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Seven Sisters Alumnae

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The Seven Sisters, also sometimes called the "Female Ivy League," are a group of seven women's colleges that have educated some of the brightest minds in American history. Today, five remain as women's colleges, while one (Vassar) has become co-educational and one (Radcliffe) has merged with its "brother" institution.

Known for their exceptionally strong alumnae networks, both as individual colleges and as a group, the Seven Sisters are also well-represented on Geni due to their many famous alumnae.

The Seven Sisters

Note: Since this project is focusing on alumnae of the colleges as women's colleges, Vassar women post-1969 should not be added.

Adding Profiles

Any women who attended a Seven Sisters institution -- before their closing or coeducation dates, in the cases of Radcliffe and Vassar -- should be added to the project. Please note that this includes non-notable/celebrity alumnae as well.

Lists of famous alumnae from each institution can be found on Wikipedia:

Other Notes on Adding

At this time, this project does not cover faculty and staff. Please do not add non-alums who may have taught or worked at a Seven Sisters college.

We do, however, welcome non-graduates who left early or transferred; no diplomas necessary here!

Why Not Separate Projects?

At this time, making separate projects does not make much sense because the majority of alumnae were alive during the 20th Century and therefore have private profiles. Individual college projects can be considered at a point in the future if necessary. In addition, the aforementioned strong ties between all seven institutions makes the Seven Sisters a natural fit for a collaborative project such as this.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ashley Odell (MHC alumna) or, even better, use the "Discussions" link at the upper-right-hand corner.

Profiles Already In Project

Barnard College

Bryn Mawr College

Mount Holyoke College

Radcliffe College

Smith College

  • Mattie Dickinson Bianchi (1866 - 1943), accomplished pianist, poet, novelist
  • Barbara Bush (1925 - ), universal literacy activist and former First Lady of the United States
  • Julia Child (1912 - 2004), famous chef, author, and television personality
  • Yolanda King (1955 - 2007), human rights activist, actor, daughter of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Nancy Davis Reagan (1923 - ), actor, stem cell research activist, former First Lady of the U.S.
  • Olive Prouty (1882 - 1974), novelist, women's rights activist
  • Gloria Steinem (1934 - ), famed American feminist, journalist, and political activist
  • Marion Webb Strauch (1895 - 1980), community servant
  • Ellen Sulzberger Straus (c. 1926 - 1995), communications industry executive, social activist, philanthropist, journalist

Vassar College

Wellesley College

  • Sophonisba Breckinridge (1866 - 1948), lawyer, first woman admitted to Kentucky bar, educator, progressive activist
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947 - ), U.S. Secretary of State, former U.S. Senator from New York, lawyer
  • Helen Keller (1880 - 1968), progressive activist, founding member of the NAACP, first hearing- and visually-impaired person to graduate from an American college
  • Ruth Baker Sears Pratt (1877 - 1965), first Congresswoman elected from New York
  • Cokie Roberts (1943 - ), Emmy Award-winning journalist and bestselling author