Genealogy Projects tagged with Smed on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Finnish blacksmiths

    Tervetuloa suomalaisten seppien ammattiprojektiin! = Projektin tarkoituksena on koota erilaisia metallia työstäviä sepän ammattia harjoittaneiden henkilöiden profiilit yhdeksi kokoelmaksi, niin sukututkimuksen kuin muunkin mikrohistoriatyön tueksi lakia ja hyviä tapoja noudattaen. === Projektin toimintaperiaatteista ===Jos sinulla on suvussa seppiä tai hallinnoit seppien Geni-profiileja, tai ol...

  • Smith Family Surname Origin

    English and Scottish: occupational name denoting a worker in metal especially iron such as a blacksmith or farrier from Middle English smith ‘smith’ (Old English smith probably a derivative of smītan ‘to strike hammer’). Early examples are also found in the Latin form Faber . Metal-working was one of the earliest occupations for which specialist skills were required and its importance ensured t...

  • Smed / Blacksmith / Vallons

    Smed / Blacksmith project , is based on the project started in Sweden by the same name. there is today,over 190 000 Blacksmith s in the project on cd.the Swedish Blacksmith s,are also linked to the Vallons. and is known to have moved around in Scandinavia,and also over the pond to is wanted,to this great task ! "Smedrötter" "Anarkiv" "Hülphers Genealogier" ==Bjurström==to those wit...