Genealogy Projects tagged with peace on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Viljandi vana Kalmistu - ammuste haudade taastamine (alates 1882)

    Siia on oodatud kõikide inimeste märkimised oma lahkunutest, kes on naetud ajavahemikus 1882-1900. Kui olete taastanud oma lähedaste, esiisade-emade väga vanad hauad, siis lisage siia Mina Mart Paju taastan oma kunagise esiisa, vana-vana-vana-vanaonu Jüri Waik (1822-1907) pereplats, mis oli üle 100 aasta suurte puudega kaetud ja ligi 100 kilone rist js veel paar suurt hauakivi tulid välja 50 cm...

  • Nobel Peace Prize

    This project is on History Link Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize (Norwegian and Swedish: Nobels fredspris) is one of the five Nobel Prizes bequeathed by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. It is awarded to those who have "done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations...

  • Welsh women’s petition for peace (1923-1924)

    Welsh women’s petition for peace (1923-1924) ‘A hidden story’: women’s peace petition makes centenary return to Wales. Document signed by almost three-quarters of Welsh women in 1920s arrives in Aberystwyth after transatlantic journey. (6 April 2023) by Steven Morris. There were tears of joy, speeches of hope and sighs of relief that all had gone smoothly after an extraordinary century-old doc...

  • Nobel Prize controversies

    = Nobel Prize controversies = The aim of this project is to add profiles of those involved in Noble Prize controversies. Many cases are only controversial, but every now and then Swedish Academy has admitted a mistake, made a financial compensation, and given an alternate prize. The project includes profiles of those, who from today's point of view should have got the prize, but for some reason...

  • NATO Non-Article 5 medal for AMIS

    The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of those who served with the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS). The AMIS was an African Union (AU) peacekeeping force operating primarily in the country's western region of Darfur with the aim of performing peacekeeping operations related to the Darfur conflict. Originally founded in 2004, with a force of 150 troops, by mid-2005,...