Genealogy Projects tagged with Literature on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Poets

    A poet's work can be literal, meaning that his work is derived from a specific event, or metaphorical, meaning that his work can take on many meanings and forms. Poets have existed since antiquity, in nearly all languages, and have produced works that vary greatly in different cultures and time periods. Throughout each civilization and language, poets have used various styles that have changed ...

  • Critics

    Critics=A critic is a person who is specialized in analyzing, interpreting and evaluating art forms. Their written critiques or reviews contribute to art criticism and they are published in newspapers, magazines, books, exhibition brochures and catalogues and on web sites ===Art===* John Ashbery* John Berger* Clarence Joseph Bulliet* Arthur Danto* Hal Foster* Michael Fried* Clement Greenberg* D...

  • Authors of Great Literature

    Authors of great literature that teaches, elevates, inspires and ennobles mankind. Authors - alphabetical index, wikisource This project is on History Link Selected authors by activity period: BCE Homer, Ὅμηρος Homēros (8th Century BCE ) Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey ; revered as the greatest ancient Greek epic poet. Aeschylus Αισχύλος (c.525 BCE – c.456 BCE ) Ancient Gr...

  • Philologists

    Philology==== Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection of textual criticism , literary criticism , history , and linguistics . Philology is more commonly defined as the study of literary texts as well as oral and written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning. A per...

  • Novelists

    Novelists This is a universal project for profiles of Novelists on GENiA novelist is a person who writes novelsA novel is a book length narrative, normally in prose, which describes fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story.Fictionality is most commonly cited as distinguishing novels from historiography.===References and Sources* List of Novelists from England *...

  • Runebergin sankarit - Runebergs hjältar

    1. Johan Ludvig Runeberg====2. Vänrikki Stoolin tarinat (Vänrikki Stålin tarinat) / Fänrik Ståls sägner / The Tales of Ensign Stål====3. Vänrikki Stoolin tarinat - Teoksessa esiintyvät hahmot / Historiska personer i Fänrik Ståls sägner / Historical characters in The Tales of Ensign Stål====4. Vänrikki Stoolin tarinat - Muut henkilöt / Fänrik Ståls sägner - Övriga personer / The Tales of Ensign ...

  • Norsk litteratur - Norwegian Literature

    Norge har en rik litteratur, og dette prosjektet tar sikte på å samle profiler for forfattere med deres slektshistorie.===Wikipedia===Norsk litteratur er den litteratur og fortellerkunst som er blitt skrevet i Norge eller av nordmenn. Norsk litteraturs historie går tilbake enkle Eddadikt og komplekse skaldekvad fra førkristen tid på 800- og 900-tallet og med diktere som Brage den gamle og Øyvin...

  • Banned Authors

    “The important task of literature is to free man, not to censor him.” — Anaïs Nin Throughout world history, the majority of public, educational, and religious institutions have censored certain books for political, religious, or cultural reasons. This project serves as a place to gather together the writers -- cherished, reviled, or anywhere in-between -- who have had their work hidden ...

  • Talvik - Alta, Finnmark, Norge.

    Talvik, Leirbotn, Årøy, Langfjordbotn, Kåfjord, Alta, Rafsbotn This project contents genealogical information about people born in Alta area and Talvik area, Finnmark, Norway. * Genealogy / Slektsforskning, wikipedia Norwegian immigrants to United States. Goldminers in Alaska. Shipwrecks along the Norwegian coast. Genealogyproject on Geni . Northernlights route, pictures and history, Tr...

  • Hrvatski književnici/Croatian writers

    Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private) Ako je netko od ovih ličnosti u vašem obiteljskom stablu, dodajte ih u ovaj projekat (trebali bi biti javni, ne privatni) A Bartol Alvernski Ivan Ambrozović Ivan Nepomuk Ambrozović Stanko Andrić Ignacije Aquilini B Toma Babić Hugo Badalić Xenia Bakran-Sunić ...

  • English-language writers

    English-language writers are people who produces non-fiction writing or literary art such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, screenplays, or essays in the English language.Below is a list of English-language writers of non-fiction according to century. ===XVI century======XVII century======XVIII century======XIX century======XX century======XXI century===* Cometan is a British author resp...

  • Irish Writers

    Irish Writers=For a comparatively small island, Ireland has made a disproportionately large contribution to world literature The earliest recorded Irish writing dates from the seventh century and was produced by monks writing in both Latin and Early Irish.The English language was introduced to Ireland in the thirteenth century, following the Norman Conquest of Ireland. The Irish language, howev...

  • Nobel Prize in Literature

    This project is on History Link Nobel Prize in Literature On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes, the Nobel Prizes. As described in Nobel's will one part was dedicated to 'the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction'. Introduction ...

  • Nobel Prize controversies

    = Nobel Prize controversies = The aim of this project is to add profiles of those involved in Noble Prize controversies. Many cases are only controversial, but every now and then Swedish Academy has admitted a mistake, made a financial compensation, and given an alternate prize. The project includes profiles of those, who from today's point of view should have got the prize, but for some reason...

  • le Prix Goncourt ‧ French literature ‧ since 1903

    le Prix Goncourt ‧ French literature ‧ since 1903* * * ==Les présidents de l'Académie Goncourt* Alphonse DAUDET ‧ 1897- ‧ * Joris-Karl HUYSMANS ‧ 1900-1907 ‧ * Léon HENNIQUE ‧ 1907-1912 ‧ * Gustave GEFFROY ‧ 1912-1926 ‧ * J.-H. ROSNY aîné ‧ 1926-1940 ‧ * J.-H. ROSNY jeune ‧ 1940-1945 ‧ * Lucien DESCAVES ‧ 1945-1949 ‧ * Colette ‧ 1949-1954 ‧ * Roland DORGELÈS ‧ 1954-1973 ‧ * Hervé BAZIN ‧ 1973-1...

  • British Writers: T - Z

    British Writers: T - ZThis project is a place to gather together profiles of British born writers of all genres. Those with bold links have profiles on Geni. Links that are not bold are to other sources.Names are arranged alphabetically and spread across 6 projects to handle the numbers. (The arrowed buttons below are linked to the other pages).

  • Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature — a reference guide (Knechtges, Chang, eds.)

    All the biographies in About Me's are taken from* Knechtges, David R. and Chang, Taiping, eds. Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature—a reference guide . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Now available online mostly of literary figures between the Han 漢 to the Sui 隋 dynasties. During this "Early Medieval" period, traditionally known as the Six Dynasties 六朝 (Wei 魏, Jin 晉, Song 宋, Qi 齊, Liang 梁, Chen 陳...

  • Troubadours

    A troubadour (Occitan pronunciation: [t%C9%BEu%CE%B2a%CB%88%C3%B0u%C9%BE], originally [t%C9%BEu%CE%B2a%CB%88%C3%B0o%C9%BE]) was a composer and performer of Occitan lyric poetry during the High Middle Ages (1100–1350). Since the word "troubadour" is etymologically masculine, a female troubadour is usually called a trobairitz.The troubadour school or tradition began in the 11th century in Occitan...

  • The Inklings

    The Inklings ====From Wikipedia:=== Inklings was an informal literary discussion group associated with the University of Oxford, England, for nearly two decades between the early 1930s and late 1949.[1] The Inklings were literary enthusiasts who praised the value of narrative in fiction, and encouraged the writing of fantasy. Although Christian values were notably present in several members' wo...

  • Geração d’Orpheu

    A Geração de Orpheu foi o grupo responsável pela introdução do Modernismo nas artes e letras portuguesas. O nome advém da revista literária Orpheu, publicada em Lisboa no ano de 1915.Seguindo as vanguardas europeias do início do século XX, nomeadamente o Futurismo, os colaboradores da revista Orpheu propuseram-se, de acordo com uma citação de Maiakovsky que Almada Negreiros terá usado mais tard...

  • Southern U.S. Writers

    Writers associated with the Southern United States - Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, etc

  • Social Life in Old New Orleans

    Personalities mentioned in Elizabeth Ripley's book "Social Life in Old New Orleans"