Genealogy Projects tagged with captain on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Captain of a ship

    This project is for Captain of any ship and their travels for historical purposes. See other similar project at link below.Only Captain of a ship can be added under this project for easier research purposes. This section is ongoing and will be edited over time. 9/18/2022

  • Eesti laevakaptenid, laevaomanikud ja laevaehitajad

    Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid Eesti laevakapteneid, laevaomanikke ja laevaehitajad aga ka muid Eesti merendusega ja (sh jõe ja järvelaevandus) ning Eesti laevandusega seotud isikuid läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Ka kõik Eesti laevajuhid, reederid, pootsmanid, meremehed, mereväelased, lootsid, sadamakaptenid, laevakaptenid, metskaptenid, laevaehitajad, elukutselised kalurid, majak...

  • Salty Dogs, Captains, and Mariners

    “Salty Dog” is nautical slang for an experienced sailor who has spent much of their life aboard a ship at sea. A salty dog is often given increased credibility by ship mates in matters pertaining to ship-board life and duties. Also known as an “old salt.”This project will include captains and crew of the following kinds of vessels:*Riverboats - A riverboat is a watercraft designed for inland na...

  • Continental Navy 1775 - 1785

    This project is intended for all of those that served in the United States Continental Navy.The Continental Navy was the navy of the United States during the American Revolutionary War, and was formed in 1775. Through the efforts of the Continental Navy's patron, John Adams, and vigorous Congressional support in the face of stiff opposition, the fleet cumulatively became relatively substantial ...

  • Käsmu kapteniküla

    Käsmu külale vaevalt küll maailmas mereajaloo vaatevinklist võrdset leidub. Küla sajast perest on võrsunud üle saja kapteni, lisaks lugematu hulk muid meremehi.Siia projekti soovimegi kokku koguda Käsmu päritolu laevajuhid.In the history of seafaring there is no match for a little Estonian village of Käsmu - from a hundred families of this village grew up over 100 seacaptains, not to mention co...

  • Captains of NZ

    The arrival of these men surveying Harbours for settlement -