Please add Geni profiles to the ship projects found in the "related" projects on the right and also listed below. The Great Puritan Migration From The Great Migration of Picky Puritans, 1620-40 New England Historical Society When the Pilgrims landed in Plimoth Plantation in 1620, they began what was called the Great Migration – great not because of the numbers of people who arrived, but beca...
A Guerra de Restauração Wikipédia foi um conjunto de confrontos armados travados entre o reino de Portugal e Espanha, com excepção do principado da Catalunha, no período compreendido entre 1640 e 1668. Tiveram início no golpe de estado da Restauração da Independência de 1 de Dezembro de 1640 — que pôs fim à monarquia dualista da Dinastia Filipina iniciada em 1580 — e terminaram com o Tratado de...
Portuguese Restoration War= Portuguese Restoration War (Portuguese: Guerra da Restauração) was the name given by nineteenth-century 'romantic' historians to the war between Portugal and Spain that began with the Portuguese revolution of 1640 and ended with the Treaty of Lisbon (1668). The revolution of 1640 ended the sixty-year period of dual monarchy in Portugal and Spain under the Spanish Hab...
Who are the early families of Malden, Massachusetts? Document them, collect their profiles, clean up and extend their family trees.=Early History of Malden=Malden, a hilly woodland area north of the Mystic River, was settled by Puritans in 1640 on land purchased in 1629 from the Pennacook tribe. The area was originally called the "Mistick Side" and was a part of Charlestown. It was incorporated...