Genealogy Projects tagged with gandhi on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Geni's VIP Plaza

    Welcome to Geni's VIP Plazapick your table and read through this special menu full of V.I.P. Project ingredients from all over the Big Geni World TreeBon Appetit! Not only does the I in VIP stand for a V ery I mportant P erson, it can mean Interesting , Inspirational , Illuminating —aspects not only describing the famous Individuals of which we are fans, but little known VIP’s. They are welcom...

  • Indian South Africans

    India's community is one of the most vibrant in the world. Yet, the large South African Indian community is just as vibrant. It all started about 150 years ago with the arrival of Indentured Indian Laborers. Then they became the Free Indians. Later the Passenger Indians joined in to complete the community that would come to fight alongside the African community, against the Apartheid Regime.