Genealogy Projects tagged with ancestor on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Descendants of Mathurin Guyon

    Mathurin Guyon, c. 1530 - 1578 ===About==I was going to make this group for Jean Guyon, but decided that he had way too many siblings so I changed it to Mathurin Guyon, his grandfather. Jean Guyon was one of the original settlers in New France. Many people with French-Canadian and Acadian heritage can trace their lineage back to Jean or one of his siblings.==Famous relatives==* Justin Bieber* J...

  • Graham Bartlett's Records

    This is a project for all of Graham Bartlett's Family Trees . The aim is to put down all descendants from the family tree onto Geni. If you would like to help, then please send a collaborator a message.If you get invited unexpectedly, that means that you might manage some profiles that have people on the family tree.APPROXIMATE COMPLETED STATUS ON TRANSFER TO GENI: (FYI these are all the family...

  • Looking for ancestors and descendants Bidyuk Myron Ivanovich

    ==Information=='''Bidyuk Miron Ivan''' with a comrade Khilitiy Yakim and in 1914 left other odnosel'chanami on earnings to Canada. Did correspondence at first, sent parcels, track was mislaid then. It he deported a photo the family. Probably he was in Toronto. Here remained him six children of Paraska, Aleksandra, Maria, Todoska, Ivan, Parfeniy and wife Bidyuk Todoska, is Ivan (Levickaya). All ...