This is an open group collaborative project for assistance on genealogy "Brick-Walls". We all have them - some we have been successful at overcoming, others still give us continued grief as we all like to complete our ancestor line as far back as possible to learn our family heritage.Basic genealogy 101 teaches us that most "Brick-Walls" are due to human error - enumerator mis-spellings, and th...
Return to Smith Name Study This project focuses purely on those who carried on the Smith last name. Three sets of information will be provided here; 1. A closer look at the dates of parents and their children, possible errors, and any relation according to the generation in which the children were born. (INCOMPLETE) 2. A list of the last names of all those who married into the Smith family...
Introduction This project will collect a list of "unknown" profiles that users come across. It is undestandable that some of these profiles are just temporary, while performing additional research to fill in the blanks. Creating a few linked profiles using "unknown" is somewhat exceptable as long as there are some details (birth date, death date, etc) attached. A placeholder in otherwords. H...
Roberts-IOOF Cemetery Also known as Blackwell Cemetery, IOOF Blackwell Cemetery, Odd Fellows Cemetery LOCATION S Hwy 177 Blackwell, Kay County, Oklahoma, 74631 USA :Roberts-IOOF Cemetery Also known as Blackwell Cemetery, IOOF Blackwell Cemetery, Odd Fellows CemeteryLOCATION S Hwy 177 Blackwell, Kay County, Oklahoma, 74631 USA PHONE (580) 363-3826 MEMORIALS 11,991 added (92% photographed)CEMET...
Cooper Cemetery, Newkirk, Kay County, Oklahoma, USA: Surname Index 5/8/2021
Cemetery notes and/or description: It's proper name is Church of Christ Cemetery, yet is is commonly known as the Eagle Lake Cemetery by the 'older folks'. Off US-17 on Cemetery Rd. south end ot town Eagle Lake Church Of Christ 265 N 3rd St, Eagle Lake, FL, 33839 +1(863)-293-2190 NOTE: There is a man in the Mathews Burial Plot that is not a member of the family.Moreover,the story is a man from ...
This project focuses purely on those who carried on the Van Der Westhuizen last name.Three sets of information will be provided here; 1. A closer look at the dates of parents and their children, possible errors, and any relation according to the generation in which the children were born. (INCOMPLETE)2. A list of the last names of all those who married into the Van Der Westhuizen family, for ex...