Genealogy Projects tagged with Germanic on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Haldeman History

    This is only for the relations of the swiss mennonite family that eventually made their way to Pennsylvania in the USA. The other project is a wider casted net, with modern families etc. For the wider family net: There you can join, and see what wider communities we're all related to.Spelling Differences, All the similar family: Haldeman, Haldemann, Halterman, Haldimand, Haldiman, Halderman and...

  • Doggerlanders

    Doggerland is a name given by archaeologists and geologists to a former landmass in the southern North Sea that connected the island of Great Britain to mainland Europe during and after the last Ice Age, surviving until about 6,500 or 6,200 BCE and then gradually being flooded by rising sea levels. Geological surveys have suggested that Doggerland was a large area of dry land that stretched fro...