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Østby Genealogy and Østby Family History Information

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  • Anna Henriksdatter Friis (c.1470 - c.1543)
    Anna Henriksdatter Friis * Född: cirka 1470 Aabenraa, Syddanmark, Danmark * Död: cirka 1543 (64-82) Vejle, Syddanmark, Danmark * Dotter till Henrik Erlendsson Friis, av Holme och Karen Engelbrektsdotte...
  • Engelhart Cornelius Østby (1847 - 1912)
    Engelhart Cornelius Ostby==* Born: Saturday 18th December 1847 * Age: 64 years 3 months and 28 days. * Last Residence: in Providence Rhode Island United States * Occupation: Jeweller * 1st Class passen...
  • Hawk Ostby
    Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby are screenwriters best known for their work on Children of Men (for which they were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay) and Iron Man. Their other wor...
  • Eidsvollsmann Ole Olsen Amundrød (1771 - 1835)
    Ole Olsen Amundrød= Wikipedia : Ole Olsen Amundrød (født 29. mars 1769 x) på gården Ousby, dagens Østby i Tjølling, død 24. mars 1835) var en norsk bonde og eidsvollsmann.Ole Amundrød var sønn av bonde...
  • "Pus" Østby (deceased)

About the Østby surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Østby surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Østby surname.

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