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de Leão e Castela Genealogy and de Leão e Castela Family History Information

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  • Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of Castile and Leon (1105 - 1157)
    ALFONSO VII “el Emperador” King of Castile, León & Toledo ([Grajal], Galicia 1 Mar 1105-Fresneda 21 Aug 1157, bur Toledo, Cathedral Santa María) s/o URRACA & Raymond de Bourgogne Brother of Infanta do...
  • Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla (c.1116 - 1149)
    Berenguela de Barcelona De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ña Berenguela de Barcelona (1105 - 1149) era una dama catalana. Hija de Ramón Berenguer III, conde de Barcelona, y doña Dulce de Provenza. Er...
  • Richeza of Poland, Queen of Castile and León (c.1135 - 1185)
    of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also spelled Ryksa, R...
  • Urraca Fernández de Castro (deceased)
    Urraca Fernández, widow of count Rodrigo Martínez and daughter of Fernando García of Hita, an apparent grandson of García Sánchez III of Navarre, having a daughter with Alfonso VII: Stephanie 'the Unfo...

About the de Leão e Castela surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Leão e Castela surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Leão e Castela surname.

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