Genealogy Projects tagged with Apulia on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Armenis family

    About the Armenis name Origin of the name The surname Armenis has its origin in the ancient Greek patronym attested to by the last male heir apparent to the independent kingdom of ancient Sparta, Armenis son of the Lacedæmonian king Nabis (Grk. Αρμένη ). King Nabis [Reign: 207 BC – 192 BC] was the last ruler under whom the Spartans had been a major power in ancient Greece. Gennaro Grande's th...

  • Obitelj Solitro / Family Solitro

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI SOLITRO Godine 1771. oženio se u Splitu paron Michiele Solitro iz mjesta Veste u Apuliji s Marijom Dragičević s Brača. Njihovi sinovi, trgovci, Jure i Julio te proizvođač alkohola Ante žene se Danijelom Bianchetti , Orsolom Castelli iz Sutivana na Braču, te Julijom Derochi . Njihova sestra Danica Solitro bila je prva učiteljica u novootvorenoj ženskoj osnovnoj školi 1810. g...