Aviator is a person who flies an aircraft. The first recorded use of the term (aviateur in French) was in 1887 , as a variation of 'aviation', from the Latin avis (meaning bird), coined in 1863 by G. de la Landelle in Aviation Ou Navigation Aérienne (Aviation or Air Navigation). The term aviatrix (aviatrice in French) is used for a female aviator.The term is often applied simply to pilots, but ...
“Salty Dog” is nautical slang for an experienced sailor who has spent much of their life aboard a ship at sea. A salty dog is often given increased credibility by ship mates in matters pertaining to ship-board life and duties. Also known as an “old salt.”This project will include captains and crew of the following kinds of vessels:*Riverboats - A riverboat is a watercraft designed for inland na...
RAF Badge The Royal Air Force ==United Kingdom===== Images - Left, Royal Airforce emblem by Royal Air Force - Public Domain, Wikipedia ; Right - Royal Airforce Logo Fair use, Wikipedia The purpose of this project is to give a short history of the Royal Air Force and to gather together Geni profiles of people who have served in the service.Please link any RAF profiles to the project regardless...
Siia projekti on soov koondada kõik eesti lennundusega seotud isikud läbi kõikide ajajärkude: sealhulgas kõik lennutunnistusega lendurid (sõjaväelendurid, tsiviillendurid, harrastuslendurid, purilendurid), lennukikonstruktorid, lennukiehitajad, lennujuhid, lennuinstruktorid, stjuardessid, mehaanikud, lendude/lennuväljade abipersonal jne.Kasulikku teavet: * Eesti lennuüksuste lendurid Liibavi ja...