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Le Gotha - Royal and Noble Titleholders

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Current titleholders of royal and noble houses

The purpose of this project is to list the current titleholders of the royal and noble houses that are specified in the latest edition of the Almanach de Gotha. The official website of the Almanach will provide further guidance (but may not indicate the correct titleholders since its latest edition).

We currently focus on Volumes I, II & III of the Almanach. These volumes cover...

  • Volume I : Reigning and Formerly Reigning Royal Houses of Europe and South America
  • Volume II : Mediatized Sovereign Houses of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
  • Volume III : Non-Sovereign Princely and Ducal Houses of Europe

This project may further expand with the additional volumes. Please collaborate and discuss in order to improve this project. Please add a profile only when adding it also in the project page (after the corresponding house). Thanks for any corrections if anything is missing.

From a genealogy perspective, the objective is to ensure that these current titleholders are properly profiled and connected to their ascendants. We will make these titleholders 'master profiles' in order to protect their integrity. Of course, we invite titleholders to connect to Geni and claim their profile.
