Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija grada Nina, Hrvatska / This project is a part of Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of city Nin, Croatia
Ovaj projekt uključuje genealogiju o obiteljima iz Nina. / This project include a genealogy about families from Nin.
Matične crkvene knjige / Church Catholic records from FamilySearch
Povijest / History
Nin is the oldest Croatian royal town. An exceptional type of city-church complex. It is unique in the entire Mediterranean region. Nin was one of the main settlemants of the Liburnians until the arrival of the Roman conquerors, and since then the proud Municipiun named Aenona. The visitor can enter the little town by crossing one of two old bridges anf through one of the histrocial main gates go for sightseeing the city walls of Nin. The town is very rich in culture and historical monuments as well as in archaelogical finding and collections such as: the Duke Viseslav's baptismal font, two old croatian boats called "Condura Croatia" (11th c.), a Roman Temple, parish Church of St. Anselm (18th c.) and Gothic Chapel of St.Marcella, the Church of St. Ambrose (13th c.). St. Cross Church (9th c.) - the smallest Cathedral in the world, the Pre-Romanesque Church of St. Nicholas (12th c.), the bronze statue of the famous Croatian Bishop Gregorius, the Archaeological collection and many more. Turisticka zajednica grada Nina. Tourist Association of the City of Nin.
Okolna naselja / Settlements: Grbe, Zaton, Ninski Stanovi, Vrsi, Privlaka, Petrčane, Žerava, Kožino, Poljica i Smokvica.
Prezimena u Ninu / Surnames from Nin
Most common surnames - Danas- Today / U prošlosti- In the past, from ActaCroatica
U prošlosti / In the past: Šalov, Ćurko, Pavlović, Stulić, Škibola, Proroković, Magaš, Glavan, Štulić, Matešić, Pijaca, Burela, Oltran, Grbić, Lipotica, Morović, Surić, Vitori, Jurkin, Kera
Danas / Today: Magaš, Pijaca, Ljubičić, Stulić, Ćurko, Šalov, Štulić, Sipina, Glavan, Lipotica, Peša, Burela, Peroš, Morović, Tartaro, Čvrljević, Kuzmar, Oltran, Škibola, Čaušević
The following family names that can be found in Nin are:
Poznate osobe / Famous people
- Biskup Grgur Ninski
- Knez Branimir
- Kralj Petar Krešimir IV.
- Biskup Teodozije
- Petar Zoranić, pjesnik
- Branimir Johnny Štulić, glazbenik, (private profile)
Poveznice / Links
- Nin-Hr / Nin-En, wikipedia
- Grad Nin, Službene stranice grada Nina / Official site of city Nin
- About toponym Nin and other surnames in Nin, En, Nin,Hr, from ActaCroatica
- Prezimena i Nin / Surnames and Nin from Mirko Boyan Štulić
- Stanovništvo grada Nina na popisu iz 1810. godine / List of Population of the town of Nin on the 1810., article (pdf online)
- Popis plemića grada Nina iz 1817. godine / List of Nin nobility person from 1817, article (pdf online)
- Nin (Zadarska nadbiskupija) / Nin (Zadar archdiocese)
- Ninska svjedočanstva o biskupu Natalu (1436. – 1462.), apostolskom legatu u Bosni, article (pdf online)
- Gotički lampas u relikvijarima za glave Sv. Asela i Sv. Marcele u Ninu, article (pdf online)
- Don Pavao Zanki (1839.-1909.) preporoditelj i političar ninskog kraja article (pdf online)
- Dokumenti, zapisi i sječanja sudionika o antifašističkom pokretu otpora u Ninu tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata (1941.–1945.) article (pdf online)
- Školstvo ninske općine do godine 1920. article (pdf online)
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija grada Nina, Hrvatska / This project is a part of Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of city Nin, Croatia
Ovaj projekt uključuje genealogiju o obiteljima iz Nina. / This project include a genealogy about families from Nin.
Matične crkvene knjige / Church Catholic records from FamilySearch
Povijest / History
Nin is the oldest Croatian royal town.
An exceptional type of city-church complex. It is unique in the entire Mediterranean region. Nin was one of the main settlemants of the Liburnians until the arrival of the Roman conquerors, and since then the proud Municipiun named Aenona. The visitor can enter the little town by crossing one of two old bridges anf through one of the histrocial main gates go for sightseeing the city walls of Nin. The town is very rich in culture and historical monuments as well as in archaelogical finding and collections such as: the Duke Viseslav's baptismal font, two old croatian boats called "Condura Croatia" (11th c.), a Roman Temple, parish Church of St. Anselm (18th c.) and Gothic Chapel of St.Marcella, the Church of St. Ambrose (13th c.). St. Cross Church (9th c.) - the smallest Cathedral in the world, the Pre-Romanesque Church of St. Nicholas (12th c.), the bronze statue of the famous Croatian Bishop Gregorius, the Archaeological collection and many more.
Turisticka zajednica grada Nina.
Tourist Association of the City of Nin.
Okolna naselja / Settlements: Grbe, Zaton, Ninski Stanovi, Vrsi, Privlaka, Petrčane, Žerava, Kožino, Poljica i Smokvica.
Prezimena u Ninu / Surnames from Nin
Most common surnames - Danas- Today / U prošlosti- In the past, from ActaCroatica
U prošlosti / In the past: Šalov, Ćurko, Pavlović, Stulić, Škibola, Proroković, Magaš, Glavan, Štulić, Matešić, Pijaca, Burela, Oltran, Grbić, Lipotica, Morović, Surić, Vitori, Jurkin, Kera
Danas / Today: Magaš, Pijaca, Ljubičić, Stulić, Ćurko, Šalov, Štulić, Sipina, Glavan, Lipotica, Peša, Burela, Peroš, Morović, Tartaro, Čvrljević, Kuzmar, Oltran, Škibola, Čaušević
The following family names that can be found in Nin are:
Poznate osobe / Famous people
- Biskup Grgur Ninski
- Knez Branimir
- Kralj Petar Krešimir IV.
- Biskup Teodozije
- Petar Zoranić, pjesnik
- Branimir Johnny Štulić, glazbenik, (private profile)
Poveznice / Links
- Nin-Hr / Nin-En, wikipedia
- Grad Nin, Službene stranice grada Nina / Official site of city Nin
- About toponym Nin and other surnames in Nin, En, Nin,Hr, from ActaCroatica
- Prezimena i Nin / Surnames and Nin from Mirko Boyan Štulić
- Stanovništvo grada Nina na popisu iz 1810. godine / List of Population of the town of Nin on the 1810., article (pdf online)
- Popis plemića grada Nina iz 1817. godine / List of Nin nobility person from 1817, article (pdf online)
- Nin (Zadarska nadbiskupija) / Nin (Zadar archdiocese)
- Ninska svjedočanstva o biskupu Natalu (1436. – 1462.), apostolskom legatu u Bosni, article (pdf online)
- Gotički lampas u relikvijarima za glave Sv. Asela i Sv. Marcele u Ninu, article (pdf online)
- Don Pavao Zanki (1839.-1909.) preporoditelj i političar ninskog kraja article (pdf online)
- Dokumenti, zapisi i sječanja sudionika o antifašističkom pokretu otpora u Ninu tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata (1941.–1945.) article (pdf online)
- Školstvo ninske općine do godine 1920. article (pdf online)