'The justice system in the United States is one of the most unique in the world. It consists of two separate levels of courts, state and federal, that can peacefully co-exist under the concept of federalism . The type of court that a case is tried in depends on the law, state or federal, that was allegedly violated. Most of the laws that govern our day-to-day living are state laws; violations o...
Legal Professionals Legal profession is a profession, and legal professionals study, develop and apply law. Usually, there is a requirement for someone choosing a career in law to first obtain a law degree or some other form of legal education.In civil law countries there are usually distinct clearly defined career paths in law, such as judge, In common law jurisdictions there tends to be one l...
A profissão jurídica é uma ocupação na qual os profissionais jurídicos estudam, desenvolvem e aplicam a lei. Normalmente, há uma exigência para alguém que está escolhendo uma carreira em direito obter primeiro um diploma de direito.No Brasil há planos de carreira distintos e claramente definidos em direito, e são funcionários públicos, seja federal ou estadual, como juiz ou magistrado, promotor...
The term magistrate is used in a variety of systems of governments and laws to refer to a civilian officer who administers the law. In ancient Rome, a magistratus was one of the highest ranking government officers, and possessed both judicial and executive powers. In other parts of the world, such as China, a magistrate was responsible for administration over a particular geographic area. Today...
In 1195, Richard I ("the Lionheart") of England and his Minister Hubert Walter commissioned certain knights to preserve the peace in unruly areas. They were responsible to the King for ensuring that the law was upheld and preserving the "King's peace". Therefore, they were known as "keepers of the peace".[1]An act of 1327 had referred to "good and lawful men" to be appointed in every county in ...
Siia on soov koguda eestis ametisse nimetatud Riigikohtu süsteemi kohtunikud läbi kõikide ajajärkude. Kasulikku teavet: EESTI VABARIIGI PÕHISEADUSE Paragrahv 147. EESTI KOHTUSÜSTEEM EESTI KOHTUNIKU EETIKAKOODEKS Notarid ja notaribürood Kohtuasutused 1889. a. justiitsreformi järgsed justiitsasutused Ringkonnakohtud Kohtupristavid