Genealogy Projects tagged with Luso on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Grandes Portugueses / Great Portuguese

    Grandes Portugueses País de origem, ascendencia, nacionalidade: Portugal . This is a project to compile notable, great, famous, prominent, globally contributing Portuguese people of varied, diverse ethnicities. Portuguese people, citizens are all across the world/continents, e-specially after the age of discovery. Portuguese people are of varied colors, ethnicities, appearances and in the 21st ...

  • Nobres Goesas / Noble Goans

    Nobres Goesas / Noble Goans MD to MCMX This project complies people from the Portuguese Kingdom and its Empire who were classified as Noble Goans, bestowed with various titles. These people were from diverse origins and ancestries. Numerous people of the 21st century Goa are descended from these Noble Goans, if not all. This serves as a catalogue to help find your ancestry, the diversity of ...