The Imperial Russian Army was the land armed force of the Russian Empire, active from around 1721 to the Russian Revolution of 1917. Tsar Peter I formed a modern regular army built on the German model, but with a new aspect: officers were not necessarily from nobility , talented commoners were given promotions that eventually included a noble title at the attainment of an officer's rank (such ...
The Arlington National Cemetery project focuses on one of the world's most famous military cemeteries, Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, United States. Our project goals are to 1) build trees for every individual buried at the cemetery and 2) provide information for people learning how to research Arlington ancestors.==About Arlington==Since its establishment on June 28, 1864,...
The Confederate States Army was the army of the Confederate States of America (or "Confederacy") while the Confederacy existed during the American Civil War. On February 8, 1861, delegates from the seven Deep South states which had already declared their secession from the United States of America adopted the Provisional Constitution of the Confederate States of America. On February 28, 1861, t...
The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, frequently shortened to Red Army, was the army and air force of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and, after 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The army was established immediately after the 1917 October Revolution. The Bolsheviks raised an army to oppose the military confederations (especially the various groups collectively known...
The General Service Medal ( 1918 GSM ) was instituted to recognise service in minor Army and Air Force operations for which no separate medal was intended. It was equivalent to the 1915 Naval General Service Medal. Both these medals were replaced by the General Service Medal in 1962.==Description==* The 1918 GSM is a circular silver medal.[1] The obverse shows the crowned effigy of the reigning...
For the British medal by the same name, see here . == The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the United States Army's second highest military decoration for soldiers who display extraordinary heroism in combat with an armed enemy force. Actions that merit the Distinguished Service Cross must be of such a high degree that they are above those required for all other U.S. combat decorations, but...
Dalarna Regiment The Dalarna Regiment (Swedish: Dalregementet ), designations I 13 and I 13/Fo 53 , was a Swedish Army infantry regiment that traced its origins back to the 16th century. The regiment's soldiers were originally recruited from the province of Dalarna , where it was later garrisoned. The unit was disbanded as a result of the disarmament policies set forward in the Defence Act of 2...
This project is dedicated to officers and military chaplains of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Please respect the status of officers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and do not add any non-commissioned commanders, or ordinary soldiers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces who have not been awarded the rank of officer. If in your family tree you have individuals who were officers of the Lithuanian Armed...
If in your family tree you have persons who were Lithuanian Army Officers, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography. In 1940 Lithuanian armed forces had 17 general officers, 1800 officers , 30 078 non-commissioned officers and soldiers Ranks of officers were Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Lieutenan...
This project is aimed to gather profiles of people who have served or worked for the Lithuanian Armed Forces . In 1940, there were 30 078 non commisioned officers and soldiers in the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Please add profiles of people who were: Private Grandinis kareivis (only in Lithuanian) Junior non-comissioned officer Senior non-comissioned officer Viršila (only in Lithuania...
Conscientious Objectors (COs) Britain during the First World War A conscientious objector (CO) is an "individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service" on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion. Conscientious objection is usually the refusal to collaborate with military organisations as a combatant in war or in any supportive role.Please ...
Uppsatt 1632 som Viborgs läns kavalleriregemente (1690-talet indelt). från 1724 Karelska- eller Kymmenegårds dragonkår.Regementet härstammar från Kareliska ryttarna, uppsatta 1618. Kareleska dragonkåren bildas 1724 i stälet för Viborgs kavalleriregemente som upplöstes 1721. År 1753 återförenades Kymmenegårds kompani med Kareleska dragonkåren.Regementet överfördes våren 1700 till Livland och kom...
Officers and soldiers of Napoleon's Great Army=With it's maximum size of almost 560.000 soldiers, there is a big chance that you've had a relative in La Grande Armée of Napoleon. Please add them to this project.==Description==The first Grande Armée consisted of six corps under the command of Napoleon's marshals and senior generals. The army grew in size as Napoleon's might spread across Europe....
Simon Bolivar, in a letter from Babahoyo dated 14/06/1823 to Francisco de Paula Santander, states that >, ... (making this an approximate total of 220 (1810-1830)), > (according to himself), ... >. The last seven-and-a-half months of his life he traveled extensively down the lower basin of the Magdalena River, towards his supposed (self-) exile. It is known he had a whole company of Granaderos ...
Södermanlands regemente==== Södermanlands regemente l. Kungliga Södermanlands infanteriregemente (I 10) var ett infanteriförband inom svenska armén som verkade i olika former åren 1634-1942 och 1957–1963. Förbandsledningen var förlagd i Strängnäs garnison i Strängnäs .=====Historik====Det första kapitlet 1634-1709== Södermanlands regemente härstammar från de fänikor som på 1500-talet sattes upp...
During the Civil War many men of different United States Nations and cultures fought for the Confederate States of America (The South). These included Southern Whites, Freedmen (ex-slaves and the descendants of slaves), Native Americans, Mexican Americans and others.The specific purpose of this project is to create a family tree based upon the flags and battle-groups of the Confederates States ...
Bohuslän Regiment " The Green Dragoons " The Bohuslän Regiment (Swedish: Bohusläns regemente), designation I 17, was a Swedish Army infantry regiment that traces its origins back 1661. It was disbanded in 1992. The regiment's soldiers were originally recruited from the Province of Bohuslän , and it was later garrisoned there in the town Uddevalla. While the history of the regiment, according to...
=Älvsborg Regiment= ===The Älvsborg Regiment (Swedish: Älvsborgs regemente ), designation I 15 and I 15/Fo 34, was a Swedish Army infantry regiment that traces its origins back 1624. It was disbanded in 1998. The regiment's soldiers were originally recruited from the provinces of Västergötland , and it was later garrisoned there in the town Borås .=====Heraldry and traditions=====Colours, stand...
Västgötadals l. Västgöta-Dals regemente Västgöta-Dals regemente (№ 16) var ett infanteriförband inom svenska armén som verkade i olika former åren 1624-1901. Förbandsledningen var förlagd i Vänersborgs garnison i Grunnebo hed . Historia Regementet har sitt ursprung i de fänikor som sattes upp på 1500-talet i Västergötland och Dalsland. År 1615 organiserades dessa enheter till Västergötlands sto...
Upplands ståndsdragonregemente (Upplands ståndsdragoner) uppsattes 1700 av främst adeln och prästerskapet i Svealand. Det bar inledningsvis namn efter sina chefer och bestod till en början av 600 (700) man, fördelade på sex, från 1701 åtta kompanier. Överfört till Reval (nu Tallinn) 1701 deltog det i slagen vid Errastfer 1701, Jakobstadt 1704, Gemäuerthof 1705, Liesna (Lesna) 1708 och slutligen...
Östergötland Cavalry Regiment "Nulli Secundus" The Östergötland Cavalry Regiment (Swedish: Östgöta kavalleriregemente ) was a Swedish Army cavalry regiment. Its origin came in the 16th century. In 1791, they were merged with another unit. The regiment's soldiers were recruited from the province of Östergötland . History The regiment has its origins in fänikor (companies) raised in Östergötland ...
The Kronoberg Regiment (Swedish: Kronobergs regemente ), designations I 11 and I 11/Fo 16 , was a Swedish Army infantry regiment that traced its origins back to the 16th century. It was disbanded in 1997. The regiment's soldiers were originally recruited from Kronoberg County , and it was later garrisoned there. History The regiment has its origins in fänikor (companies) raised in Kronoberg Cou...
Skånska husarregementet Skånska husarregementet (K 5) var ett kavalleriförband inom svenska armén som verkade i olika former åren 1658-1709 och 1709-1927. Förbandsledningen var förlagd i Helsingborgs garnison . Under åren har regementet kallats även Kungl. Skånska kavalleriregementet (1658-1676), Norra skånska kavalleriregementet (1676-1801), Skånska linjedragonregementet (1801- 1807) och Skåns...
Västergötland Cavalry Regiment The Västergötland Cavalry Regiment (Swedish: Västgöta kavalleriregemente ) was a Swedish Army cavalry regiment that traced its origins back to the 16th century. It was reorganized into an infantry regiment in 1811. The regiment's soldiers were recruited from the province of Västergötland. History The regiment has its origins in fänikor ( companies ) raised in V...
If in your family tree, you have Lithuanians who were serving within Napoleon's Great Army (La Grande Armée), please add their profiles and army photos to this project. It would be great if, within the profile description, there would be a brief biography added. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project - Lithuanians Within Napoleon's Great A...