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Metaphysics - Theosophy

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  • William Quan Judge (1851 - 1896)
    William Quan Judge (April 13, 1851 – March 21, 1896) was an Irish-American mystic, esotericist, and occultist, and one of the founders of the original Theosophical Society. He was born in Dublin, Ire...
  • Matilda Joslyn Gage (1826 - 1898)
    Matilda Electa (Joslyn) Gage March 24, 1826-March 18, 1898 Parents: Dr. Hezekiah Joslyn d.1865 Husband: Henry Hill Gage permanent address : 210 E Genesee St, Fayetteville, NY 13066 Matilda Joslyn...
  • L. Frank Baum (1856 - 1919)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia L. Frank Baum Born May 15, 1856(1856-05-15) Chittenango, New York Died May 6, 1919(1919-05-06) (aged 62) Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856 – May 6, 1919)...
  • Maud Baum (1861 - 1953)
    ~• was a student at Cornell c.1882 when she attended the opening of The Maid of Aran at Syracuse, her future husband's play There are more photos of her, one as an infant, perhaps I will add it lat...
  • Johan (Jean) Carl Emil Boldt (1865 - 1920)
    Johan Carl Emil (Jean) Boldt (19. huhtikuuta 1865 Kuopio – 16. toukokuuta 1920 Helsingin maalaiskunta oli hovioikeuden auskultantti, asianajaja ja toimittaja joka tuli tunnetuksi 1800-luvun lopussa teo...

Theosophy is a metaphysical philosophy derived from the writings of Helena Blavatsky ("Madame Blavatsky"). Theosophy offers explanations for the origin, working and ultimate fate of the universe.

For Theosophists, the basic units of consciousness are monads that manifest in various forms, including in human beings.

Individual human monads progress through reincarnation. Monads are guided in their development by the wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood, also called the Ascended Masters.

Humans are evolving through a series of seven root races (stages of development), each lasting millions of years. In the first root race, humans were pure spirit. In the second, they were sexless beings on the lost continent of Hyperborea. In the third, they were giants on Lemuria. Modern humans developed during the fourth root race, on Atlantis.

Most people now belong to the fifth root race. The fifth root race will evolve into the spiritually more advanced sixth root race on a reemerging Lemurian continent.

Theosophy has been influential in the shaping the modern metaphysical movement. It influenced many prominent teachers, including Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophy), Guido von List (Ariosophy), and Nicholas and Helena Roerich (Agni Yoga). Other metaphysical teachers have incorporated elements of Theosophy into their work.

Key Figures

Organizations & Societies

  • Theosophical Society, founded 1875 in New York City

Major Works

  • (Madame) Helena Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (1877)
  • (Madame) Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (1888)