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  • Elbert Lafayette Bickley (1843 - 1914)
    E. L. BICKLEY, one of the prominent and well known business men of Tuscumbia, Ala., proprietor and senior partner of the firm of Bickley & Raiford, the largest hardware store in the city, was born in C...
  • Elizabeth Agnes Bickley (1789 - 1864)
    --From the Genealogy Tab of the Clan Dunlop website (accessed: Oct. 25, 2017): Generation, submitted by Hugh NanKivell of AustraliaSixteenth Generation:206. Elizabeth Agnes DUNLOP-WALLACE of Craigie. B...
  • George W. L. Bickley (1823 - 1867)
    Washington Lafayette Bickley (1823 – August 1867) was the founder of the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Civil War era secret society used to promote the interests of the Southern United States by prep...
  • Henrietta Harris (deceased)

About the Bickley surname

Bickley Name Meaning English: habitational name from any of the places called Bickley, in Worcestershire, Cheshire, and Kent, or Bickleigh in Devon, all of which are possibly named with an Old English personal name Bicca + Old English leah ‘woodland clearing’. The first element could alternatively be an Old English word, bic ‘pointed ridge’.

Our family line in Australia started with William Henry Bickley who was born in Brighton, England in 1830 and died in Coleraine, Victoria. He was married to Mary Toomey in Portland, Victoria in 1854.