"Morley" was a convict ship that made multiple journeys to Australia
- (Convict Ship) departed England 18/12/1816 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 16/4/1817 (175 convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Downs 18/7/1818 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 7/11/1818 (164 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed London, England 22/5/1820 and arrived in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia in 1820 and then arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 30/9/1820 (121 female convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed The Downs on 25/9/1822 and arrived Hobart, Tasmania, Australia on 11/1/1823 (172 male convicts)
- (Convict Ship) departed Dublin on 3/11/1828 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/3/1828 (195 male convicts) - brought Whooping Cough to Australia
- (Convict Ship) departed The Downs on 10/8/1829 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 3/12/1829 (200 convicts)
This project is for the first journey which departed England 18/12/1816 and arrived in Port Jackson, NSW, Australia on 16/4/1817 (175 convicts)
- Abrahams, Levy
- Alderman, Thomas
- Ayres, Thomas
- Baker, William
- Ball, Joseph
- Beauchamp, Richard - Richard Beauchamp [Convict "Morley" 1817]
- Bibby, Richard
- Bird, John
- Blaker, George
- Blunder, Joseph - Joseph Blundell, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Bradley, John
- Brooks, John
- Brown, John
- Brown, John
- Brown, Thomas
- Browne, Robert
- Bryant, Edward
- Burgess, Thomas
- Burn, Thomas
- Butler, Charles
- Carey, James
- Carter, George
- Carter, Richard
- Chapman, William
- Chapman, William
- Chase, Robert
- Chinnery, James
- Church, Daniel
- Claringbole, Richard Davison
- Clark, George
- Coker, Thomas
- Colls, Robert
- Colville, William
- Conner, John
- Copsey, John
- Coultrip, George
- Creag, William
- Crummey, Barney
- Cuffe, Dee
- Davis, John
- Davis, John
- Dicks, William
- Donaly, William
- Donnelly, Thomas
- Doyle, William
- Dunnage, John
- Emery, John
- Evans, Edmund
- Evans, Stephen
- Fellows, William
- Finley, John
- Flowers, William
- Foreman, William
- Forster, John
- Fountain, John
- Fox, Francis
- Frazer, John
- Fulder, Henry
- Garcia, Daniel
- Gaskell, Frederick
- Golding, James
- Gow, William
- Grainger, John
- Gray, George
- Green, John
- Green, Thomas
- Greenslade, Isaac
- Griffiths, James
- Grounds, John - John Grounds, Convict “Morley” 1817
- Haines, Thomas
- Hall, James
- Harl, Benjamin
- Haynes, John - John Haynes, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Hayward, William
- Healey, Morris
- Henry, William
- Herbett, Peter
- Hibbert, John
- Hollands, Daniel
- Holloway, Richard
- House, John
- Hunt, Richard - Richard Hunt, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Imber, William - William Imber [Convict "Morley" 1817]
- Inwood, James - James Inwood, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Jenkins, Henry
- Johnson, Robert - Robert Johnson, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Johnson, William
- Jonas, Isaac
- Jones, John
- Kershaw, Thomas
- Knott, Daniel
- Levy, Barnard - Barnard (Levy) Thomas [Convict "Morley" 1817]
- Levy, Moses
- Lewes, John
- Lewis, William
- Lomas, William
- Lovell, Thomas - Thomas Lovell, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Lucas, Charles
- Lynch, Michael
- Macdonald, Aslim
- Manley, John
- McGloghlin, John
- McQuade, Michael - Michael McQuade, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Mendoza, Abraham
- Mills, Henry
- Mills, John
- Mincing, Richard
- Moore, Henry
- Moors, John
- Morris, George - George Morris, Convict “Morley” 1817
- Morris, Joseph
- Moulder, Joseph
- Mullcock, Thomas
- Myers, Thomas
- Nankerville, George
- Naylor, Richard
- Neild, John
- Oliver, Benjamin
- Packer, Daniel - Daniel Packer [Convict "Morley" 1817]
- Packer, William - William Packer, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Parker, Thomas
- Perry, William
- Phillips, Hyam
- Phipps, George
- Platt, Henry
- Powers, William
- Primrose, John - John Thomas Primrose, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Quin, James
- Radley, Thomas
- Rangello, Joze Antonio
- Raymen, Willm.
- Reynolds, William
- Riley, Philip
- Robinson, Charles
- Rogers, Charles
- Ross, Francis
- Ryder, James
- Savill, Edward
- Scarr, Thomas
- Seymour, John
- Simmonds, James
- Slayman, John
- Smedley, Charles
- Smith, Isaac
- Smith, John
- Smith, Thomas
- Smith, William
- Solomons, Simon
- Sullivan, John
- Swainey, John
- Taylor, Charles
- Taylor, John
- Thompson, John
- Thompson, James - James Thompson, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Thompson, William
- Todhunter, William - William George Todhunter, Convict "Morley" 1817
- Topham, George
- Vale, Robert
- Vallance, Benjamin
- Verbose, Jose
- Verralls, Richard
- Walker, George
- Waples, Robert - Robert Waples, ? "Morley" 1817
- Ward, Richard
- Warden, John
- Warwick, Thomas
- Watson, Todd
- Webb, George
- White, Edward
- White, William
- White, William
- Whitelegg, Frederick
- Williams, Thomas
- Williams, William
- Winter, James
- Woodhouse, John