Genealogy Projects tagged with Clare on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Meehan Family

    Scope == The surname Meehan is from the Irish Gaelic name Uí Miadhachain (oh mee-ach-awn) that derives from Miadhach , which means "honourable".There seem to be three major branches:* Uí Miadhachain - the original Meehan family that is said to be a branch of the McCarthys from Munster that settled in Country Leitrim, at Ballymeehan (then Ballaghameighan/Ballagh Meighan) and spread to the surrou...

  • IRELAND Place Projects

    IRELAND Place Projects= Fáilte! This is a sub-project of International Places Project Index Every person is born somewhere, marries, lives, works and dies somewhere. Places are a key component to family history research. This project aims to be the starting point in your search for a place in IRELAND on Geni to discover more about your ancestors. If a place you are looking for in IRELAND is not...

  • Place projects

    Place projects are projects on Geni that are focused of a specific geographical place or region. Places profiles are also the precursor to the upcoming Place Profiles feature. Place project portals Includes countries and kingdoms, and other top level place project. Geographical Australia Canada Europe Al-Andalus Austro-Hungarian-Empire Belarus Czech Republic-Bohemia Croatia

  • Gildea Family

    Scope== Gildea is an Irish surname coming from the Gaelic Mac Giolla Dhe - son ( mac ) of the servant ( giolla ) of God ( dhe ).The surname is concentrated in Donegal and Mayo, but is also commonly found down the west coast in Galway and Clare. There is a Ballykilladea in Galway and a Ballykildea in Clare.There have been suggestions that the name ultimately has its origins in the English Beniso...