This project is to capture all the convicts and free settlers who arrived in Australia on board the "Neptune" on 27 June 1790. The "Neptune" left England on 19/1/1790
The second fleet earned the nickname of "The Death Fleet" as of over 1000 convicts, half arrived sick and 270 died enroute.
The Neptune had the highest mortality rate of 150.
The Neptune carried
- 42 male convicts
- 78 female convicts
- 7 officers + 44 men + 6 wives + 3 children
- 6 wives of convicts + 5 children
- Mary ANTONY Mary Antony [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Alexander ASPLAND (died shortly after arrival) Alexander Aspland [Convict “Neptune” 1790]
- William ATKINS William Atkins [Convict "Neptune" 1790] B
- Elizabeth BAKER Elizabeth Baker [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- William BAKER William Baker, Convict “Neptune” 1790
- Ann BARKER Ann Barker [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Uziel BARRAH Uziel Barrah, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Thomas BATES
- Ann BECKETT - see Ann CALCUT
- Rebecca BEST - see Rebecca CHIPMAN
- John BOOTLE John Bootle [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- James BRACKENRIG James Brackenrig [Marine "Neptune" 1790]
- James BRAY James Bray, infant , Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- John BRAY Sergeant John Bray, Marine "Neptune" 1790
- Mary BRAY - see Mary DOWNS
- Susannah BRAY Susannah (Bray) Fowkes [Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790]
- Kezia BROWN Kezia Roberts, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Rebecca BROWNE - see Rebeccca CHIPMAN
- Eleanor BUCKRIDGE - see Eleanor GOTT
- Joseph BUTLER Joseph Butler, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Mary BUTLER Mary (Butler) Randall [Convict "Neptune" 1790] C
- Ann CALCUT Ann Beckett, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Ann CAREY Ann (Carey) Gilbert - Feutrill [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- William CHARLTON William Charlton, Marine "Neptune" 1790
- Thomas CHESHIRE Thomas Cheshire, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Rebecca CHIPMAN Rebecca (Chipman) Browne - Best [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Sarah COBCROFT - see Sarah SMITH
- Jane COLDWELL - see Jane EDWARDS
- Elizabeth CONNOR Elizabeth Connor, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Mary CONNOR Mary Connor, Infant, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Roger CONNOR Roger Connor, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Charles CROSS Charles Cross, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Rose CROSS - See Rose FLOOD
- Catherine CROWLEY Catherine (Crowley) Wentworth, Convict "Neptune" 1790 D
- Mathew DELL convict
- Mary DOWNS Mary (Downs) Bray, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Mary DWAN - see Mary DOWNS E
- Thomas EATHER Thomas Samuel Eather, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Jane EDWARDS Jane (Edwards) Coldwell - Phillips [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Elizabeth EVERINGHAM - see Elizabeth RIMES F
- Ann FEUTRILL - see Ann CAREY
- Theophilus FEUTRILL Theophilus Feutrill, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Sarah FIELDER Sarah (Smith) Fielder, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Francis FLEXMORE
- Rose FLOOD Rose Cross, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Susannah FOWKES - see Susannah BRAY G
- Ann GILBERT - see Ann CAREY
- Thomas GOLLIDGE Thomas Gollidge, Convict “Neptune” 1790
- Eleanor GOTT Eleanor "Ellen" (Gott) Wright - Buckridge [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Sarah GRIGGS H
- Daniel HANCHARD - see Daniel HENSHAW
- Daniel HANDSHAW - see Daniel HENSHAW
- Ann HANNAWAY convict
- Hannah HAWKINS Hannah (NN) Hawkins - Taylor - Kane - John [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Robert HAYWOOD
- Thomas HEATHER see Thomas EATHER
- Daniel HENSHAW Daniel Henshaw / Hanchard, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Harriet HODGETTS - see Harriet LUCE
- Robert HOWARD Robert Howard [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Samuel HOWELL
- William HOWEL
- Hannah JOHN - see Hannah HAWKINS K
- Hannah KANE - see Hannah HAWKINS
- Matthew KEARNS Matthew Kearns, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- William KNIGHT William Knight, Convict "Neptune" 1790 L
- Mary LEARY Mary (Leary) Ramsay, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Joseph LLEWELLYN Joseph Llewellyn [Marine "Neptune" 1790]
- Mary LLEWELLYN - wife of marine
- Harriet LUCE Harriet Hodgetts, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790 M
- Sir Edward MACARTHUR Sir Edward Macarthur
- Elizabeth MACARTHUR - see Elizabeth VEALE
- John Shapcote Macarthur John Shapcote Macarthur, Free Settler "Neptune" "Scarborough" 1790
- Ann MARTIN see Ann TOY
- Charles MARTIN Charles Martin, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- John MARTIN John Martin, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Mary MARTIN 1 Mary Margaret Smith - Wilbow, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Mary MARTIN 2
- Elizabeth McGAHY - see Elizabeth RIMES
- Nicholas McNAMARA convict
- William MORGAN William Morgan, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- George PADBILL see George PATFIELD
- George PADDLE see George PATFIELD
- George PADFIELD see George PATFIELD
- John PALMER John Palmer, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- George PATFIELD George Paddle, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- George PATHILL see George PATFIELD
- Jane PHILLIPS - see Jane EDWARDS
- Elizabeth PILLINGER - see Elizabeth WOOD R
- Mary RAMSAY - see Mary LEARY
- Mary RANDALL - see Mary BUTLER
- Elizabeth RIMES Elizabeth Everingham - McGahy, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Kezia ROBERTS - see Kezia BROWN
- William ROBERTS William Roberts, [Convict “Neptune” 1790]
- John ROGERS John Rogers [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Elizabeth RYMES - see Elizabeth RIMES S
- George SALTER
- Joseph SMITH Joseph Smith [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Mary SMITH see Mary MARTIN
- Sarah SMITH Sarah Cobcroft, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790 T
- Hannah TAYLOR - see Hannah HAWKINS
- Jane THOMPSON Jane (Thompson) Griffiths [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Humphrey THORN Humphrey Thorn, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Ann TOY Ann (Toy) Martin [Convict "Neptune" 1790] U
- Thomas UPTON Thomas Upton, Convict "Neptune" 1790 V
- Elizabeth VEALE Elizabeth Macarthur, Free Settler "Neptune" "Scarborough" 1790 W
- Rachel WATKINS Rachel Williams, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- John WELLS convict
- Catherine WENTWORTH - see Catherine CROWLEY
- D'arcy Wentworth D'arcy Wentworth, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- John WELLS John Wells [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Elizabeth WESTLAKE - see Elizabeth WOOD
- Ann WHITE convict
- Mary WILBOW see Mary MARTIN
- Mary WILLIAMS Mary Humphreys, [Convict "Neptune" 1790]
- Rachel WILLIAMS see Rachel WATKINS
- Elizabeth WOOD Elizabeth Pillinger, Free Settler "Neptune" 1790
- Elizabeth WOOD Elizabeth Wood - Westlake, Convict "Neptune" 1790
- Eleanor WRIGHT - see Eleanor GOTT
The following convicts arrived on either the Neptune, Scarborough and Surprize transport ships - Once which ship they were trasported on is indentified please remove them from this list (and place them on the correct ship list) Please note this lilst appears on each of the ships
- William Abbott
- George Adams
- William Adams
- John Aiken
- William Alder
- Francis Allam
- George Allen
- Richard Allen
- Samuel Allen
- Samuel Allen
- Thomas Allen
- William Allen
- William Allen
- William Allen
- John Allington
- William Alsop
- Peter Alsworth
- Benjamin Ambler
- Thomas Ambrose
- William Amor
- John Anderson
- Mary Antony
- William Archer
- Robert Aris
- Thomas Arkell
- Solomon Arlott
- John Arne
- Richard Arnold
- William Aspinall
- Alexander Aspland
- Henry Asser
- John Atherton
- Edward Atwell
- John Atwood
- William Austin
- Henry Bacon
- John Badlife
- John Bagley
- Thomas Bailey
- Ann Baker
- Elizabeth Baker
- James Baker
- Joan Barber
- Thomas Barnard
- John Barnes
- John Barnes
- Samuel Robert Barnes
- William Barnes
- Thomas Barnet
- Isaac Barnett
- Martha Barnett
- James Barnicoat
- Thomas Barnsley
- Jonathan Barrett
- Isaac Bartholomew
- Richard Bartlett
- William Barton
- William Bassett
- John Bateman
- Thomas Bateman
- William Bateman
- Martha Bates
- Thomas Bates
- Mary Bather
- John Batty
- William Bead
- Thomas Beadle
- James Beale
- James Becket
- Elizabeth Beilby
- Samuel Beldam
- Adam Bell
- John Bell
- Robert Bence
- John Benson
- Thomas Berry
- John Bicknell
- Henry Biddle
- William Birch
- George Bird
- Robert Bissell
- James Blackham
- James Blagbourn
- Richard Blake
- John Bland
- William Blount
- John Blundell
- Solomon Bockerah
- Abraham Boize
- John Bolgin
- William Bolitho
- Peter Bolton
- John Bond
- Mary Bond
- John Bonham
- Philip Bono
- William Botham
- John Boxley
- John Bradburn
- Betty Bradley
- John Bradshaw
- William Bramsley
- James Branchflower
- William Brantam
- Thomas Bray
- William Breed
- Michael Briant
- Benjamin Brickman
- Anthony Brion
- John Bristow
- Cornelius Broad
- Joseph Brotherhead
- Henry Brown
- James Brown
- John Brown
- John Brown
- Martha Brown
- Mary Brown
- Samuel Brown
- William Brown
- Lot Broydon
- John Bruce
- William Bruce
- James Brucker
- John Bruin
- Robert Buckles
- Peter Buckridge
- Samuel Bugg
- Ormond Burcham
- William Burgess
- Richard Burman
- John Burn
- Richard Cornelius Burrows
- Samuel Burt
- George Burton
- James Burton
- Robert Burton
- Paul Bushell
- John Butterworth
- Thomas Butterworth
- William Butts
- Murty Cairns
- Margaret Callahan
- Josiah Callow
- Arthur Campbell
- John Carpenter
- Susan Carr
- John Carroll
- Elizabeth Carter
- John Carter
- John Carter
- Thomas Carter
- William Cartwright
- George Cash
- John Cashmore
- William Caspell
- Mary Chadderton
- Thomas Chafey
- Daniel Chambers
- Thomas Chandler
- William Chandler
- Joseph Chant
- James Chapman
- Samuel Chapman
- David Charles
- Richard Chell
- Henry Chellingsworth
- Samuel Chester
- George Child
- Rebecca Chippenham
- George Chitty
- Samuel Churches
- William Churchman
- Margaret Clarke
- Thomas Clarke
- James Cleaver
- James Coates
- Jane Codd
- Alexander Coe
- Thomas Coldwell
- Richard Cole
- Robert Cole
- Thomas Colebrook
- Charles Coleman
- William Coleman
- Thomas College
- John Colley
- Edward Collier
- Peter Collier
- Thomas Collier
- Daniel Collins
- John Collins
- Thomas Collins
- Thomas Collins
- William Collins
- John Congdon
- John Conner
- Michael Conner
- Dennis Connor
- Patrick Connor
- George Connoway
- William Constable
- John Cook
- William Cook
- Mary Cooksey
- Samuel Cooley
- William Coombes
- John Coope
- Edward Cooper
- Charles Cornish
- William Couch
- James Court
- Mary Cousins
- Isaac Cowden
- Samuel Cowling
- John Cox
- Moses Cox
- William Cox
- Mary Cragg
- John Crampton
- John Crawford
- John Crawford
- Benjamin Cromer
- Edward Crouch
- John Crowe
- William Crowson
- Edward Crowther
- James Bryan Cullen
- Samuel Cullinbine
- John Cumpstone
- James Cunningham
- Joseph Currey
- Daniel Dakin
- Rosamond Dale
- John Dandy
- Lewis David
- Thomas Davies
- Benjamin Davis
- David Davis
- David Davis
- Elizabeth Davis
- John Davis
- John Davis
- John Davis
- John Davis
- Thomas Davis
- Thomas Davis
- William Davis
- William Philip Davis
- James Davison
- James Dawson
- John Dawson
- William Delbridge
- Elizabeth Dell
- Matthew Dell
- Mary Desmont
- Richard Dickenson
- John Digby
- Thomas Dillion
- James Dixon
- Peter Dixon
- James Dod
- Mary Donnovan
- William Doran
- Simon Dore
- William Doubleday
- David Doulben
- William Dovey
- John Driver
- Elizabeth Drury
- John Dudley
- John Duff
- James Duncan
- William Dunford
- Michael Dunnavan
- George Dunstan
- Benjamin Dunstone
- John Durham
- John Dyer
- Joseph Dyer
- William Eastly
- John Eaton
- Christopher Eaves
- John Eddington
- Daniel Edwards
- Daniel Edwards
- John Edwards
- Joseph Edwards
- Samuel Edwards
- Thomas Edwards
- Charles Elkington
- Jane Elley
- Isaac Elliott
- George Ellison
- Daniel Elwell
- William Elwen
- Edward Evans
- Francis Evans
- John Evans
- John Evans
- John Evans
- Joseph Evans
- Sarah Evans
- William Evans
- James Everard
- John Eyles
- William Faircloth
- Alexander Falconer
- Isaac Farmer
- James Farr
- Thomas Farrendean
- Robert Fenwell
- John Fish
- Thomas Fisher
- Hugh Flannagan
- Mary Flannagan
- Charles Fletcher
- George Fletcher
- Francis Flexmore
- William Floyd
- Henry Fonseca
- William Philip Forber
- William Fortescue
- Richard Freeman
- Thomas French
- Mary Frost
- John Fry
- William Fubbs
- Henry Fudge
- John Fuller
- Thomas Fulwell
- Daniel (Junior) Furze
- John Gamble
- John Gantley
- Daniel Gardner [Gardiner]
- Benjamin Gartside
- Michael Gay
- Thomas Geary
- Thomas Gelaspee
- Michael Gent
- Charles George
- Richard George
- John Gerwalt
- Matthew Gibbons
- Amelia Gill
- Peter Gillies
- Henry Girdler
- Thomas Glaves
- William Gledhill
- Henry Glover
- William Glover
- Edward Glynn
- Thomas Goddard
- Elizabeth Godwin
- John Gogay
- John Gold
- Thomas Goldfinch
- John Goldingay
- John Goldsmith
- George Gooding
- John Gordon
- Thomas Gosport
- Thomas Gough
- Thomas Grainger
- John Grant
- William Grant
- John Gray
- James Green
- Joseph Gregory
- Mary Gregory
- Thomas Gregory
- David Griffith
- John Griffith
- Jonathan Griffith
- Ann Griffiths
- John Griffiths
- William Griffiths
- Sarah Griggs
- John Grist
- William Grocer
- William Grosvenor
- Thomas Groves
- Robert Guy
- Robert Hackett
- Thomas Haggar
- Stephen Hall
- Thomas Hammonds
- William Hand
- Francis Handley
- Daniel Hands
- Edward Hands
- James Hands
- John Hands
- John Hanley
- Ann Hannaway
- William Hansom
- Samuel Harding
- Samuel Harding
- John Hardinge
- Francis Hardy
- Edward Harrington
- John Harrington
- Francis Harris
- Jasper Harris
- John Harris
- Thomas Harris
- William Harris
- William Harris
- Richard Harrop
- Thomas Hartman
- Edward Hawkins
- Elizabeth Hawkins
- Richard Hawthorn
- John Hayes
- Nicholas Hayne
- Richard Haynes
- Robert Hayward
- Thomas Hayward
- Rebecca Heathcote
- Thomas Hemming
- Daniel Henley
- Thomas Henley
- Thomas Henwell
- Joseph Herbert
- Peter Herbert
- James Hewlett
- Richard Hicks
- Arthur Higgins
- Thomas Higgins
- William Higgins
- John Hill
- Thomas Hill
- John Hindley
- John Hiorne
- Richard Hisburn
- William Hitchcock
- Robert Hix
- William Hobson
- Thomas Hocking
- Thomas Hodgetts
- Edward Hogan
- John Holden
- Joseph Holden
- James Holding
- Thomas Holland
- William Hollick
- Richard Hollingsworth
- Thomas Holt
- Charles Holton
- William Holton
- William Hooper
- James Hornsby
- Matthew Hosier
- Samuel Howell
- William Howell
- John Howitt
- Michael Hoy
- Paul Hufton
- William Hugarth
- John Hughes
- Thomas Hughes
- Thomas Hughes
- William Hughes
- James Hunt
- John Hunt
- Robert Hunt
- John Hunter
- William Hunter
- Joseph Hyde
- George Hyser
- Samuel Icom
- Joseph Ince
- John Inman
- Philip Inwood
- Thomas Ipie
- Elizabeth Ireland
- John Jackson
- Samuel Jackson
- Abraham Jacobs
- James Jacobs
- Richard James
- Joseph Jeffery
- Garter Jenkins
- William Jenkins
- Joseph Jenkinson
- John Jennings
- James Johnson
- John Johnson
- Richard Johnson
- Simon Johnson
- Thomas Johnson
- Thomas Johnson
- William Johnson
- Henry Joiner
- James Joiner
- Daniel Jones
- David Jones
- Edward Jones
- Elizabeth Jones
- Grace Jones
- James Jones
- James Jones
- John Jones
- John Jones
- John Jones
- John Jones
- Joseph Jones
- Luke Jones
- Margaret Jones
- Mary Jones
- Richard Jones
- Robert Jones
- Samuel Jones
- Thomas Jones
- Thomas Jones
- Thomas Jones
- Richard Joy
- William Juniper
- James Kearns
- Thomas Keate
- Richard Keele
- Charles Keeling
- Daniel Kelly
- John Kelly
- Lawrence Kelly
- Daniel Kendling
- George Kent
- John Keswell
- David Kincaird
- Charles King
- George King
- Henry King
- Thomas King
- Thomas King
- George Kirmond
- Joseph Kitson
- John Knott
- Charles Knowland
- John Lacey
- John Lacey
- Thomas Lake
- Thomas Lake
- Robert Lancaster
- George Lane
- Thomas Lane
- Thomas Langdon
- John Langley
- Samuel Langley
- John Larcombe
- Peter Larkman
- James Larra
- David Latham
- John (Junior) Launder
- Simon Lavender
- Henry Lawton
- John Le Ross
- John Leaper
- Mary Leary
- Abraham Lee
- George Lee
- Isaac Leg
- Thomas Lester
- John Lethbridge
- John Levell
- Thomas Lewer
- John Lewis
- John Lewis
- Thomas Lewis
- William Lilley
- Nathaniel Lillie
- Ephraim (junior) Lindsay
- Richard Ling
- Elizabeth Linsley
- Richard Littlehales
- Thomas Loake
- Matthew Lock
- John Loft
- William Long
- John Longford
- James Lovegrove
- John Lovelace
- Hugh Lowe
- John Lowe
- Robert Lowe
- Isaac Lumber
- Thomas Luxton
- Alice Lynch
- John Mackenzie
- John Madell
- George Maggs
- William Maisey
- Sarah Manlove
- Broughton Manton
- Richard Manypenny
- Luke Mapp
- William Marks
- Thomas Markwell
- Daniel Marshall
- William Martin
- John Maskew
- John Mason
- Paul Mason
- William Mason
- Betty Massey
- William Massey
- Isaac Matthews
- James Matthews
- Thomas Matthews
- James May
- Samuel Maynard
- Elizabeth Mayo
- John McCarty
- Hugh Mcdonald
- William McDonald
- William McDonald
- Mary McDonaugh
- Francis Mcgurk
- John McIntosh
- William McKay
- Michael Mcnamara
- William Meacham
- John Mears
- William Medlicott
- Ann Meredith
- Edward Merrick
- Thomas Messenger
- James Metcalfe
- John Metcalfe
- John Meyers
- Edward Meyrick
- Michael Michaels
- John Middlemas
- Thomas Miles
- Daniel Miller
- James Miller
- John Miller
- John Millett
- William Misham
- Mary Mitchell
- George Moggridge
- Thomas (Junior) Moore
- James Morgan
- John Morgan
- John Morgan
- Martha Morgan
- Mary Morgan
- Thomas Morgan
- Joseph Morley
- Richard Morley
- Joseph Morrell
- David Morris
- George Morris
- Thomas Morris
- Thomas Morrison
- John Morritt
- Philip Morton
- William Morton
- John Moulsey
- William Muggridge
- John Muilman
- Jane Mulloy
- James Mumford
- William Mumford
- James Murphy
- Robert Murrell
- John Murry
- John Murwell
- George Nadan
- Elizabeth Naggs
- James Neale
- John Neale
- Margaret Neve
- Thomas Newby
- John Newett
- Thomas Nobe
- David Nowland
- Michael Nowland
- James Nugent
- John O'Hara
- John Oakley
- Joseph Oakley
- John Oats
- Thomas Oddy
- James Okey
- William Orman
- Nicholas Orme
- William Osborne
- John Osmond
- Thomas Owen
- John Pace
- James Pagett
- Edward Paild
- Henry Palmer
- William Palmer
- George Parker
- Thomas Parker
- Anselm Parsons
- William Parsons
- Joseph Partern
- William Pawson
- Abraham Payne
- Peter Payne
- Thomas Peacock
- William Pearce
- John Pease
- John Pedlar
- Joseph Penn
- Joseph Pentecross
- Edward Perkins
- James Peters
- Thomas Peters
- Thomas Philips
- Samuel Phillips
- Sarah Phillips
- Thomas Phillips
- John Phillis
- Solomon Phipps
- Edward Phyew
- Samuel Pidgeon
- William Pimlett
- John Place
- Abraham Plimshole
- William Poddy
- Solomon Polock
- Joseph Pool
- George Porter
- Richard Porter
- Thomas Porter
- Samuel Potter
- William Poynton
- William Prentice
- John Price
- Thomas Price
- Thomas Priest
- William Priest
- Hannah Prince
- Lewis Proctor
- John Pryor
- William Pugh
- James Pullen
- Robert Quarman
- John Quinton
- Joseph Rabson
- James Rand
- Thomas Ransom
- Philip Rasberry
- Thomas Ratcliffe
- Henry Raynard
- William Rayner
- Joseph Reay
- Matthew Reddy
- Joseph Redfearne
- John Redford
- John Redman
- William Reid
- John Repeat
- Thomas Rewell
- Thomas Reynolds
- Elizabeth Rice
- John Rice
- William Richard
- Christopher Richards
- Joseph Richards
- William Richards
- Peter Richardson
- William Richardson
- James Riches
- Edward Riley
- Thomas Riley
- Thomas Riley
- Elizabeth Risam
- John Robbins
- John Roberts
- John Roberts
- John Robinson
- Thomas Robinson
- John Robley
- James Robnett
- Benjamin Rogers
- Thomas Charles Rogers
- John Rowe
- Thomas Godfrey Rowley
- William Rowley
- John Rowling
- Thomas Rudd
- William Rudge
- Thomas Rumming
- Lionel Ruse
- Robert Russell
- John Ryall
- John Ryan
- Martin Sales
- George Salter
- Eleanor Sandick
- George Sansum
- Thomas Sargeant
- Joseph Saul
- Abraham Savage
- Robert Savage
- James Saxlebye
- Francis Saxon
- Joseph Saxton
- Henry Sayers
- Lazarus Scamp
- James Scott
- Thomas Scott
- William Scutts
- Peter Seabry
- Alexander Seaton
- John Sellick
- James Seney
- George Shaw
- George Sheppard
- Thomas Shipton
- Thomas Shirley
- Joseph Short
- Richard Shrimpton
- William Shurburd
- James Sibley
- William Silvan
- James Silverthorn
- John Simmons
- George Simpson
- William Simpson
- William Sindfield
- Richard Slaney
- John Small
- Ambrose Smith
- Ann Smith
- Benjamin Smith
- Charles Smith
- Charles Smith
- Elizabeth Smith
- George Smith
- James Smith
- James Smith
- James Smith
- John Smith
- John Smith
- John Smith
- Nicholas Smith
- Oliver Smith
- Robert Smith
- Robert Smith
- Stephen Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Smith
- William Smith
- William Smith
- William Smith
- William Soan
- John Soare
- Joseph Softley
- Frederick Solomons
- Samuel Solomons
- Elizabeth South
- Benjamin Sparks
- Traverse Spibye
- George Steel
- Robert Steele
- Thomas Stephenson
- Francis Stermy
- Samuel Stevenson
- William Stevenson
- John Steward
- John Stewart
- James Sticke
- James Stiles
- John Stiles
- Charles Stokes
- George Stone
- James Stone
- William Stone
- Matthew Straker
- John Stratton
- Mary Stulttz
- William Sulley
- Thomas Summerland
- John Sumpton
- Joseph Suttle
- William Sutton
- George Talbert
- Joseph Tambrook
- John Tarr
- John Taylor
- Joseph Taylor
- John Teague
- Thomas Teasdale
- David Thomas
- James Thomas
- John Thomas
- John Thomas
- John Thomas
- William Thomas
- William Moses Thomas
- Charles Thompson
- James Thompson
- James Thompson
- Mary Thompson
- Richard Thompson
- Robert Thompson
- Thomas Thompson
- Humphrey Thorn
- William Thorn
- Richard Thorne
- Thomas Thrush
- William Tilbrook
- George Timbrell
- James Toby
- Henry Todd
- Thomas Tomlinson
- William Tonge
- Robert Towers
- James Townsend
- John Townsend
- Ann Toy
- James Tranter
- William Treadwell
- Edmund Tricker
- James Tucker
- John Tucker
- John Tucker
- Jonathan Tucker
- Mary Tucker
- Thomas Tuckwell
- Francis Turner
- Mark Turner
- Richard Turner
- Samuel Turton
- John Turwood
- Joseph Tyack
- William Underwood
- James Usher
- Thomas Vallance
- Francis Vasper
- Boze Venner
- Elizabeth Ann Wade
- Richard Wade
- James Wain
- Samuel Walker
- William Walter
- John Walters
- Mary Walters
- Matthew Walton
- Edward Warby
- James Ward
- Joseph Ward
- Peter Ward
- Thomas Ward
- William Ward
- Benjamin Warren
- William Warton
- William Warwick
- Benjamin Watkins
- John Watkins
- William Watkins
- John Watson
- William Watson
- James Watts
- Simon Webb
- Edward Westwood
- James Westwood
- William Westwood
- Ann Wheeler
- Ann White
- David White
- James White
- John White
- Mary White
- Roger White
- Thomas White
- James Whitehouse
- Moses Whitehouse
- Sarah Whitlam
- Edward Wildblood
- William Wilford
- George Wilgress
- James Wilkinson
- John Wilkinson
- Ann Willcock
- Edward William
- Catherine Williams
- Edward Williams
- John Williams
- John Williams
- Mary Williams
- Robert Williams
- Thomas Williams
- Sarah Willis
- William Willis
- Thomas Wilmott
- John Wilshire
- Alexander Wilson
- James Wilson
- James Wilson
- John Wilson
- Joseph Wilson
- Mary Wilson
- John Winbow
- William Winship
- Thomas Winstan
- John Wiseman
- Robert Withers
- Elizabeth Wood
- George Wood
- James Wood
- John Wood
- John Wood
- William Wood
- William Wood
- Charles Woodger
- Edward Woodham
- James Woodham
- Nathaniel Woodham
- William Wooding
- Joseph Wooley
- Sarah Wooley
- David Wright
- John Wright
- John Wright
- John Wright
- Joseph Wright
- Thomas Wright
- William Wright
- William Yardley
- William Yardley
- John Yates
- Henry York
- John Young
- Michael Young