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Notable descendants of DAR listed Patriots

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  • Samuel Tallman Starr (1780 - 1820)
    His father Capt. William Starr, Sr. was Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Ancestor #A109135
  • Susan Truby (1810 - 1908)
    Daughter of Samuel Murphy, Ancestor # A083284, private in Revolutionary War for Virginia.* Daughters of the American Revolution * Susan Murphy Truby * Nat'l Num: 27844 * Chapter: 4088OH * Ancestor: MUR...
  • Captain Hezekiah Battelle (1758 - 1819)
    Captain Hezekiah Battelle
  • James Franklin, a longhunter (1750 - 1828)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of CORPORAL. DAR Ancestor #: A041746 Pilot Knob, Sumner County, Tennessee James Franklin came to Tennessee originally as a Long Hunter...
  • Private John Chenery (1739 - c.1800)
    Private John Chenery Born 4 October 1739 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony ANCESTORS Son of Ebenezer Chenery and Ruth (Fuller) Chenery Brother of Elizabeth (Chinery) Chenery, Mar...

Appropriate Profiles

Updated 21 April 2024

This project description was updated from “all” descendants of DAR listed Patriots to “notable.” “All” descendants of Patriots would be some 50 million profiles, which is cumbersome, to say the least.

This project is designed to link notable descendants of patriots listed by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). It would be beneficial to potential Daughters and researchers to include the patriot's ancestor number somewhere in the "About Me" section of the family member's profile. If you do not know the patriot's ancestor number, you can find it on this website. Please, for now, only include "proven" lines of descent for patriots (i.e., those that have been used by Daughters to join the DAR).
