Genealogy Projects tagged with project on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Portal Brasil

    Tradução: Este é um projeto de portal do país, que se destina a ser um recurso para usuários de um determinado país. Ele pode conter conselhos sobre a melhor forma de usar o Geni em seu país, como convenções de nomenclatura de perfis, instruções de tradução, onde encontrar recursos de genealogia e muito mais. Você pode participar do projeto para contribuir ou segui-lo se desejar receber apenas ...

  • CuZZin - Project Index

    Project Aim To provide an Index list of projects relevant to South African users. Index of SA Projects: 1. SA Projects by PEOPLE 2. SA Projects by HISTORICAL TIMELINE 3. SA Projects by PLACES Please add all the SA Projects you create or come across below Working With Projects Starter Kit for How to Create A New Project Starter Kit for How To Add Text and a Photo to a Project ...

  • CuZZin - Collaboration Club

    South Africa's Project Collaboration and Research Log The purpose of this project is to: Log or register your areas of interest and research, so project initiators can target the relevant people to collaborate with. Bring people who have similar interests together. Identify projects that require help and areas that need researching. To list new ideas for projects. Stimulate interes...

  • Geni's VIP Plaza

    Welcome to Geni's VIP Plazapick your table and read through this special menu full of V.I.P. Project ingredients from all over the Big Geni World TreeBon Appetit! Not only does the I in VIP stand for a V ery I mportant P erson, it can mean Interesting , Inspirational , Illuminating —aspects not only describing the famous Individuals of which we are fans, but little known VIP’s. They are welcom...

  • Geni's Project Plaza

    Welcome to Geni's Project Plaza=pick your table and read through this special menu full of Project ingredients from all over the Big Geni World TreeBon Appetit! = Geni project guidelines This project sets out advice on how to create an effective project, including information on layout, style, and how to make a project clear, precise and relevant to the reader.project manager: Victar

  • Project Template

    This is a "Project" template Feel free to copy and paste as an organizing tool when creating a new Project. suggestion: Use the "edit" link to reveal formatting. Copy to Notepad. Paste to new Project. Scope of Project Overview General Note If you would like to contribute to this page, please feel free to edit it. Click here for instructions about using Wiki markup language. ...

  • Geni's Project Concept Plaza

    Welcome fellow Geni’s to this Project Concept Plaza pick your table and read through this special menu full of Project Concept ingredients from project makers all over the Big Geni World Tree. Bon Appetit! Let’s break the boundries right here, right now! In Search for new (un)conventional ways of creating Geni projects, every Plaza table represents a link to a conceptual discussion/f...

  • Kilkenny Surnames Geographic Project - FTDNA

    The Kilkenny Surname Project on Family Tree DNA is for people whose surnames are connected with the county of Kilkenny. It is open to people who have tested their yDNA mtDNA and Autosomal DNA . It can be all or any of these tests. We will try to locate the surnames within a geographic location of Kilkenny. Some surnames that have an historical connection with Kilkenny are listed below as listed...

  • Project template elements

    Mix and match these groupings below for your project. To use, edit > copy (highlight). Go to your project, edit > paste. Collaborators, please contribute elements! ===To participate in any project=== - you do need to first be a collaborator - so please join the project using the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. Visit Geni Wikitext, Unicode and images and Wicked ...