Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid Eesti sõjaväelasi läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Palun ärge lisage siia Suure Isamaasõja aegseid NSVL/ENSV ohvitsere (kes ei eelmises EWs/EVs (1918-1939) ega taastatud EVs (1991-) sõjaväelased ei olnud) - neid ei saa me kuidagi Eesti sõjaväelasteks nimetada. Sõjaväelased Eesti VR kavalerid II Maailmasõja ohvrid Eestlastest kavaleride elu...
Local officials Please create projects for a specific office if it’s missing, “relate” it to this project, and add a link to the index (below). The related project is where to add profiles. This is a global project, although wording may have been extracted from American sources. Please come collaborate! Additional references more than welcome. Local Government From Most Americans have mo...
During 1808-1917, in a time spanning a little more than 100 years, after the Finnish War and until the Independence of Finland in 1917, Finland was an autonomous Grand Duchy of Russia .======During this era, according to The National Biography of Finland , some 500 Finns who rose to the ranks of General or Admiral in the Imperial Russian Army are listed.======This project is dedicated to those ...
Simon Bolivar, in a letter from Babahoyo dated 14/06/1823 to Francisco de Paula Santander, states that >, ... (making this an approximate total of 220 (1810-1830)), > (according to himself), ... >. The last seven-and-a-half months of his life he traveled extensively down the lower basin of the Magdalena River, towards his supposed (self-) exile. It is known he had a whole company of Granaderos ...
If in your family tree, you have Lithuanians who were serving within Napoleon's Great Army (La Grande Armée), please add their profiles and army photos to this project. It would be great if, within the profile description, there would be a brief biography added. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project - Lithuanians Within Napoleon's Great A...