Genealogy Projects tagged with Norrland on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Ångermanland, Sweden

    Ångermanland, Sweden=Ångermanland is a province in the northern part of Sweden. It is bordered (clockwise from the north) by Swedish Lapland, Västerbotten, the Gulf of Bothnia, Medelpad and Jämtland. Prince Nicolas of Sweden is Duke of Ångermanland.The name is derived from the Old Norse anger, which means "deep fjord" and is a reference to the deep mouth of the Ångerman River (Ångermanälven). I...

  • Lands of Sweden

    Lands of Sweden Sweden a country portal project The lands of Sweden (Landsdelar) are three traditional parts, each consisting of several provinces, in Sweden. The division into lands goes back to the foundation of modern Sweden, when Götaland , the land of the Geats , merged with Svealand , the land of the Swedes , to form the country. Norrland and Österland (the latter now southern Finland ...

  • Medelpad, Sweden

    Medelpad, Sweden=Medelpad is a province in the north of Sweden. It borders Hälsingland, Härjedalen, Jämtland, Ångermanland and the Gulf of Bothnia.The province is a part of Norrland and as such considered to be Northern Sweden, although the province geographically is located in the middle of Sweden. It is a common misconception that the name "Medelpad" ("middle land" or "middle ground") reflect...

  • Municipality of Vilhelmina, Lapland, Sweden

    Vilhelmina Municipality Vilhelmina Municipality (Swedish: Vilhelmina kommun ; Southern Sami: Vualtjeren tjïelte ) is a municipality in Västerbotten County in the province of Lapland , northern Sweden. The municipality seat is located in Vilhelmina . At the end of 2021 the population of the municipality was 6,485 History In 1804 the parish of Volgsjö was renamed Vilhelmina in honour of Queen F...