Genealogy Projects tagged with reformation on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Renaissance and Reformation (c1400-1600)

    Transitional period cultural, religious and political luminaries (c1400 - 1600).=== Project Profiles : >As medieval intuitions crumble, radical changes begin to take place in European society. The economy, politics, culture, and religion all undergo a kind of transformation that shapes the development of Western Civilization as it enters the “modern” era. Interestingly, the birth of modern soci...

  • Women in Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation, often referred to simply as the Reformation, was a schism from the Roman Catholic Church initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli and other early Protestant Reformers in the 16th century Europe.Some prominent women defend the Reformation. Are they:Germany:* Katharina von Bora * Catarina Schûtz Zell* Ursula von Mürsterberg* Argula von Grumbach*Anna Rh...