The Farroupilha Revolution or War of the Farrapos was a Republican uprising that began in southern Brazil, in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina in 1835. The rebels, led by generals Bento Gonçalves da Silva and Antônio de Sousa Neto with the support of the Italian fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi, surrendered to imperial forces in 1845. The war was the cause of the rushed coronation i...
A Geni project with the goal to promote research and present those involved in the anarchist movement. All those who want to improve those profiles are welcome here, it is by no means limited to anarchist participants. Well known anarchists A Pyotr Arshinov B Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin Alexander Yehoshua Berkman Murray Bookchin Hakim Bey Bob Black C Lev Chernyi (P...
The Venezuelan War of Independence was one of the Spanish American wars of independence of the early nineteenth century, when independence movements in South America fought a civil war for secession and against unity of the Spanish Empire, emboldened by Spain's troubles in the Napoleonic Wars. Wikipedia Here we will add the names of people that fought in the Venezuelan War of Independence ...
Major American, British and Spanish players in the American Revolution on the Gulf Coast.See: "Independence Lost: Lives on the Edge of the American Revolution" by Kathleen DuVal, Random House, 2015
List of Known Maryland 400 Soldiers =On Aug. 27, 1776, the first major battle of the Revolutionary War was fought at Brooklyn, N.Y. Known as the Battle of Brooklyn or the Battle of Long Island, it was where Maryland would earn her nickname ‘‘The Old Line State.”Few are aware that the war could have ended that day had it not been for the ‘‘Maryland 400” who sacrificed themselves to allow the col...
Perfis de Combatentes e Apoiadores Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932, também conhecida como Revolução de 1932 ou Guerra Paulista, foi o movimento armado ocorrido no Estado de São Paulo, entre julho e outubro de 1932, que tinha por objetivo derrubar o governo provisório de Getúlio Vargas e a convocação de uma Assembleia Nacional Constituinte.O movimento cresceu a partir do ressentimento local...
A Revolução Federalista ocorreu no sul do Brasil logo após a Proclamação da República, e teve como causa a instabilidade política gerada pelos federalistas, que pretendiam "libertar o Rio Grande do Sul da tirania de Júlio de Castilhos", então presidente do Estado, e também conquistar uma maior autonomia do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, descentralizando o poder da então recém proclamada República...
L'anarchia è un'ideologia politica e filosofica che propugna la totale assenza di governo e autorità. Nella sua forma più pura, l'anarchia mira a una società basata sulla cooperazione volontaria, l'autogestione e l'abolizione di strutture gerarchiche. Gli anarchici sostengono la libertà individuale e cercano di creare una società senza classi, senza stati e senza coercizione. Principi Fondame...
The Sons of Liberty was a secret organization of landowners in the 13 American colonies. The society was formed to protect the rights of colonists and to fight taxation by the British government. Their motto was "No taxation without representation." Although others were used, in 1767 the Sons of Liberty adopted a flag called the rebellious stripes flag with 5 red and 4 white vertical stripes.Me...