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Oliphant of that Ilk – Chief of Oliphant (Burke's Peerage 107th)

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// Oliphant of that Ilk – Chief of Oliphant

Image left and Right - Oliphant Arms’’

This is a sub-project of Burke's Peerage - 107th Edition - P Pages 2961 - 3042

The purpose of the project is to link Geni profiles to this project establishing Burke's Peerage - 107th Edition as a source of information. Please link Geni profiles to this project if they are mentioned in this publication.

How to use this Project

Please work through the Geni tree hand in hand with the information in the Burke's published table, making notes in this sub-project related to the profiles if there is extra information, (sources etc.), or if irregularities are found.
Geni profiles that appear in the Burke's published tree can be linked to this sub-project - please do not add them to the main project. Related queries can be made using a discussion linked to this project.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve the usefulness of the projects please get in touch!

There are to date no errors for this name reported at Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage. Should you discover or know of errors please make a note in the appropriate section below. In addition please make a note of such discrepancies at Burke's Peerage - 107th Edition - Irregularities and Proposed Corrections related to Geni profiles.

Burke's note regarding Lineage;

"A Norman origin for the Oliphants was claimed by 19th century genealogists, but the name in unknown in 11th century Normandy; they appear in English records as vassals of David I King of Scots, who also held the Earldom of Northampton and Honour of Huntingdon in right of of his w; whether they had come south with him, or were English who later followed him north, is open to debate."

The Earliest profile on Geni is Philip Olifard, Kt.

The first person mentioned in the Burke's table is...
David Olifard; godson and namesake of David I, saved his godfather from capture at 'EMPRESS' MATILDA's defeat at siege of Winchester 1141, and soon thereafter he (or his s of the same name) and several generations of his descendants were Justiciars of the Lothians (subordinated thereby to the king's brother as Justiciar of the Highlands); the probable descent is:

(Sir) Walter; Justiciar of the Lothians 1178; inherited lands of Lilford, Northants; m Christian, dau of Fertheth/Ferquhard Earl of Strathearn, and has, with a yr s (David):

Walter; Justiciar of the Lothians; d 1242, having had:

Sir William fl 1244-48; had:

David; d by 1245, leaving:

1a William (Sir); fl 1266-79; had:

1b (Sir) William; defender of Stirling Castle against English 1304; later cmded English garrison of Perth 1313, captured by Robert I (1306-29) and exiled to Western Isles; no more is heard of him.

2a Philip (Sir); fl 1298; had

1b William (Sir) of Aberdalgy;

Sir William Oliphant of Aberdalgie & Dupplin -

"with whom proven descent begins; dep cdr Stirling Castle with cousin 1304; sealed scots barons' letter to Pope 1320"

father of

Walter Oliphant of Aberdalgie

The current Chief of the Name and Arms of Oliphant is Richard Eric Laurence Oliphant, of that Ilk

Abbreviations -

b - born
cdr - commander
cmded - commanded
d - died
dau - daughter
dep - deputy
dsp - Died without issue
ds - died single
dspm - died without male issue - died unmarried
dvp - died in father's lifetime
er - elder
fl - floriuit (flourished)
gs - grandson
m - married
s - son
sp - Sine prole without offspring
w - wife
yr - younger

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to Oliphant

References, Sources and Further Reading

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