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South African Stamouers/Progenitors - Tree Issues

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  • Christina Schondorff / Unser, v.d. Kaap SM (c.1784 - 1845)
    DEATH NOTICE " In die Leibrandt manuskrip(25) word na Johan Pieter Voges se vrou verwys as Petronella Jacoba Tomasse ʼn ‘vryswarte’. In die geslagsregister van die ou Kaapse families (28) word na haar v...
  • Johann Christoffel Dissel, SV/PROG (bef.1780 - 1823)
    Johan Christoffel Dissel Martha Magdalena Pretorius17 Maart 1824H: SomersetInventaris van alle zodanige goederen en effecten, als er door wylen Johan Christoffel Dissel en nagelatene wed:e Martha Magda...
  • Rasmus Jensen, SV/PROG (1853 - 1934)
    According to the website listing the Berlin Missionaries, Rasmus Jensen was born in Rawit, Denmark. But his gravestone says he was born in Rawit Schleswig (Germany). Any suggestions? =at ti...
  • David Douglas Morton, SV/PROG (1852 - 1911)
    Found record of his ( David Douglas Morton SV ) marriage to Annie Allardice SM (1851 Scot - 1931 SA) in Scotland, baptism of their daughter Jessie Allardice Morton in Scotland, and immigration of the t...
  • Molly Senz (deceased)
    Removing these parents. Reason: From what I've seen to date Wilhelm Friedrich Sybert and Barbara Lutz lived in USA and on their immigration records Molly's not mentioned. Also Mollys' daughter was b...

A South African Stamouers/Progenitors Geni community support project.


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