reinstorf bei Bodenteich, Uelzen, DE arrived SA 1880 died 6.6.1883 auf Ehlobane bei Vryheid, Natal married - whose birth - and death -
SCHRÖDER, Johannes Heinrich Ernst born 24.8.1873 auf Ekuhlengeni, Natal arrived SA ~1900 died 21.8.1960 in Vryheid married KLINGENBERG, Maria D. J. whose birth ? and death 18.6.1975 in Vryheid
SCHRÖDER, Jürgen Heinrich born 20.10.1833 in Wardböhmen bei Bergen, DE arrived SA 1854 died 1862 married BRÖKER (später SCHÜTZE), Dorette whose birth ? and death 13.8.1903
SCHUBERT, Hans Otto Wilhelm born 23.11.1929 in Breslau, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1958 died 4.1.1970 in Lilienthal, Natal married SCHÖNEMANN, Rose-Henriette Anna- Christine whose birth 1938 in Stettin, Pommern, DE and death -
SCHÜDER, Hubert Karl Franz born 2.11.1908 in Wronke, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1952 died 3.6.1986 in Kroondal, ZA married STANGE, Ingeburg Ursula whose birth ? and death -
SCHULENBURG, Heinrich Christoph born 16.12.1830 in Gerdau, DE arrived SA 1858 died 24.5.1891 married SIEGMANN, Marie Dorothea Caroline whose birth Uelzen and death 26.3.1930 in Kroondal, Tvl
SCHULENBURG, Heinrich Wilhelm born 12.8.1835 in Gerdau, DE arrived SA 1867 died 6.1.1914 in Lichtenburg, Tvl married BEHRENS, Marie Sophie Dorothea whose birth Lutterloh bei Hermannsburg, DE and death 10.1.1917 in Gerdau (?), Tvl
SCHULENBURG, Heinrich Christoph born 24.1.1868 in Groß-Süstedt, Gerdau, DE arrived SA 1893 died 2.7.1940 in Braunschweig, Natal married MÜDE, Hermine whose birth ? and death 1938 in Braunschweig, Natal
SCHULENBURG, Wilhelm (Willy) Christoph Hermann born 9.10.1872 auf Ramadiane, Tvl arrived SA 1898 died 29.3.1931 auf Ramadiane, Tvl married KRÖGER, Anna Marie Dorothea whose birth Groß-Moor bei Harburg, DE and death 28.7.1954
SCHULTE, Gerhard Ernst born 1942 in Wesermünde, Bremerhaven, DE arrived SA 1973 died - married AHLFELDT, Gisela whose birth 1941 Wesermünde and death -
SCHULTZ, Dieter born Banteln, DE arrived SA 1982 died - married JANUS, Elisabeth whose birth ? and death -
SCHULZE, Wilhelm Ernst born 25.2.1869 in Hoffenthal, Labrador, CA arrived SA 1897 died 30.8.1961 in Bethanien, Natal married BURMESTER, Ottilie whose birth ? and death 1941
SCHUMANN, Friedrich Behrends born 7.2.1857 in Nesse, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1887 died 19.12.1947 auf Ekuhlengeni, Natal married FRÖHLING, Maria Johanne Dorothea whose birth 1867, Enyezane, Natal and death 1950, Ekuhlengeni, Natal
SCHÜTTE, Dieter Hans born 1943 in Paulpietersburg, ZA arrived SA 1970 died - married MITTORP, Gudrun whose birth ? and death -
SCHÜTZE, Heinrich Hermann born 8.9.1825 in Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1854 died 27.7.1917 bei Ekuhlengeni, Natal married 1. BEHRENS, ? whose birth 1. DE and death 1. ?
married 2. SCHRÖDER nee BRÖKER, Dorette whose birth 2. DE and death 2. 13.8.1903 bei Ekuhlengeni
SCHWEIZER, Martin Christoph born 1935 Langenbielau, Schlesien, DE arrived SA 1962 died - married LEHMANN, Christa Erna Martha whose birth ? and death -
SCRIBA, Carl Friedrich Johann born 1.11.1901 in Vakadu, IN arrived SA 1929 died - married LANGE, Maria Dorothea whose birth Manuane, Tvl and death 7.9.1985 in Pietermaritzburg
SCRIBA, Friedrich (Fritz) Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst born 19.3.1907 in Puttur, IN arrived SA 1932 died - married SCHMIDT, Marie Sophie Emma whose birth Bonstorf bei Hermannsburg, DE and death -
SCRIBA, Georg Friedrich Heinrich born 6.10.1917 in Kodur, IN arrived SA 1951 died 26.5.1980 in Kroondal married KÜSEL, Ilse Minna whose birth Müden, Natal and death -
SCRIBA, Georg Martin born 1948 in Pietermaritzburg, ZA arrived SA 1976 died - married REDINGER, Inge whose birth ZA and death -
SEINWILL, Herbert Franz born 12.4.1930 in Baringen, Ostpreußen, DE arrived SA 1956 died - married PETERS, Wilhelmine Marie Dorothee whose birth Müden, DE and death 20.5.1990 in Salzgitter-Hallendorf, DE
SIEBELTS, Albert Iben born 14.5.1868 in Woquard, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1900 died 16.3.1949 in Kroondal married SCHRAMM, Marie whose birth ? and death Kroondal
SIEDERSLEBEN, Ernst Dietrich (Dieter) born 7.2.1930 in Dessau, DE arrived SA 1956 died - married WARNKE, Dorothea Berta Katharina Anna whose birth ? and death -
SPRINGHORN, Heinrich Wilhelm born 12.10.1835 in Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1866.7 died 10.6.1897 auf Pella, Tvl married DITTMER, Helene whose birth ? and death ?
STALLBOM, Hans Christoph Friedrich born 27.7.1835 in Wesseloh, Schneverdingen, DE arrived SA 1867.8 died 28.2.1920 auf Elim ?, Natal married 1. HELMKE, Katharine Marie whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 4.1.1893auf Bethel, Natal
married 2. MARWEDE, Maria Luise whose birth 2. Hermannsburg, DE and death 2. ?
STEGMAIER, Herbert born 1945 in Hameln, DE arrived SA 1981 died - married SCHNEIDER, Marion whose birth Hamburg, DE and death -
STEINHAGEN, Winfried Paul Reinhold born 1926 in Strohkirchen, Kr. Schönberg, Mecklenburg arrived SA 1952 died - married COHRS, Dora Ilse Meta Katharine whose birth Töpingen, Kr. Soltau and death -
STIELAU, Gustav-Adolf Ferdinand born 25.9.1846 in Groß- Warzmircz bei Marienburg, Westpreußen arrived SA 1880 died 23.3.1940 in Kirchdorf, Natal married OTTE, Magdalene whose birth ? and death ?
STOPPEL, Peter born 14.4.1838 in Fulda, Hessen, DE arrived SA 1866 died 3.7.1900 Marburg, Natal married ? whose birth ? and death ?
STRUVE, Johann Wilhelm born 27.6.1828 in Munster, DE arrived SA 1854 died 22.6.1884 in Neu-Hannover, Natal married LAATZ, Christine Maria whose birth Bramsche, Osnabrück, DE and death 30.8.1891 in Neu-Hannover
SULIMMA, Bernhard August born 1953 in Frankfurt a. M., DE arrived SA 1984 died - married SONNENBERG, Karin Doris whose birth DE and death -
TEICHMANN, Friedrich Eugen born 8.6.1852 in Riga arrived SA 1882 died 20.2.1905 in Polonia married PENZHORN, Mathilde whose birth Saron (?), Tvl and death ?
THÖNICKE, Harald born 1941 in Halberstadt, DE arrived SA 1972 Thlabane, Rustenburg died - married EGGERSGLÜß / EGGERSGLÜSS, Ruth Hanna whose birth DE and death -
TÖLLNER, Fritz-Carsten born 1939 in Reith, DE arrived SA 1968 died - married 1. PRIGGE, Margrit whose birth 1. ZA and death 1
married 2. SCHWOCHOW, Dr. Monika whose birth 2. DE and death -
TÖNSING, Johann Friedrich born 3.4.1832 in Wimmer bei Lintorf, Osnabrücker Land, DE arrived SA 1862 died 28.10.1882 auf Manuane, Tvl married 1. Dorothea Marie Prydtz nee Schulze, whose birth 1. June 1, 1828, Winsen, Lower Saxony, Germany and death 1. May 2, 1873 (44) limao, zeerust, zeerust rural, North West, South Africa
married 2. DREWES nee MARWEDE, Maria Dorothea whose birth 2. December 31, 1840, Winkelhausen / Dorfmark, Germany and death 2. March 15, 1933 (92), Riekertsdam, North West, South Africa
TÖNSING, Rudolf Heinrich Ludwig born 4.8.1879 auf Limao, Tvl arrived SA 1904 died 7.12.1953 in Krugersdorp married 1. EHLERS, Elisabeth whose birth 1.+ 2. Hermannsburg, DE and death 1. 1929 in Wolmaranstad
married 2. EHLERS, Änne whose birth and death 2. 22.12.1959 in Pretoria
UKEN, Rohlf born 17.9.1895 in Lübbertsfehn bei Aurich, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1925 died 15.12.1948 in Pietermaritzburg married WINTERHOFF, Elisabeth whose birth ? and death 3.3.1986
ULLRICH, Wilhelm (Willi) Christian Heinrich born 31.8.1910 in Dreikonnenschaften, Ketwwig bei Essen, DE arrived SA 1937 died 1.9.1960 in Wynberg bei Kapstadt married OTTEN, Käthe whose birth Rhade, Kreis Zeven, DE and death -?
VOGES, Ernst Karl Heinrich born 1.2.1895 in Ostlutter bei Goslar, DE arrived SA 1927 died 10.2.1964 in Bad Eilsen, DE married REUPKE, Lina Mathilde Martha whose birth Steinlah bei Salzgitter, DE and death ?
VOGES, Heinrich Richard Karl born 1929 Hakboslaagte, Tvl, ZA arrived SA 1956 died - married RÖBBELEN, Hanna whose birth DE and death -
VOIGT, Paula born 12.8.1902 im Emsland, DE arrived SA 1937 died 4.1.1982 in Hannover, DE married - whose birth - and death -
VOLKER geb. WELLNITZ, Elise Rosine born 1923 in Mathildau, Niederschlesien, DE arrived SA 1953 died - married VOLKER, Bernhard Friedrich whose birth ZA and death -
VOLKER, Heinrich Friedrich Konrad born 28.4.1826 in Harckenbleck, Calenberg, DE arrived SA 1858 died 3.5.1893 auf Ekuhlengeni, Natal married 1. LUTZ, Sophie Wilhelmine Auguste whose birth 1. ? and death 1. 27.5.1869 auf Emlalazi
married 2. LUTZ, Dorothea Elisabeth whose birth 2. ? and death 2. 6.6.1931 in Glückstadt, Natal
VÖLKER, Johannes Heinrich Wilhelm born 19.8.1888 in Hermannsburg, DE arrived SA 1913 died 11.4.1960 in Wartburg, Natal married OLTMANN, Anna Auguste Wilhelmine Magdalene whose birth 18.9.1890 in Neu Hannover, ZA and death 29.10.1979 Darnall, ZA
WAGNER, Christian born 20.7.1829 in Oberwiersau, bayr. Pfalz, DE arrived SA 1861 died 3.2.1908 auf Entombe, Natal married WERTHEIM, Marie Hedwig (Sarah) whose birth Fraustadt, Posen and death 27.1.1908
WAHL, Dr. med. Ulrich Gottfried born 1953 in Weingarten, Württemberg, DE arrived SA 1983 died - married MÜLLER, Almuth whose birth DE and death -
WARBER, Johann Jürgen Friedrich born 17.11.1863 in Alt-Medingen arrived SA 1923 died 8.11.1939 in Bishopstowe married WIESE, Elisabeth Dorothea whose birth ? and death 24.12.1947
WARNECKE, Werner Heinrich Albert born 16.8.1912 in Ostedt, Kr. Uelzen, DE arrived SA 1950 died 30.11.1989 Oldenstadt, Uelzen, DE married GRÜNHAGEN, Friedeburg Emma Margarethe whose birth 18.8.1923 Lührsbokel, Soltau, DE and death -
WARNECKE, Werner Georg Gustav born 1953 in Brits, Tvl, ZA arrived SA 1984 died - married VOß / VOSS, Margitta whose birth 1959 Berlin-Schmargendorf, DE (DDR) and death -
WEBER, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm born 2.7.1829 in Lippe-Detmold, DE arrived SA 1861 died 6.9.1888 in Bergen, Natal married BACKEBERG, Anna Sophie whose birth ? and death ?
WEHRMANN, Ernst Friedrich born 23.10.1833 in Lintorf, Osnabrücker Land, DE arrived SA 1866 died 31.8.1912 auf Wehrmannsruh bei Kroondal married 1. HELMS, Marie Eleonore whose birth 1. Brockhausen, DE and death 1. 23.4.1878 auf Melorane, Tvl
married 2. SCHLAPHOFF, Katharine Marie Sophie whose birth 2. Neu Hannover, Natal (?) and death 2. 16.6.1943
WEINHOLD, Georg Reinhard born 26.11.1901 in Goslar am Harz, DE arrived SA 1930 died 3.7.1965 in Kroondal married KAISER, Luise Dorothea Adele whose birth Oldendorf bei Hermannsburg, DE and death 3.7.1959 auf Eben Ezer, Tvl
WELKE, Hans Eduard born 17.1.1906 in Hannover, DE arrived SA 1933 died ? married WALKER, Klara Karoline Emma (Emmi) whose birth Melle, Osnabrück, DE and death ?
WEIßBACH / WEISSBACH, Wolfgang Hubertus Hermann born 1.3.1932 in Klein-Biesnitz bei Görlitz, DE arrived SA 1958 died - married WEIGELT, Sieglinde Ilse Ella whose birth 23.8.1932 in Grossen an der Oder, DE and death -
WENDLANDT, Heinrich Wilhelm born 14.10.1825 in Uelzen, DE arrived SA 1860 died 27.6.1861 auf Emlalazi married BENSEN (später HOMANN), Henriette Elisabeth Luise whose birth 21.7.1837 and death 19.8.1932 in Brighton, Südaustralien, AU
WENHOLD, Peter Christian Hermann born 17.12.1836 in Holthusen bei Gerdau, DE arrived SA 1866.7 died 3.6.1917auf Kana, Tvl married KOCH, Maria Dorothea whose birth Schmarbeck bei Müden, DE and death 16.7.1910 auf Kana, Tvl
WENHOLD, August Friedrich Hermann born 22.2.1872 auf Kana, Tvl arrived SA 1899 died 26.2.1942 in Kroondal married ACHILLES, Elisabeth whose birth Wahrenholz, DE and death 23.5.1962 in Pretoria
WICKERT, Adam born 25.11.1847 in Harle, Kr. Melsungen, Kurhessen, DE arrived SA 1877 died 1.3.1901 auf Mahanaim, Tvl married WITTROCK, Elisabeth whose birth Rosche, DE and death 5.3.1947 in Hermannsburg, DE
WICKERT, Winfried Theodor Wilhelm born 27.4.1885 auf Mahanaim, Tvl arrived SA 1937 died 8.10.1963 in Estcourt, Natal married BLOMSTRAND, Elsa whose birth Schweden and death 25.8.1962
WIESE, H. August born 27.7.1829 in Lüneburg, DE arrived SA 1858 died ? married ? whose birth ? and death ?
WIESE, Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich born 17.9.1862 in Evern, Kr. Lüneburg, DE arrived SA 1890 died 20.1.1945 in Empangweni, Natal married JÜNEMANN, Karoline Marie whose birth ? and death 20.1.1949 in Empangweni
WILLE, Magdalena Helene Margarete Erna born 1929 in Hamburg, DE arrived SA 1960 died - married - whose birth - and death -
WINGERT, Dieter born 1949 in Soltau, DE arrived SA 1980 died - married HARKS, Anne-Katrin whose birth 1955 Oldenburg, DE and death -
WITTHÖFT, August Friedrich Diedrich Wilhelm born 27.8.1902 in Bremen, DE arrived SA 1934 died 26.1.1975in Germiston (?) married ASMUS, Sophie Wilhelmine Dorothea whose birth ? and death -
WOHLBERG, Hermann born 1919 in Bremen, DE arrived SA 1951 died - married WICKERT, Inge whose birth ZA and death -
WOLFF, David born 16.8.1859 in Barr, Elsaß, FR arrived SA 1887 died 15.10.1900 auf Ekuhlengeni, Natal married RÖHRICH, Anna Maria whose birth Hanggenweiler, Elsaß, FR and death 1909
WOLFF, Wilhelm born 22.3.1898 auf Ekuhlengeni, Natal arrived SA 1928 died 26.6.1982 bei Neu-Hannover, Natal married PFITZINGER, Martha whose birth 31.5.1904 and death 26.6.1982 bei Neu-Hannover, Natal
WORTMANN, Siegfried Karl born 28.11.1942 in Pietermaritzburg, ZA arrived SA 1982 died 24.2.2005 Braunschweig, ZA married BACKEBERG, Irene Linda whose birth ZA and death -
WURTH, Heinrich born 22.2.1850 in Feldkirchen bei München, DE arrived SA 1882 died 23.4.1937 in Pretoria married KUNZE, Dorothea whose birth 11.11.1855 in Berssel (?), Preußen and death 30.10.1938 in Pretoria
ZIMMERMANN, Ferdinand Friedrich Alex born 25.2.1827 in Dippoldiswalde bei Dresden, Sachsen, DE arrived SA 1858 died 17.8.1901 in Kapstadt married ?, Anna Friederike whose birth ? and death 23.5.1896 in Kapstadt
von ZWIETRING, Johannes Hinrich Jakob born 25.12.1875 in Menstede, Arle, Ostfriesland, DE arrived SA 1903 died 28.10.1962 in Rustenburg married RATHKE, Anna Emilie whose birth Brockhausen and death 21.11.1950 in Kroondal