Awarded by the Ontario Government to members of the Ontario Provincial Police for 20 years service.The qualifications are:# The Provincial Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal was awarded to those members of the Force who were of irreproachable character, and who had served in the Force not less than 20 years, the last 10 of which was with good conduct and satisfactory service.# Medal awa...
The Commissionaires Long Service Medal is a Canadian service medal for members of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires. The medal honours 12 years of exemplary service by members of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires . A Clasp is awarded for each additional period of 5 years service up to a maximum of 3 clasps. The medal is accompanied by a certificate. There is no Post Nominal entitlement ...
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Long Service Medal was established by royal warrant on 6 March 1934 by King George V. It is the oldest continually awarded honour within the Canadian honours system, and the first created specifically for Canadian service within Canada.[2] Initially proposed by the Royal Northwest Mounted Police Veterans’ Association, it took more than ten years for the proposa...
British Columbia Fire Services Long Service Medal=Awarded by the Provincial Government of British Columbia to persons who have completed at least twenty-five (25) years of paid or volunteer fire service in British Columbia. This is to recognize the dedication and selflessness with which these individuals have served their community and this province in the protection of life and property. ==Bar...