Some Imber families might have had some ancestry on the isle of Imbros ,as it is called ,
that might in the ancient times ,before the exile of the Chosen People ,not have been identical
with what is called so now .
This might well have been the home of Imbrios ,who married Médesikasté ,a daughter of the king of
Troia,Priamos Podarkés,likely ancestor of Paudarco tribe in the Holy Land of America,among the rest
of Zhe peoples .
Imbrios' father was Mentór ,son of Alkimos from Ithaka .
The name Alkimos occurs in the family of Arés,called Ar-Ra'aya-Ban-Na in the Byble ,so maybe this
Alkimos was also from that tribe .
Ithaka ( I-T'ha-Ka ) corresponds to Kat'hai ,who the country of Chinese Han people was called,so his
forefather might be Eg-Han-Nayag-Ke ,a son of the four of the latter .
Al-Kim though also resembles the name Kim-Alji in Dae-Han.ancestor of Kim clan,but the person known
by this name lived much later,than the war for Troia .
Still,he might have been a late descendant of one of the Alkimoses .
Alkimos may also be interpreted as Wal-Kim ,and as such may be regarded as ancestor,together with Imbri ,
of some people of Wales ,called Cymri ,that might have also been Kim-Imbri or Ki(n)-Imbri ,that is Katembri .
Imbrios of origin from Ithaka ,participating in these events around Zhe tribe , in majority living in Brasilia ,
may well be the ancestor of Katembri people ,who may thus be Kat'hai-Imbri ,that is Imbrios from Ithaka .
Among other Zhe speaking peoples lives also Mentoktire tribe ,who may be descended from Imbrios' father ,
Mentór,also from Ithaka / Kathai ,from the tribe of Arés that is Mento(or)-Kat'hai-Are .
Their original ethnicity and language thus might have been close to Katembri ,although now they are liiving
among the Chukarramane .
Thrakians in general,and so possibly their kings too,were also beleived to be from the tribe of Arés .
In the Odryssa state in the 5th century BC ruled for example Térés ,succeeded later by a supposed
grandson of his ,Metokos .
They may be the ancestors of Metok-Téré tribe,also among the Chucarhamai ,now pronounced approximatel Metoktire .
From this dynasty was ,or was related in some way to it ,also Maisadés ( Mawisad ) ,and another Térés ,
who might have as their issue the Maui-Satere ,that is Mawisad-Téré tribe of Tupí language .
Maui in itself may well be of Maión ( Mawi-Woon ) origin ,from the family of Manés ,son of Zeys ,
hence a close relative of Manazewa and of Kario ,among others .
So ,all these fragments might originally have been of Katembri language ,and some of them might have
come or returned to the Holy Land after the collapse of Thrakian state in Europe .
Descendants of them and among them of Imbrios then might be brought back to Europe together with the
rest of Zhe and other tribes of the Southern country of the Holy Land at the occasion of the final Rhóman
attack and devastation of the Holy Temple .
Pagasos ( Peagas ) and Naytés ( Na-Wue-Ta ) also taking part in the fights for Troia ,may be the ancestors
of Peagashinan ( Peagas-Chin-Han ? ) and Natu tribes in the region .
See Zsidó,Pári,Politzer,Zsédenyi,Zsidai,Borsodi,Borsody,Ravazdi,Zadravec,Orissa,Zeman,Lődi,Plop,Nikiforov,
Rosenzweig,Ari,Handler,Handel,Herencsényi,Mongol,Moskovits,Ashkenazi,Bruder,Brodnik and others !
Balázs Déri