The Arlington National Cemetery project focuses on one of the world's most famous military cemeteries, Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, United States. Our project goals are to 1) build trees for every individual buried at the cemetery and 2) provide information for people learning how to research Arlington ancestors.==About Arlington==Since its establishment on June 28, 1864,...
RAF Badge The Royal Air Force ==United Kingdom===== Images - Left, Royal Airforce emblem by Royal Air Force - Public Domain, Wikipedia ; Right - Royal Airforce Logo Fair use, Wikipedia The purpose of this project is to give a short history of the Royal Air Force and to gather together Geni profiles of people who have served in the service.Please link any RAF profiles to the project regardless...
The General Service Medal ( 1918 GSM ) was instituted to recognise service in minor Army and Air Force operations for which no separate medal was intended. It was equivalent to the 1915 Naval General Service Medal. Both these medals were replaced by the General Service Medal in 1962.==Description==* The 1918 GSM is a circular silver medal.[1] The obverse shows the crowned effigy of the reigning...
Bolling Air Force Base or Bolling AFB was a United States Air Force base in Washington, D.C. In 2010, it was merged with Naval Support Facility Anacostia to form Joint Base Anacostia–Bolling. From its beginning, the installation has hosted elements of the Army Air Corps (predecessor to today's Air Force) and Navy aviation and support elements. The Department of Defense (DOD) has owned the Boll...
Wikipedia Article Notable Alumni The United States Air Force Academy (also known as USAFA or Air Force Academy), is a military academy for officer candidates for the United States Air Force. Its campus is located immediately north of Colorado Springs in El Paso County, Colorado, United States. The Academy's stated mission is "to educate, train, and inspire men and women to become leaders of cha...
United States Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) consists of the five distinct medical corps of the Air Force and enlisted medical technicians. The AFMS was created in 1949 after the newly independent Air Force’s first Surgeon General, Maj. General Malcolm C. Grow (1887–1960), convinced the United States Army and President Harry S. Truman that the Air Force needed its own medical service.In the s...
The Air Force Cross ( AFC ) ) is a military decoration awarded to personnel of the United Kingdom Armed Forces, and formerly also to officers of the other Commonwealth countries, for "an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying, though not in active operations against the enemy". A bar is added to the ribbon for holders who are awarded a second AFC.==History==The award w...
This is an umbrella for Medical Corps projects. Please do NOT add projects here. == If you do not see a project for your country’s Medical Corps, please consider creating one or put the need in the Medical Portal discussion @ Medical Portal project--Needs, questions, concerns & related issues From: Wikipedia - Medical Corps ===A medical corps is generally a military branch or officer corps resp...