The "Queen" was a convict ship with the Third Fleet and it left Cork, Ireland in April 1791 and arrived in Sydney Cove on 26/9/1791 carrying 133 male convicts + 22 female convicts. 7 male convicts died on the voyage List of Passengers Blow, William Burr, Stephen Cameron, Duncan Cummings, William Higgins, Robert - Robert Higgins, Marine "Queen" 1791 Jamieson, William - William Jam...
Lady Julianna - departed 29 July 1789 arrived 3 June 1790. Master Thomas EDGAR, 35 crew, 226 female convicts boarded (222 arrived)A* ABORROW Ann Ann Aborrow [Convict "Lady Julianna" "Scarborough" 1790] ABRAHAMS Roseanna Roseanna Juliana Nichols, Free Settler "Lady Penrhyn" "Prince of Wales" 1788 ACTON Sarah Sarah Acton [Convict "Lady Julianna" 1790] * ALLEY Richard Richard Alley, Free Settler "...
The "Salamander" was part of the Third FleetIt departed from Plymouth on 27 March 1791 and arrived in Sydney Cove on 21/8/1791* 160 male convicts - 6 deaths* 12 privatesB* William BAKER - William Baker, Free Settler "Salamander" 1791 James BELBIN - James Belbin, Convict "Salamander" 1791 Daniel BRIEN - Daniel Brien, Convict "Salamander" 1791 C* Samuel CRAFT - Samuel Craft, Convict "Salamander" ...
William Pitt reached Port Jackson on 11 April 1806 with one hundred and seventeen female prisoners who all arrived in a state of good health. Convicts - 120 women, 1 man Deaths on voyage 4Free Settlers* Charles YORK, son of Mary CROOKS* Gregory BLAXLAND (see Gregory Blaxland, Free Settler "William Pitt" 1806 ) - born 1778 died 1853. Spouse Eliza SPURDEN (see Elizabeth Blaxland, Free Settler "Wi...
"Mary Ann" was the first ship of the Third Fleet to arrive in Sydney.The "Mary Ann" left England on 16/2/1791 and arrived in Sydney on 9/7/1791. She left with 150 female convicts and 9 of them died on the journeyMaster - Mark MUNROThere where a few ships "Mary Ann" that came to Australia # (Convict Ship) departed Portsmouth, England 16/2/1791 and arrived in NSW, Australia on 9/7/1791 (150 femal...
This project is to capture all the convicts and free settlers who arrived in Australia on board the "Neptune" on 27 June 1790. The "Neptune" left England on 19/1/1790The second fleet earned the nickname of "The Death Fleet" as of over 1000 convicts, half arrived sick and 270 died enroute.The Neptune had the highest mortality rate of 150.The Neptune carried* 42 male convicts* 78 female convicts*...
The Scarborough arrived in Botany Bay on 26th January 1788.Captain John Marshall Surgeon Dennis Considen 208 male convicts Alphabetical list of crew, marines, wives, passengers and convicts A* Joseph Abbott - Joseph Abbott [Marine "Scarborough" 1788] Henry Abrams Henry Abrams [Convict "Scarborough" 1788] John Adams John Adams [Convict "Scarborough" 1788] Richard AGLEY Richard Agley [Convict "...
The Coromandel arrived at Portsmouth on 12 January 1802 and departed from Spithead in company with the Perseus bound for Port Jackson on 12 February 1802. She came direct, the first convict ship to do so, and arrived in Port Jackson on 13 June 1802. ==Sources* Jen Willetts, Convict Ship Coromandel 1802 Only one prisoner died on the voyage out138 Male convictsShip Master* Alexander SterlingShip ...
The "Pitt" left Portsmouth on 12 June 1791 and arrived in Sydney Cove in 1792It was a convict ship and carried 352 males + 58 femalesThere was an outbreak of Small box and they lost 7 seaman, 18 soldiers, 4 soldiers wives, 5 soldiers children, 16 convicts + 2 convict children on the journeyOn board A* William ABEL William Abel [Convict "Pitt" 1792] James AGNEW* Robert ALCOCK - Robert Alcock, C...
Departed England 13 May 1787 and arrived at Botany Bay 20 Jan 1788. 100 male convicts & 24 female convicts boarded. Ships Master was Thomas Gilbert.Geni Event - list of crew, marines, wives, passengers and convicts A* Acres, Thomas Thomas Akers [Convict "Charlotte" 1788] Alexander, John John Alexander, Convict "Charlotte" 1788 Alexander ANDERSON Alexander Anderson [Marine "Charlotte" "Lady Pen...
"Lord Sidmouth" brought convicts to Australia 3 times1st - 1819 2nd - 1821 3rd - 1823This project is for the 3rd voyage, which left England on and arrived in Hobart on Monday 10 February 1823 and in Sydney Harbour on 28 February 1823.Carried - 97 Female Convicts (+23 Children) & 21 Free Women (+49 Children) Convict Passenger List - project is included in The History Link Project - Trace your an...
Waterloo=Waterloo built in Bristol, enters Lloyd's Registry in 1815 with James Ray, master, and trade London-Jamaica In 1829 “Waterloo” begins service as British convict ship, Prisoners were transported 6 times, to New South Wales on the “Waterloo” in 1829, 1831, 1833, 1836 and 1838 and to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) in 1835. Captain Ager Captain of the “Waterloo” in 1842, had made several jou...
"Indefatigable" was a convict ship and she came to Australia twice# 1812# 1815This project is for the second voyage which left England in 1814 and arrived in Port Jackson, Sydney, NSW on 26/4/1815. She transported 200 male convicts with 2 dying enrouteLISTS* Abraham, James* Anthony, Michael* Arnold, Mark* Bainbridge, James* Baker, John* Bakes, Edward* Bannister, Joseph* Barwell, Charles* Bell, ...
Arrived Port Jackson on 30 April 1818 landing 39 male convicts , continued onto Van Deamons Land arriving 11 June 1818 landing 261 male convictsConvicts that remained in Sydney Total 39 :* Emanuel Solomon * Vaiben Soloman ==Resources* Claim A Convict This project is included in The History Link Project - Trace your ancesters! you can add projects here
"Southworth" deaprted 23/6/1830 and arrived in Van Diemen's Land with 160 convictsConvicts* Matthew Adam* James Adams* Edward Agar* John Allen* Thomas Amor* Archibald Anderson* William Anderson* Richard Aspden* John Aspinall* Richard Banks* John Barns* Benjamin Beckett* John Bentley* Joseph Brackenbury* Joseph Brierley* Edward Brown* Thomas Burns* Isaac Burrows James Collins - see James Collins...
Rajah - Sailed on 1st April, 1841Arrived 19th July, 1841 at Van Diemen's Land 180 convictsConvicts* Mary Adshead* Agnes Agnew* Jane Alcock* Elizabeth Alexander* Margaret Anderson* Catherine Angus* Elizabeth Archer* Mary Bailey* Mary Maria Bailey* Sarah Bailey* Mary Bannon* Elizabeth Barnes* Elizabeth Barrett* Sarah Beckwith* Elizabeth Bell* Petus Bevington* Ann Bogle* Jane Bowie* Charlotte Boyc...
The "Providence" made 3 journeys to Australia# arrived 2 July 1811 New South Wales# arrived 7 January 1822 New South Wales# arrived 16 May 1826 Van Diemen's LandThis project is for the first journey* left England on 10 December 1810 and arrived 2 July 1811List of convicts A* Thomas ANGLIM B* Michael / Nicholas BALFE* Andrew BARCLAY - crew* William BARCLAY - crew* Denis BEGLEY* James BRADLEY - ...
The "Matilda" was a convict ship in The Third FleetThe Matilda left Portsmouth on 18 March 1791 and arrived in Sydney Cove on 1/8/1791230 male convictsB* William BAILEY William Bailey, Convict "Matilda" 1791 F* Edward FISHER Edward Fisher, Convict "Matilda" 1791 G* Joseph GENDERS Joseph Genders, Convict "Matilda" 1791 Thomas GUY Thomas Guy, Convict "Matilda" 1791 H* Charles HADLEY Charles Hadle...
Alexander - Departed England 13 May 1787 and arrived at Botany Bay 19 Jan 1788. 210 male convicts boarded. Ships Master was Duncan Sinclair.Before "Alexander" left Portsmouth a fever broke out and killed 16 men. 15 more convicts died on the journey.Alphabetical list of crew, marines, wives, passengers and convicts A* Robert Abel Robert Abel [Convict "Alexander" 1788] * Henry Abrahams Henry Abr...
Arrived Van Deamons Land arriving 11 June 1818 landing 261 male convicts via Port Jackson on 30 April 1818 landing 39 male convicts==Related Projects* Stopping in Sydney leaving 39 male convicts ==Resources* Claim A Convict This project is included in The History Link Project - Trace your ancesters! you can add projects here