Geschmay family may somehow be descended from Ge-Shem-Aye of Arabia involved at the political battles on the Holy Land after the return of its people from the 70 years captivity
in Babele after about 582 BC .
As it is written in the non-canonic book about the aera ,he allegedly tried to impede Jews to rebuild their temple ,which was meant to be the temple of God also . The place itself should have been on the Equatorial line somewhere ,in a mountaineous land according to descriptions ,that are only a few of there at present time . Nobody knows though for sure if the Equatorial line was at that time on the same places where it is now .
He may also well be the ancestor of Semig'aye tribe in the Holy Land ,in Ecuador ,related to Arabela one and to some others . They may at the same time be members of the genric tribe of Shem-Mar-Gaye-Na ,probably .
See Geschmei,Munk,Hackel,Nachmann,Hermann,German,Antschel,Pak,Hrvatski,Herati and others !
Balázs Déri